Brief Research Activities Dr. Mihir Kumar Das Assistant Professor School of Mechanical Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Saturated Flow Boiling of Distilled Water over Porous Coated Tube Bundles Objectives: To carry out experimental investigation to study the boiling heat transfer over tube bundles with uniform heat flux throughout the tube bundle (Plain and Coated). To carry out experimental investigation to study the boiling heat transfer over tube bundles with varying heat flux along the tube bundle (Plain and Coated). To carry out experimental investigation to study the boiling heat transfer with varying the position of the enhanced or coated tubes in the tube bundle (Uniform and Varying heat flux). To formulate a criteria for enhancement of the boiling heat transfer over tube bundle specifying the position and variation of heat flux from analysis of the experimental data.
Experimental Set-up for Flow Boiling over Tube Bundles
Indo – Russia Collaborative Project (DST) Title: Pool boiling crisis on porous coated surface: An experimental study and model development. Objective 1: To carry out experimental investigation to study the boiling heat transfer over flat plat by varying coating thickness keeping porosity remain constant. Objective 2: To carry out experimental investigation to study the boiling heat transfer over flat plat by varying porosity keeping coating thickness remain constant. Working fluid Perfluorinated hydrocarbon (FC-72) Fig. Experimental set up SI. No. 1 2 3 Operating Parameters Heat flux Coating thickness Porosity
Performance improvement of Steam Generator through the Enhanced Hydrophobic Surface Objectives : To develop hydrophobic surfaces by varying coating thickness and porosity over plain metallic surfaces. To study the flow boiling heat transfer over a porous hydrophobic surface by varying heat flux and mass flux. To visualize the bubble dynamics over plain and porous hydrophobic surfaces to establish a correlation for the determination of heat transfer coefficient. To investigate and optimize the performance of hydrophobic surfaces in enhancing the boiling heat transfer rate under variable heat flux and mass flux. To study flow boiling heat transfer inside a metallic tube coated with optimized porous hydrophobic coating under variable heat flux and mass flux.
Publications Journals : Abhilas Swain, Rajiva Lochan Mohanty, Mihir Kumar Das, (2017), "Pool boiling of distilled water over tube bundle with variable heat flux", Heat and Mass Transfer. (Accepted) Abhilas Swain, Mihir Kumar Das, (2017),"Flow boiling of distilled water over plain tube bundle with uniform and varying heat flux along the height of the tube bundle", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 88, pp. 222- 230. Santosh Kumar Sahoo, Mihir Kumar Das, Prasenjit Rath, (2016), “Application of TCE- PCM based heat sinks for cooling of electronic components: A Review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 59, pp.550-582. Santosh Kumar Sahoo, Prasenjit Rath, Mihir Kumar Das,(2016) “Numerical study of phase change material based orthotropic heat sink for thermal management of electronics components”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.103, pp. 855–867. Abhilas Swain, Mihir Kumar Das, (2016), “Prediction of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Flow Boiling over Tube Bundles using ANFIS”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 37(5), pp.443-455. Abhilas Swain, Mihir Kumar Das,(2014), “Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop over Elliptical and Flattened Tube”, Heat Transfer—Asian Research, Vol. 45(5), pp. 462– 481.
Publications Journals : Abhilas Swain and Mihir Kumar Das, (2014), “A Review on Saturated Boiling of Liquids on Tube Bundles”, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, (5), pp. 617-637. Abhilas Swain and Mihir K. Das, (2014), “Artificial intelligence approach for prediction of heat transfer coefficient in boiling over tube bundles”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Vol. 228(10), pp. 1680–1688. Ishwar Prasad Sahu, Gali Krishna, Manojit Biswas, Mihir Kumar Das, (2014), Performance Study of PEM Fuel Cell under Different Loading Conditions, Energy Procedia, Vol. 54, pp. 468-478. Mihir Kumar Das, S.C. Gupta, V. K. Agarwal, (2010), “Dimensionless Local and Average Boiling Heat Transfer Correlation for Saturated Liquids”, Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 41 (5), pp. 531 – 558. Nand Kishor, Mihir Kumar Das, Anirudha Narain, Vibhaw Prakash Ranjan, (2010), “Fuzzy Model Representation of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heating System”,Solar Energy, Vol. 84, pp. 948 – 955. Mihir Kumar Das, Kishor, N., (2010), “Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Pool Boiling of Organic Liquids Using Fuzzy Modelling Approach”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 45 – 58.
Publications Journals : Mihir Kumar Das, Kishor, N., (2010) “Soft Computing Techniques for Prediction of Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient of Liquids on Copper Coated Tubes” Applied Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal, Vol. 24 (3), pp. 210 – 232. Mihir Kumar Das,Nand Kishor, (2009), “Adaptive Fuzzy Model Identification to Predict the Heat Transfer Coefficient in Pool Boiling of Distilled Water”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36 (2), pp. 1142 – 1154.
Publications Conferences: Santosh Kumar Sahoo, Mihir Kumar Das, Prasenjit Rath, Numerical Study of Cyclic Melting and Solidification of Nano Enhanced Phase Change Material Based Heat Sink in Thermal Management of Electronic Components, International conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer MNHMT 2016, Jan 4-6, 2016, Singapore. Rajiva Lochan Mohanty, Mihir Kumar Das, Abhilas Swain, Forced Convection over mixed tube bundles, 42nd National conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power(FMFP15), Dec 13 - 14, 2015, NIT Surathkal. Rajiva Lochan Mohanty, Mihir Kumar Das, Abhilas Swain, Forced Convection over Mixed Tube Bundles, 17th ISME conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Oct 3 - 4, 2015, IIT Delhi. Abhilas Swain, Mihir Kumar Das, Development of Generalized ANFIS Model for Flow Boiling of Refrigerants on Plain Tube Bundles, International Conference on Production and Mechanical Engineering (ICPME’2014) Dec. 30-31, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Abhilas Swain, Rajiva Lochan Mohanty, Mihir Kumar Das, Forced Convection over Flattened Tube Bundles, 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power(FMFP14), Dec 14-18, 2014, IIT Kanpur.
Publications Conferences: Abhilas Swain, Mihir Kumar Das, Effect of Tube Pitch and Arrangement on Forced Convective Heat Transfer over Tube Bundles, 11th International and 22nd National ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Dec 28-31, 2013, IIT Kharagpur. Mihir K. Das, “Boiling Characteristics of Distilled Water over Copper Coated Heating Tubes”, 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, June 16 – 20, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Mihir K. Das, “Study of Local Boiling Heat Transfer of Saturated Liquids”, 37th International & 4th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP2010),December 16 – 18, 2010, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai. Shivedayal Pandey, V.K.Nema, M. K. Das, “Modeling and Exergy loss reduction in Plate heat Exchangers of typical Surface Configurations-A Review”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Energy Conversion and Management (ICEM-2009), Dec. 18 – 20 , 2009, Allahabad. Mihir K. Das, S.C. Gupta, V.K. Agarwal, “A Dimensionless Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Correlation for Saturated Liquids”, 8th International and 19th National ASME – ISHMT Heat & Mass Transfer Conference (FMFP2008), Jan. 3 – 5, 2008, JNTU Hyderabad.