Psychology’s development over time and socially sensitive research Issues and Debates Psychology’s development over time and socially sensitive research
Understanding of how psychological understanding has developed over time Research takes time to develop and understanding of issues changes as studies are carried out and findings are tested How have we looked at the changes in psychological understanding over time?
Group 1 Social Group 2 Cognitive Group 3 Biological Group 4 Learning Evidence from older research Evidence from contemporary research How has psychological knowledge developed over time? Examples of factors that have not changed over time Group 1 Social Group 2 Cognitive MSM (SM) and WM (phonological loop)…..details? Suggested capacity? Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil (2012) Digit span (SM)………results? Actual capacity? MSM WMM Digit span - The use of artificial & simplistic tasks means that is difficult to apply findings to every day life. E.g. memorising digits is not how we utilise our STM on a daily a basis. Group 3 Biological Group 4 Learning
Social Evidence from older research Evidence from contemporary research How has psychological knowledge developed over time? Factors that have not changed over time Social
Cognitive Evidence from older research Evidence from contemporary research How has psychological knowledge developed over time? Factors that have not changed over time Cognitive
Biological Evidence from older research Evidence from contemporary research How has psychological knowledge developed over time? Factors that have not changed over time Biological
Learning Evidence from older research Evidence from contemporary research How has psychological knowledge developed over time? Factors that have not changed over time Learning
Historical research! Research, discuss and develop a brief resource on each topic. Feedback to the class Ensure everything is clearly explained as you need to share the resource with everyone in the class. Group 4 – Social: Study of prejudice over time 1920s theories endorsing white supremacy 1930s What happened? What did the theories suggest? 1960s onwards? Any other research on development of obedience over time? Group 3 – Birth and development of Cognitive Psychology What is the link between Freud and Cognitive psychology? Cognitive revolution Development of computer science Group 2 – Biological advances Lombroso’s explanations for criminal behaviour Phrenology How is this done today? Group 1 – Learning Watson and Behaviourism overshadowed in the 1950s by the cognitive revolution The use of the social approach – development of social learning theory? Today behaviourism is used in an applied manner e.g. behaviour analysis - explain
Issues related to Socially Sensitive research
What is this issue about?
Social Cognitive Biological Learning Research/theory is socially sensitive – How and Why Research is not socially sensitive (or argument to suggest this has been avoided – I.e. methodology) Strengths of research that may be socially sensitive (i.e. application) Limitations of research that may be socially sensitive (i.e. social control) Social Cognitive Biological Learning
H/W Add your notes from this session to the Issues and debates document Keep all resources from issues and debates sessions in a separate folder