ASH YR 1/2 NEWS LETTER Spring 2 2016 PE – Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has trainers and an outdoor kit as well as indoor. ASH YR 1/2 NEWS LETTER Spring 2 2016 A big thank you to our visitor Mike Whally. Mike fascinated the children and adults with dinosaur facts and fossils. It was a hands on morning with lots of fun, practical activities Timestables – Year 2 Please continue to help children with their times tables. Children will be tested on their 2,5,10 tables. However, a recent update for the Key Stage 1 standards states that children should now be learning their 3 x tables also. Little and often! Once they have consistently achieved above 35/40 in the test, they will be tested on the inverse operation also. E.G: 25 divided by 5, 60 divided by 10. with English/Maths – We will be linking our writing to our Dinosaur topic. This will include adventure story writing and non –fiction writing. In maths children will continue to apply and develop the four number operations. Children will use mental methods, formal written methods and apparatus in order to scaffold children’s learning. We will be particularly covering multiplication and division. We will also be looking at fractions, 1/4 of shapes, numbers Topic – Lots going on here! We will be continuing science/DT work on forces. Designing a dinosaur board game and making our own working torch. Our topic of Dinosaurs will cover history, geography and science. We will be learning about the different dinosaurs, their features, in which time period they existed, plus much more. We will continue this topic through to Summer Term 1. Children have been looking at the different roles/ jobs people have in society. We will be having a class visit from a local vet, a nurse and hopefully a fireman.