Colleges and Universities DO NOT look at middle school transcripts Our students learn from making mistakes.
Welcome Team 6C Math – Taylor Sternotti
Outdoor Education Wednesday-Friday, June 7th-9th, 2017 Important Dates: Reports for PARCC will be mailed to parents during the week of September 19th Outdoor Education Wednesday-Friday, June 7th-9th, 2017 Map Testing: Reports will be in the parent portal in Genesis on November 1, 2016. October 20,21- Teacher requested Conferences (Not everyone will have a conference)
In All Team Classes Emphasis Will Be On: Organizational Skills “the explosion” Attendance and Make up Work Following both written & oral directions Being a self-directed learner. Study Skills- Proof of study What is FLEX? Homework – Emphasis is on PROCESS Show that you tried to solve each problem by showing some work. NO Blank ANSWERS
Math classes use technology in the classroom: Network computer password to log on to Chromebook and Google Chrome Genesis account- Students have asked in class Online textbook – user name and password (optional hardcopy textbook) Using Google Docs/Google Drawing/Google Classroom for document/project sharing
Ms. Sternotti’s Website-For HW & Online Textbook Info
Google Classroom- Activities
Homework & Class Preparation Rubric: Students are expected to arrive each day with a pencil, pen (of color), highlighter, math notebook (binder) and Chrome Book. Required Homework assignments will be scored on a scale from 0 – 2. 0 = No Homework; or criteria not followed on all problems; no work is shown; or not completed within time allotted. 1 = All Homework is completed within time allotted but it is either not according to criteria outlined or all work is not shown. 1 = All Homework is not completed within time allotted (handed in late) and according to the criteria outlined; all required work is shown. 2 = All Homework is completed within time allotted and according to the criteria outlined; all required work is shown.
Problem Solving 9 4-Step Problem Solving Approach Understand the Problem Make a Plan Use a variety of strategies Diagrams, work backward, find patterns, make tables, Venn diagrams, organized lists, draw pictures Carry Out the Plan Look Back 9
Algebra: Patterns and Sequences Algebra: Patterns and Sequences Expressions and Equations Integers & Coordinate Graphing Algebra provides the language through which we communicate the patterns in mathematics. Students will extend patterns, write and use rules to extend patterns using both words and algebraic symbols. Students will identify, translate, and write algebraic equations. Write and evaluate exponential expressions. Use Order of Operations. Write and solve one step equations using all four operations with positive numbers. Identify and graph integers on a number line. Locate and graph points on a coordinate plane using all four quadrants. Transform figures on a coordinate plane using translations, reflections and rotations Compare and order integers.
Numbers and Operations Numbers and Operations Understand how different types of numbers, such as fractions and decimals are related to each other. Quantity can be expressed numerically in different ways. Find GCF & LCM Prime Factorization Exponential Form Rational Number Operations and Solving one-step equations with Rational Numbers
Data & Statistical Analysis Construct, Interpret, & Analyze: Bar Graphs Multi-bar graphs Line Graphs Multi-lined graphs Stem & Leaf Plots Box Plots Frequency Tables Histograms Line Plots Venn Diagrams Tape Diagrams Measures of Center Mean, Median, Mode, Range 12
Geometry Triangles and Polygons Transformations Define and identify regular and irregular polygons Distinguish between regular & irregular polygons Identify lines of symmetry in regular and irregular polygons Transformations Translations, rotations, and reflections Transformations on a Coordinate Plane Volume and Surface Area: Cube Rectangular Prism Fractional Parts Area and perimeter: Rectangles - Squares Parallelograms - Triangles - Trapezoids Complex figures
Did you ask any good questions today?