Invention & Innovation STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Invention & Innovation [Presentation 1.1.1] © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc
STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Unit Four Lesson One Learning Objectives Students will learn to: Explain that the development of technology is a human activity and is the result of individual or collective needs and the ability to be creative. Explain how technology is closely linked to creativity. Discuss how creativity has resulted in innovations to technology. Design a product, system or environment for a specific setting. Identify criteria and constraints for the design. Use symbols and drawings as a way to or express ideas. Examine unrelated settings where their product, system or environment may be applied. [Authors: Please include teacher notes appropriately. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc
KWL Charts Creativity Technology Engagement K What I Know W STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Engagement KWL Charts Creativity Technology K What I Know W What I Want to Know L What I Learned K What I Know W What I Want to Know L What I Learned © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #3
Class Resources Define “creativity” and “technology”. STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Exploration Class Resources Define “creativity” and “technology”. Characteristics of teacher supplied inventions and innovations. Use Student Resource 1.2 to record the item and based on the definitions given determine which items required “creativity” and which items use “technology”. The “gallery walk” of technology. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #4
Discussion: Technology and Creativity STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Discussion: Technology and Creativity 12/01/2009 Exploration Based on the definitions, define “technology” in your own words. Based on the definitions, define “creativity” in your own words. Are inventions and innovation influenced by creativity? Is creativity linked to technology? © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #5
Technology and Creativity STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Creativity is defined as the quality of being creative or the ability to create. Technology is defined as the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area such as engineering or medical technology. Technology is the capability given by the practical application of knowledge such as a car’s fuel saving technology. Technology is also a way of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge such as new technologies for information storage. Creativity has resulted in innovations to technology. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #6
Technology and Creativity STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Technology and Creativity 12/01/2009 Explanation Students take notes on the class discussion. (Student Resource 1.3) © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #7
Technology and Creativity Discussion STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Discussion How do inventors and innovators arrive at a product or process? Answers may include solving a problem using a design process. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #8
Technology and Creativity Discussion STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Discussion How do inventors know where to start in the design process? Answers may include looking at the criteria or restrictions such as time, resources, or space. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #9
Technology and Creativity Discussion STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Discussion How do inventions and creativity influence each other? Answers may include ideas about types of cars or products that sell more items because the product “looks nice”. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #10
Technology and Creativity Discussion STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Discussion What are some ways to communicate your ideas to another person without using words? Answers may include making gestures, sketches and drawings. You can also communicate using mathematical symbols and calculations. Geometric models and shapes to help visualize and solve problems. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #11
Technology and Creativity Discussion STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Discussion Describe some inventions that were inspired by a natural object or event. Answers may include ideas about early airplanes having attributes of birds. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #12
Technology and Creativity Information STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Information 1. Inventions and Innovations are developed to satisfy a need or want. 2. Many inventions or innovations require creativity. 3. Corporations can often create demand for a product by bringing it onto the market and advertising it. 4. Technological ideas are sometimes protected through the process of patenting. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #13
Technology and Creativity Information STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Explanation Technology and Creativity Information 5. Communication of your idea is important to everyone that is part of the design team. 6. Marketing a product involves informing consumers about it as well as assisting in selling and distributing it. 7. Marketing a product involves communicating your idea to many people after the product is made. 8. Solving design challenges also requires designers to use mathematical calculations and simulations before actually making an invention. This saves time and money. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #14
Science Concepts Review STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Science Concepts Review 12/01/2009 Explanation Simple machines Newton’s Laws Force on an object causes the object to move. The greater the mass of an object, the greater force is needed to move the mass. The net force on an object is equal to the rate at which it’s momentum changes. A spring scale is used to measure how much work (w=d*f) needs to be done. Work=distance times force. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #15
STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Student Research 12/01/2009 Explanation Identify a or device and research how the device was developed or invented. Present a short oral presentation on the device. The presentation should include a short discussion on why it was developed and how creativity influenced the idea. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #16
STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Design Brief #1 12/01/2009 Extension Design and sketch a detailed drawing of a backpack device that can be used by a physically challenged 7th grader. Minimal force is needed to open or manipulate the backpack by the physically impaired student. All dimensions and force calculations should be included in the final presentation. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #17
STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Design Brief #2 12/01/2009 Extension Design and construct a scale model of a homework study table that can be used by a physically challenged 7th grader. Minimal force is needed for the physically impaired student to approach the table and complete homework. All dimensions and force calculations should be included in the final presentation. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #18
Expectations for projects Expectations for oral presentations STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ Review 12/01/2009 Evaluation Evaluation Rubrics Expectations for projects Expectations for oral presentations Possible student exemplars © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #19
Design Challenge Option #1 In Action STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 Enrichment Design Challenge Option #1 In Action Take your planned design and construct the solution to your design brief. This design will be used in the final presentation. If possible, take pictures as you work through the design process. Use pictures as part of your final presentation. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc Slide #20