Fundamentals of the faith Week #1 – Introduction to the Bible
Introduction to the Bible Objectives / Desires Origin of the Bible (Where did the Bible come from?) Structure / Basic Content / Main Themes Proof of the Claim the Bible is the Inspired Words of God (How can men have written the Bible, and we state God wrote the Bible?)
Scripture 2 Timothy 3:16 Hebrews 1:1-2 Hebrews 4:12 2 Peter 1:20-21
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE 2 Categories of Revelation General Revelation Special Revelation
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE General Revelation – God reveals himself to man through creation and conscience Creation : Romans 1:18-20 Conscience : Romans 2: 14-15
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE General Revelation Takeaways / Discussion General Revelation causes man to SEARCH for a fuller revelation of God There are Limitations to General Revelation (Does NOT reveal how man can be saved) Thus God provided.......
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE Special Revelation – God reveals Himself to man through miraculous means. Biblical Days: Dreams/Visions, Miracles/Signs, Theophanies, Prophets, Flesh, Written Word of God Our Day (Church age): Written Words of God, Spirit of God, Miracles, Dreams/Visions???
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE Biblical Examples of Special Revelation MIRACLES/SIGNS – Flood (Gen. 7), Plagues (Ex. 7-13), Parting of the Red Sea (Ex. 14), others? DREAMS/VISIONS – Daniel 2:19 THEOPHANY – An Appearance of God in the Bible that in a tangible way to our human sense. (Gen. 17:1) PROPHETS – Hebrews 1:1 FLESH – Hebrews 1:2 & John 1:14 WRITTEN WORDS of the BIBLE – 2 Timothy 3:15-17
REVELATION of SCRIPTURE Special Revelation Takeaways / Discussion What makes Special Revelation so “special”? – Sufficiency contained within it to make man wise unto salvation (2 Tim. 3:15) Special Revelation reveals that Salvation comes by Grace through Faith....but it does NOT reveal everything about GOD..... Some things are left in the Mystery of God (Deuteronomy 29:29) “A Gracious God reveals, to Undeserving Man Exactly what we NEED to know to be Saved through General & Special Revelation”
Introduction to the Bible How did we get the Bible? 2 Peter 1:21 God Spoke through Men (by the Holy Spirit) to write HIS words Written over 1600 year period: 1500 BC – 100 AD 40 Different Authors 66 Books (OT = 39 – NT =27) Original Languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek Old Testament: Hebrew & Aramaic-(Daniel 2-6 & Ezra 4-7) New Testament: Greek
Introduction to the Bible Why is there an Old & New Testament? Hebrews 8:13 “Testament” – Agreement or covenant Old “Testament” – Based on Old Covenant, it was a covenant of obedience and blessing (Exodus 19:5) New “Testament” – Based on New Covenant {PRAISE GOD} (Luke 22:20) Both Testaments (covenants) are relevant, as they identify each other....But only one is REQUIRED
Introduction to the Bible How/why are there only 66 books in the bible? Catholic Bible has 14 Additional books (Apocrypha) Book of Mormon (Additional Testament – Joseph Smith) Jehovah Witness (Watch Tower Bible + Track) Revelation 22:19 & Luke 24:44 “Inspiration” – Man vs. God Quoted in the New Testament Christ Does NOT mention in Luke 24:44 Problem with Content (Works based Salvation) (Atonement for the Dead) No Prophetic Power
Introduction to the Bible WHY Are There DIFFERENT TRANSLATIONS. (pg The content of the Bible is a REVELATION The process by which the content was written down is called INSPIRATION Inspiration (Devine) vs. Translation (Dialect) Are Translation’s saying something different? ...or... Are they saying the same thing in a different way?
Week #1 -Introduction to the Bible Work BOOK RESPONSES Pg. 15- What two reasons are given for the writing of John’s Gospel? (John 20:31) Pg. 17- What does 2 Timothy 3:16 say about the Bible? How do the following verses show the importance of God’s Word? -(2 Timothy 3:15) & (Hebrews 4:12) Pg. 18- What four things does God’s word do? Psalm 19:7a Psalm 19:7b Psalm 19:8a Psalm 19:8b
NexT Week: Lesson #2: How to KnoW the Bible Pages 16-18 (Scripture Questions) Pages 19-21 (Information on Studying Scripture) Pages 22-23 (Application) *We Will Do This Together Next Sunday Night* 35-40 Minutes to complete