IXL alignment to Florida math standards IXL's math skills are aligned to Florida Common Core. Skills practiced will benefit your student! Even better, IXL automatically tracks student progress and displays proficiency scores in the state standards reports. These reports allow you to quickly evaluate student aptitude and identify trouble spots.
IXL MATH https://www.ixl.com/signin/villages User ID and Password- may be different for each class. Please check with your child’s teacher
Sign-on Page
Example of the skill page Example of the skill page. Students click on the skill they need to work on.
Students receive awards from IXL after certain criteria are met.
Coming Soon….. IXL for Language Arts!!
https://www.ixl.com/signin/villages Using this link you are able to go straight to the school’s IXL site. When you do this you can enter the username without @villages at the end. If you go to www.ixl.com you need to add @villages at the end of the username. ex.) jgrunewald@villages