My experience in Spain as an ERASAMUS Student By: Zakarya baicha The Fourth Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education (AECHE 4)- 24-25-26 April 2017
PRESENTATION Zakarya BAICHA Age: 30 years old Nationality: Morocco Last diploma: Master in Water and Sustainable Development Home University: Mohammed V University in Rabat Type of mobility: Exchange mobility
BEFORE THE MOBILITY In the north Africa, the lack of an equipped laboratory is one of the major problems facing the PhD students especially in the scientific field. In my case, because of the lack of financial resources of my home university, I've changed my thesis topic twice.
THE MOBILITY My first days were difficult especially that I didn't spoke Spanish, and also people in Cartagena didn't speak English. When I was accepted in EU MARE NOSTRUM scholarship, I didn't knew that a new chapter of my life has started, I was just thinking about the PhD and get a good results before returning to Morocco, but it was more than what I expected.
What is like to study in Spain? 1 Scientific Research Live in Cartagena, is just a set of several advantages : First of all Scientific Research: I was working on the development of new low cost material for microbial fuel cells, which are devices that can treat wastewater and produce energy simultaneously.
Bacteria break down organic pollutants How MFCs Works? O Electricity is produced e- O e- e- e- e- e- e- e- e- e- H+ C O O H H+ O H O H H+ C O C O O H O H+ C O O H H+ Fluid Waste O H+ C O O H It consiste of two electrodes, Anode and cathode. The anodic chamber is feeded by wastewater and it should be Oxygen free « Anaerobic reaction », the Cathode should be exposed to oxygen. The most important part in a MFC is the microbes. The microbes grow on the Anode and break down the nutrients, so that they send electrons to the anode rather then oxygen « in the case of open air system», then we extract the electrical power. O H H+ C O C O O H H+ O H C O O H+ C O O H C O H+ Clean Water as a byproduct Bacteria break down organic pollutants
What is like to live in Spain? 2 Learning Spanish Obviously; we had the best Spanish teacher ever, we really learn and enjoyed, it wasn’t just a simple class but it was a great moments for exchanges and time knowledge.
What is like to live in Spain? 3 Sharing my culture with others I introduced my culture to the majority of people i’ve met (Morrocan tea, Moroocan sweets, Tajine, Couscous) …
What is like to live in Spain? 4 Volunteering I realized that in Cartagena arab poeple are not integrated into the Spanish society, because the majority are illiterate (they work in the agricultral fields). So i tried to make some activity for the arabs children and explain the values of life and the importance of Peaceful coexistence.
Publications Two publications published in high impacted scientifics Journals (Energy: IF: 4.8 and Fuel processing technologies: IF: 3.8) Two scientific projects in progress
Recommendations for the institutions Spread the information about available scholarships, especially through Social Media. Before the mobility, universities should offer a language courses to students, especially if they are moving to a country which use its mother tongue in research. Keep the collaboration even after the end of the mobility between the institutions.
Recommendations for the institutions Make exchange programs/ platforms between Southern countries; especially between students whom worked in the same project after the mobility. Regarding the publications, it’s preferable to make a deal between supervisors before the start of mobility about authors name order “WHO’S FIRST!!”