Creating Realistic Cybersecurity Policies David Blanco SCADA Security Adviser AUTOSOL Inc Materials White Paper & Presentation available for download:
Agenda Attacks against SCADA SCADA Security Challenges Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Questions
What kind of attacks are SCADA systems facing?
Attacks against SCADA Increasing trends of attacks North America has most SCADA on Internet ICS-CERT reported 189 new equipment vulnerabilities ICS-CERT responded to 295 incidents in 2015 True attack numbers are underreported
Attacks against SCADA Unencrypted Encrypted Field Office Internet Corporate Office Field Office Firewall & VPN Concentrator SCADA Server Field Office Unencrypted Encrypted
Attacks against SCADA MIT & Kyle Wilhoit Honeypot 28 Days 39 Attacks 11 Countries
Attacks against SCADA MIT & Kyle Wilhoit Honeypot Death of security by obscurity Actively hunting Flank IT
Attacks against SCADA Unencrypted Encrypted Field Office Internet Random User Internet Corporate Office Field Office Firewall & VPN Concentrator SCADA Server Field Office Unencrypted Encrypted
Attacks against SCADA German Steel Mill IT to OT Blocked controllers Caused Explosion
Attacks against SCADA German Steel Mill Accidental access very dangerous Safety logic failed
Attacks against SCADA Unencrypted Encrypted Field Office Internet Corporate Office Field Office Firewall & VPN Concentrator SCADA Server Field Office Unencrypted Encrypted
Attacks against SCADA Turkish Pipeline Explosion Valve control Pipeline over pressurized Suppressed alarms to controllers Deleted logs $460 million
Attacks against SCADA Turkish Pipeline Explosion Targeting Field equipment Destruction is goal Control is key
Attacks against SCADA Unencrypted Encrypted Field Office Internet Corporate Office Field Office Firewall & VPN Concentrator SCADA Server Field Office Unencrypted Encrypted
Attacks against SCADA PLC Blaster Targeting Field equipment Spread directly between PLC’s Exploits features of equipment NOT exploiting a vulnerability
Attacks against SCADA What’s the difference between a hack and an accident? Not the results. Can you prove the difference? 1000+ deaths from SCADA hacking SCADA hacking is a strategic weapon
Why are SCADA attacks able to succeed?
SCADA Security Challenges
SCADA Security Challenges Availability Confidentiality SCADA IT Pg. 5 Integrity Confidentiality Availability Integrity
SCADA Security Challenges Availability Confidentiality SCADA IT Pg. 5 Integrity Confidentiality Availability Integrity
SCADA Security Challenges Availability Confidentiality SCADA IT Pg. 5 Integrity Confidentiality Availability Integrity
SCADA Security Challenges Legacy Equipment Issues Older than attacks Static defenses against elements Not security devices Vendors are not cyber experts Features become vulnerabilities
SCADA Security Challenges Safety Logic Here to protect against automation Not a cyber defense Air Gapping 2 million public SCADA IP’s 94,000 Modbus devices “…in no case have we ever found the operations network, the SCADA system or energy management system separated from the enterprise network.”
How does all this affect cybersecurity policies?
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies IT policy: Regularly apply updates to all servers SCADA Implementation: Hold off on applying updates until test is run Schedule downtime/backup server for update
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies IT policy: Uniformity in hardware & software SCADA Implementation: Assets in field for over 30 years Diverse because of acquisitions
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies IT policy: Physically restrict access to network equipment SCADA Implementation: Assets geographically diverse Physical security applicable only at some sites.
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies Focus on actionable to achieve the doable Security comes from good implementation Do what can implemented on what can be protected Cybersecurity policy is an enterprise wide opportunity
Separate SCADA & IT Cyber Policies SCADA needs to craft its own cyber security policies Understands business Understand how policies will impact business Knows the ROI for assets Understands the capabilities of equipment Knows the risks of hacks None IT SCADA Vulnerable Secure
What should a SCADA cybersecurity policy do?
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Blueprints for security NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure No technology specifics ISA-99 / ISA 62443 1-4 Use Cases “Planning” phase 4-4 Implementation “Planning” phase Move us forward Ideas to take to the test lab
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Identify strategically important assets Protect the field equipment Hackers target the field Focus on prevention Can stop damage No backups Controlling access = safety
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Deploy Security to the Field Target of Hackers Rabbit Fence Analogy
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Identify the correct security technology Design security into the process Avoid “bolt-on” solutions Easy to implement Hard to defend How it affects the process is what matters
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Encryption Process of securely encoding a message Scales both functionally and technologically Open sourced is secured source Public Key Infrastructure Data only valuable if correct
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Defense in Depth Firewalls and virus scans Strategic Chokepoint Deeper OT Security Two Factor Authentication Networking Logs at device level Extend life of legacy equipment Unauthorized PLC-to-PLC communication Defend against hidden ports Defend against Zero Days
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking FIPS 140-2 National Institute of Standards and Technology Communications Security Establishment Canada Required for “critical” communications by USG Documented process for security Certified compliance by third party TRANSITION:
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking Multi-user tier Officer and User levels Encryption AES 256, RSA 2048 Public Key Infrastructure Create Security boundary No backdoors Clearly Enable FIPS Mode No Default Passwords New PKI TRANSITION:
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking TRANSITION:
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking FIPS 140-2 criticisms Inhibits development FIPS prohibits changes to certified models Restricts innovation Long development cycles
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking FIPS 140-2 enhances SCADA’s security lasts 5 years before renewal SCADA equipment has no schedule Validation process changes every year
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking FIPS 140-2 enhances SCADA’s security Market forces push innovation Voluntary compliance Patch vulnerabilities for market access Stuxnet Transmitter Example Committed vendor market
SCADA Cybersecurity Policymaking FIPS 140-2 enhances SCADA’s legacy security FIPS market is also a legacy market
Conclusion SCADA needs its own Cybersecurity Policy Focus on Prevention Defend the field Encryption enhances security with low impact FIPS 140-2 has test lab ready devices
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Supplemental Talking Points for Q&A Link between Geopolitics and SCADA Hacking