学堂班系列讲座 化学系 Prof. Dr. Li Deng Brandeis University Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University 学堂班系列讲座 报告人: Prof. Dr. Li Deng Brandeis University 报告题目: Bio-mimetic Catalysis with Organic Molecules 时 间:2016年6月22日(星期三)下午7点 地 点:化学馆301 涌泉报告厅 Prof. Deng received his BS degree from Tsinghua University (1987), MS degree from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1990) and Ph.D degree from Harvard University (1994). He carried out his postdoctoral studies at Harvard with Professors George Whitesides and Gregory Verdine (1995-1998) as an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow. He joined Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in 1998. He became an Associate Professor in 2003, a Professor and was named the Orrie Friedman Distinguished Professor of Chemistry in 2005. He served as the Chair of the Chemistry Department at Brandies University from 2010-2013. Prof. Deng’s research program focuses on the discovery of powerful and practical chiral organic catalysts promoting novel and highly selective reactions. His group pioneered the development and application of general base catalysis as general means for the development of new reactions. In recent years, Prof. Deng has published a serial of papers in high impact journals such as Nature and J. Am. Chem. Soc.