Timberview Middle School Registration 2017-2018 6th to 7th Grade Parent Information
Registration Information All registration information (including this PowerPoint) will be available on the TMS website in the eMonday folder. Timberview Website Students & Families eMonday Folder
Registration Information Counselors will visit with current 6th grade students the week of February 2oth during their Advisory. All registration will be done ONLINE for incoming 7th grade students.
Registration Process During TMS registration students will complete online registration and learn about course choices at school. Directions will be sent home to let parents know how to view student requests, and to make changes if needed. Parents and students should discuss course options and make decisions together regarding course requests. Course guide information is available online at www.Kellerisd.net Course registration will be open in Home Access Center for parents and students to make changes through March 3, 2017.
Course Guide Online www.kellerisd.net Choose Students and Families Choose Need to Know from the drop down menu Click on the Counseling Tab Look for Middle School Course Guide on the next page.
HAC Online Registration Students must login to Home Access Center with their STUDENT username and password. Parent usernames/passwords will not work. Once in Home Access Center, you’ll click on the icon that says Classes, and then on the tab that says Requests (see next slide) Students must register online for a total of 8 credits (one credit will be an Advisory class) plus 2 credits of alternates. It is very important alternates are chosen as we can not guarantee electives. To choose a course as an alternate select “alternate to any course”
Required Academic Courses GT, Pre-AP or Academic Science Texas History Math Language Arts (double block class)
Required Academic Classes Pre-AP Pre-AP GT More on grade level More in depth; application of knowledge Student must be identified GT Standard pace Faster pace Creative outlet May need more help from your teacher Expected to work independently Same level of work as a Pre-AP class HIGHLY MOTIVATED to learn and achieve TBSI indicator to determine which area of giftedness
Pre-AP vs Academic: How to Choose Academic Strengths Commitment to Academics Motivation to Achieve Extracurricular Activities Family Support Discuss with teachers Discuss with your student…they’re the ones who have to put in the effort!
Required Academic Classes So how do you decide? A good rule of thumb… If your student is doing really well in a subject (making an A), he/she might do well in Pre-AP for that subject Talk with your student’s teachers: What do they think? Talk with your student: Are they willing to put forth the extra effort? So how do I decide?
Required Academic Classes: 7th and 8th grade math COMBINED Math Information Pre AP Math 7 Math 7 Only students who have mastered Grade 6 mathematics should consider Pre-AP placement. Any student can take Math 7 Compacts and accelerates the content of 7th and 8th grade mathematics curriculum 7th and 8th grade math COMBINED Includes only Math 7 concepts (A student who takes Math 7 in 7th grade will take Math 8 in 8th grade) Added rigor, depth, and expectations of sophistication in student work Standard expectations of student work
Required Academic Classes: Math Information Here’s what your schedule would look like: If you choose Academic Math 7… If you choose Pre-AP Math 7… 7th Grade: Math 7 7th Grade: Pre-AP Math 7 8th Grade: Math 8 8th Grade: Pre-AP Algebra 9th Grade: Algebra I 9th Grade: Pre-AP Geometry
SAVE Process If a student selects a Pre-AP Class and is struggling academically, the SAVE process can be considered. This process is only eligible for Pre-AP classes, and certain requirements must be met: No missing assignments Retesting Attending tutorials Conferencing with the teacher
SAVE Process Deadlines for consideration are as follows: Fall Semester: SAVE process BEGINS after the 3rd week of school and ENDS after the 7th week of school. Spring Semester: SAVE process BEGINS after the 3rd week of the spring semester and ENDS after the 7th week of the spring semester.
Grade 7: Reading, Mathematics, Writing Grade 8: Reading, Mathematics Grade 7: Reading, Mathematics, Writing Grade 8: Reading, Mathematics*, Social Studies, Science *If a 7th or 8th Grade student is enrolled in Pre-AP Algebra I, he or she will take the Algebra I EOC exam and the Math 8 STAAR
Please Note: Math Quest/ Reading Styles Additional courses of Math Quest and/or Reading Styles may be required if STAAR scores indicate that your student did not meet the passing standard. Families will be notified after STAAR results are in if these classes are required. In this situation, it is possible that your student will lose an elective.
Physical Education Courses In either 7th or 8th grade 1 year of Physical Education is REQUIRED. We encourage all students to take this class in 7th grade. 4 options: Athletics, PE, Tennis, Partner PE (application required)
Physical Education Courses So what’s the difference? Athletics PE or Tennis NO pass NO play Participate even if you fail a subject LOTS of running Run during activities Practice BEFORE school and 1st period Practice in class only Tryouts and cuts for various sports Everyone participates Boys: Football, Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Soccer, Tennis Girls: Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Soccer Tennis
Athletics Packets UIL Paperwork is required for Athletics participation. Paperwork must be completed and submitted to TMS Coaches BEFORE the student can participate. Paperwork can be found online: www.kellerisd.net Students and Families Athletics UIL Paperwork
Electives In 7th grade, students have 2 elective periods each semester. One elective will be PE or Athletics, and that class will last ALL year. The other elective period will be filled with a full year course or two semester courses.
Partner Art Full Year Electives CHOIR Students can take choir in 7th grade even if they have never taken it before. (to participate in show choir students must be enrolled in a choir elective) BAND To take Band in 7th, students need to have taken band in 6th grade. PALS Peer mentors *Application & interview required Art I For beginning art students Focus on elements of design such as line, shape, form, texture, space, value, color Partner Art Helping students with special needs in beginner art *Application required Theatre I For beginning Theatre students For students with an interest in learning about all aspects of the theatre
AVID Full Year Elective Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success such as organization, study skills, and note taking. Provides intense support through tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships. Highly recommended that students are enrolled in at least one Pre AP course. ***Application process required
Semester Electives last ½ a year (fall or spring) College and Career Readiness Speech Communications Conversational Spanish Gateway to Technology (GTT) Energy, Environment and Flight *HS Credit .5 Introduction to Audio/Video Production Online Touch System Data Entry *HS Credit .5 (must complete online screener) Creative Writing
Electives Special Note… We CAN NOT guarantee ANY elective choices. Electives are decided based on availability Exception: If your student selects Athletics or Band, he/she will be given those electives because they required a time commitment outside of school, and often a financial commitment as well.
Registration…What happens next? Course requests are DUE online through Home Access Center by March 3, 2017. After March 3rd, course requests can be changed IN WRITING through the counseling office. The FINAL day for course request changes is April 28, 2017. No course request changes will be made after that time.
Registration… What happens next? Students will receive their 7th grade schedule when they return to school in AUGUST 2017. NO schedule changes will be made once this schedule is received.
State Immunization Requirement Entering 7th Graders Requirements: Meningococcal Varicella (2 doses) unless student has had the chicken Pox If student has had the chicken pox virus, parent must provide nurse with date of illness. Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis) booster w/i last 5 yrs OR Notarized Exemption Form (obtained from the State) Why: Students will not be able to pick up their schedule or attend school without school record of immunizations. Questions: Please call our SCHOOL NURSE if you have any questions. Documentation of these immunizations must be brought to the TMS nurse.
Tonight…What’s next? Please take time to stop by the electives tables in the GYM to learn more about what each class has to offer. Our 7th Grade lead teacher and our vertical leads will be in the Gym to answer any questions about core classes. Specialists teachers (GT, IST, Dyslexia, Special Education) will be available in the hallway in front of the office if you have any questions.
THANK YOU for coming tonight!