SPRING BREAK or WINTER BREAK EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS Mr SPRING BREAK or WINTER BREAK EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS Mr. Ward’s Classes GENERAL GUIDELINES All extra credit assignments are due at the beginning of class on the second day we return from break. No late assignments will be accepted, for any reason, except absence from school, in which case the assignment is due at the beginning of your class on the day of your return. INCOMPLETE assignments , or assignments that do not follow all of the written and/or verbal instructions will receive a ZERO . Neatness does count. Make your project professional-looking and worthy of a good grade. Manage your time effectively : plan ahead against problems, including technology problems.
EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS (You may do one of these or more than one !) MATH JEOPARDY game AFTERMATH quiz or test corrections “WHO HAS” Game Create a Study Guide / Outline for the upcoming marking period exam Create your Own Project
Electronic Format Projects All Microsoft-based projects should be saved as a file that is compatible with Office 2007 or earlier. For example, if you use PowerPoint 2010, when you go to save file, access the box “Save as type” and choose “PowerPoint 97 – 2003 Presentation” . All electronic projects should be saved to a USB flash drive and handed to Mr. Ward, or e-mailed to tward@bcit.cc . No “Google Docs” accepted !
Electronic Projects & E-mail If you e-mail your project, you must : include your name in the subject line include the project as an attachment, SEND AN ADDITIONAL E-MAIL TO ME (with no attachment) indicating that you also sent your project in another email. The school’s e-mail Spam Filter sometmes automatically puts any e-mails with attachments into the Junk box. I will retrieve it from there after I get your additional email.
Project # 1: “MATH JEOPARDY” game Download the PowerPoint template from my school webpage. Save the file as “(your name) Jeopardy (your block) (the game’s topic)”, i.e. Jimbo Jeopardy Block 1 Mixed Algebra 2 Create five answer-and-question pairs, for each of six topics Questions and Answers should be of high-school level You will be graded on Accuracy, Correctness, Originality, and Imagination.
Project # 2 : AFTERMATH Quiz/Test Correction pages Download AFTERMATH page(s) from my school webpage (go to the “Mathemagical Handouts and Worksheets” page) Staple the original test or quiz behind the AFTERMATH page(s). Your explanations should convince the teacher that YOU now know what you did incorrectly, and you now know how to do the problem correctly. Be clr\ear and precise.
Project # 3 : “WHO HAS” Game Must be in Powerpoint or Open Office equivalent Must have between 25 and 30 slides Must include handout pages ( 2 slides per page) Your game should be proofread (perhaps more than once !) for correctness, accuracy, and clear, precise wording
Project # 3 : “WHO HAS” Game, continued All questions and answers MUST be correct, including : each question correctly refers to the next slide no duplicate answers last question refers back to first answer no major grammatical mistakes questions make sense NO MISTAKES WILL BE ALLOWED: A single mistake makes the game stop. Have your game checked and re-checked!!
Project # 4 : Create a Study Guide Create an outline and a study guide for the upcoming exam. The following steps are patterned after what your textbook does for each section ! Create a list of at least ten topics that we covered so far in this course. Arrange them in a logical order, or into major topics or minor sub-topics.
Project # 4 : Create a Study Guide, continued For each major and minor topic, write the description of the topic using correct math vocabulary, and then express the topic in plainer language or in your own words. For each minor topic, create at least three examples, in increasing order of complexity or difficulty. Show how each problem is done, step-by-step, and write what was done in each step.
Project # 5 : Create your Own Project Create your own project, based upon your own creative ideas Make certain that your projects is appropriate for school, and not mean-spirited or unkind Your project should be related to mathematics, or our math class, in some manner. If you are uncertain, e-mail me first !
If you have questions, e-mail me at tward@bcit.cc Have a great holiday. Be safe, and come back well rested and ready to learn.