Learning and Communication Platform (LCP for EINFOSE) Boris Bosančić & Boris Badurina Department of information sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Want to make a big impact? Use big image. http://einfose.ffos.hr/platform/
What is EINFOSE LCP? a collaborative learning and teaching platform through the internet by the use of resource sharing, online conferencing, blogs, forums etc. ...LCP was created by modifying an open source-learning platform (Moodle)... ...it consists of various tools for blended teaching... ...it can be used by the desktop & handheld devices... ...it has an integration oriented design approach...
The purpose (aim) of the EINFOSE LCP In the context of EINFOSE: to overcome the barriers of classroom, to benefit the learning needs of students as well as teachers; to promote teamwork between teachers, MA students and students; the communication of the alumni.
The support for various learning technologies... mobile learning learning based on microblogging (Twitter) & social networking (Facebook) learning through the podcast gaming in education processes learning and communication via blogs, forums etc.
Types of interactions within LCP Learner >< Learner - where we will use the points system creatively to encourage learners to interact with each other and create a unique hashtag on social media for ones learning experience Learner >< Expert - allow learners to follow/interact with domain experts via social media Learner >< Content - make e-content engaging with mobile devices and offering students produced videos.
Types of interactions within LCP (2) Learner >< Context - encourage learners to engage with their environment by taking pictures of "evidence" and post them to Platform for other learners. Teacher >< Teacher/Expert - encouraging teachers to share their knowledge and experience and learn from experts for certain content.
OERs in LCP OERs (Open Educational Resources) ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE OERs in LCP OERs (Open Educational Resources) LCP should host OERs with all their content through the particular courses! ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN INFORMATION SCIENCE PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SEEKING AND RETRIEVAL EVALUATION OF INFORMATION SERVICES The support for an anonymous learner feedback system.
What is Moodle? https://moodle.org/ open-source learning platform learning management system e-learning tool etc. „...secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.”
How we modified / customized / prepared Moodle? Installing the TEST version of LCP The adjusment of appropriate Moodle Theme (roshnilite) Adding the language support for 8 partner-institutions within project Front Page settings Enable support for mobile learning Adding appropriate additional plugins (activity modules, blocks, availability restrictions etc.) Enable Global Search option for whole site!
How we organize content? Category organization & settings TEST course creation OERs course creation TUTORIALS (text & video) creation Creating of Descriptions & Tutorials (guidelines) for LCP
Category organization
Test course creation TEST COURSE 2016 (TEST-2016) This course is mainly intended to be stage for presentation of additional (advanced) Moodle plugins... TEST COURSE 2017 (T-2017) This course is intend to be teacher's playground for their practice. Test roles: Test Professor (username: tprofessor; password: Tprofessor_2016) Test Student (username: tstudent; password: Tstudent_2016)
Tutorials creation... GENERAL TUTORIALS (G-TUT-2017) General text tutorials VIDEO TUTORIALS (V-TUT-2017) Video tutorials Learning and Communication EINFOSE Platform (Descriptions & Tutorials)
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: mobile learning MOODLE MOBILE APP THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: mobile learning Install Moodle Mobile App on your mobile phone (via Google Play or App Store)! Under the Sites option enter the web address of your Moodle site (http://einfose.ffos.hr/platform/) Browse the content of your courses, even when offline Receive instant notifications of messages and other events Quickly find and contact other people in your courses Upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device View your course grades
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: online conferencing BigBlueButtonBN an open source web conferencing system for distance education THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: online conferencing
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: online conferencing RecordingsBN resource (and place) which provide access to the BigBlueButton recordings related to this course. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: online conferencing
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: blogs OA blog Alternative blog within a module (which are separate to the core Moodle blog system). THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: blogs
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: comments on posts on social forums Advanced forum Alternative forum - enables discussions that take place over an extended period of time. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: comments on posts on social forums
Scheduler Activity scheduler helps teachers in scheduling appointments with students. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: to assure different types of interaction
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: Learner ><Expert interaction Face-to-Face F-t-F enables teacheres to set up a voluntary booking system for one or many in-person/classroom based sessions.. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: Learner ><Expert interaction
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: anonymous learner feedback system Questionnaire vs. Feedback activity module a special type of survey which allows you to construct surveys using a variety of question types, for gathering data from users. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: anonymous learner feedback system
HE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: ... for learning purposes using podcasts Podcast (Pcast) Podcast episodes can be instructor created or added by course participants. HE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: ... for learning purposes using podcasts
Sharing Cart Sharing cart allows teachers to easily share/copy activities between different courses! THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: resource sharing
Facebook comments Add Facebook like, Facebook share button and Facebook comment box to your Moodle. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: social networking
THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: microblogging Twitter Feed Moodle block which a twitter feed with easily stylable markup. THE FUNCTION in EINFOSE: microblogging
Restriction by Activity Completions Students can manually mark the activity as completed Show activity as complete when conditions are met. choices conditions
Restriction by Course Completions
Restrict access (ex. conditional activities)
GLOBAL SEARCH Global search lets you search everywhere on the LCP site that you have access to.
Competencies (future work) Competencies describe the level of understanding or proficiency of a learner in certain subject-related skills.
Thank you! Questions? bbosancic@ffos.hr boris.badurina@ffos.hr ?
Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash