GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2004 PPT1
There are 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying them out loud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.
les cheveux courts [lay shuv-vuh koor] short hair
se reposer [suh rup-poz-ay] to rest
les copains [lay kop-pan] friends
un orchestre [uhn or-kes-truh] an orchestra
la trompette [lah trom-pet] trumpet
chanter [shon-tay] to sing
un lycée [uhn lees-say] sixth form college
lhistoire-géo [leest-waar jay-oh] Humanities
les élèves [layz ay-lev] pupils
les fleurs [lay flur] flowers
les légumes [lay lay-goom] vegetables
linformatique [lahn-form-mat-teek] I.T.
lordinateur [lor-din-nat-tur] computer
lautoroute [lotto-root] motorway
les malades [lay mal-add] sick people / patients
lhôpital [lop-pit-tal] hospital
les grandes vacances [lay grond vak-kons] summer holidays
parler [parl-lay] to speak / talk
lannée dernière [lannay dair-nee-air] last year
largent [lar-jon] money
le beau temps [luh bow ton] good weather
la cuisine [lah kweez-zeen] cooking / kitchen
tout le monde [too-luh-mond] everybody
le logement [luh loj-mon] accommodation
le cirque [luh seerk] circus
le stade [luh stad] stadium
le spectacle [luh spek-tak-cluh] show
le prix dentrée [luh pree don-tray] entrance fee
gratuit [grat-wee] free
les enfants [lays on-fon] children