Math Test Taking Strategies


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Presentation transcript:

Math Test Taking Strategies Sommer Anderson-Picou Roger Vance MATH CURRICULUM SPECIALISTS

What Question Types Are Used? A.) Multiple Choice B.) Multiple Select C.) Fill In The Blank D.) Open Response E.) Technology Enhanced

Opening Activity What Type of Question Is It? Using the interim assessment provided at your table, as a team decide which type of question is each. Is it a multiple choice, constructed response or multiple select type of question? Once the team has decide the type of question, on the labelled wall poster, give one example of each type that the students may have a hard time with. Tick Tock

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items In a dog-eat-dog world where students vie for admission into top universities and compete for the privilege of studying their chosen profession, the one thing most likely to hold them back is: A. lack of money B. lack of smarts C. lack of looks D. a multiple-choice math test There is a misconception among most students that multiple choice questions are easy (or at least easier than other question types)

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items Know the test. Knowledge is power so make sure you can answer the following questions. How many questions are there going to be on the test? How long will you have to write the exam? What topics will be covered? How will the questions be marked? What tools, such as calculators and rulers can be used during the test? Practice. There’s no better way to prepare for a math test than to solve a ton of questions similar to the ones that will appear on the test. There are often test banks, review packages, or specialized study materials available online or for purchase that provide a plethora of questions. When you think you’ve done enough, do some more. Read carefully. Before you even attempt a solution, read both the question and each option carefully. Sometimes the options will steer you towards a particular approach. Other times, they will help you to understand what is required in the solution. Pace yourself. Don’t spend a long time on any one question. If you are stuck, make a note of the question and come back to it later. Use your calculator. Many math tests allow the use of scientific or graphing calculators. You can use a calculator to solve equations, run recursive procedures, and test potential solutions.

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items Test each option. You can often deduce the correct answer simply by testing each option against the given conditions. The option that satisfies all conditions is the correct answer. D is usually better than A. In questions which ask you to select the true statement out of four given statements, D is perhaps a better choice than A. After all, test designers want you to read all of the choices before deciding which one is correct. Most people would not read further if the correct statement was the first option. Balance. The answer key for a well-constructed multiple choice test will consist of an approximately equal number of each choice. For example, on a 20-question test, you can expect that five of the answers will be A, five B, five C, and five D. Therefore, if you find that half of your answers are C, it’s probably time to check those answers for errors. Guess. Never leave a multiple-choice question unanswered. Even if you have no idea about the answer, you still have a 25 percent chance of correctly guessing the right one. On the other hand, you have a 100 percent of getting an unanswered question wrong. Check your responses. Reserve time to check your work after you are done. There are often silly mistakes that can be corrected by taking a second look. Review the questions you found difficult. Use a different approach to the problem: Does your answer match the first one? If so, then you likely have the correct answer.

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items Read the directions. Are you being asked to find the best response or a correct response? Answer each question in your head first before you look at the possible answers. Read all of the choices before selecting your answer.

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items If you aren't sure of the correct answer: Eliminate alternatives that are absurd, silly, or obviously incorrect. Cross off answers that are clearly not correct. Make sure the stem and the choice you've chosen agree grammatically. Choose the alternative that is most inclusive. The longest choice is usually correct. It contains elaborations necessary to make it correct. The correct choice will usually contain relative qualifiers such as usually, generally, sometimes, often, etc. These words allow for exceptions. The correct choice will usually not include absolute qualifiers such as always, never, at no time, etc. These words do not allow for exceptions. Be alert for choices that are identical (they are usually both incorrect) or opposite (often one of them will be the correct choice). Be careful when asked which is not true or all of the following apply except. These are asking you to pick an incorrect answer.

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Choice Items If there is no penalty, guess if you don't know the answer! You have a 20-25% chance of choosing the correct response on most multiple choice questions.

Let’s Focus On The Open Response Items

Let’s Focus On The Open Response Items Strategy: Plan: Given: Add traveling times together, then subtract that sum from time spent at library. Solve: Write: By finding the sum of the travel times, then the difference of that sum from the time spent at the library, Andre spends 4 minutes more at the library than travelling, Traveling Times: 26 minutes + 15 minutes = 41 minutes Difference of travel times and time spent at library: 45 minutes - 41 minutes = 4 minutes

Let’s Focus On The Open Response Items Does The Strategy Meet the Rubric Expectations?

Let’s Focus On The Open Response Items At your table, as a team, look at the constructed response questions listed below and using a strategy that you are familiar with demonstrate what you think the rubric is looking for. If the open response question does not have a rubric, create one, then show what strategy a student can use. 3rd Grade: #28-30 7th Grade: #30 4th Grade: #31-32 8th Grade: #30 5th Grade: #29 9th Grade: #39-40 6th Grade: #30 10th Grade: #39-40

Let’s Focus On The Multiple Select Items

Most Missed Interim Assessment Questions -- GR3, IA1 Tyler is learning how to throw a baseball. He wrote down how far he threw the ball, in feet, each time in the table below. Using the line plot below, Tyler plans on plotting each of the distances. Which TWO statements below are correct? A The distance 21 feet would have 5 marks above it. B The distance 21 feet would have 2 marks above it. C The distance 23 feet would have 1 mark above it. D The distance 22 feet would have 4 marks above it.

Most Missed Interim Assessment Questions -- GR5, IA1 Which statements are correct? Select two that apply. A In the number 4235, 4 represents 10 times as much as it represents in the number 2435. B In the number 2453, 5 represents as much as it represents in the number 2435. C In the number 3245, 3 represents 10 times as much as it represents in the number 2435. D In the number 5243, 2 represents as much as it represents in the number 2435.

Most Missed Interim Assessment Questions -- GR6, IA3 Select two expressions that are equivalent to 2 + b + b. A 2b2 B 2 + 2b C 2(1 + b) D 2 + b2

Most Missed Interim Assessment Questions -- GR7, IA2 For options A–E choose all of the expressions that are equivalent to 3(4x + 3). A 12x + 3 B 3(3 + 4x) C 7x + 6 D 4x + 3 + 4x + 3 + 4x + 3 E 12x + 9

Most Missed Interim Assessment Questions -- GR7, IA2 Which of the following statements are correct? Select three that apply. A The function y = 10x is not linear. B The function y = –5x – 15 is linear. C The function y = 2x2 + 10 is not linear. D The graph of the function y = 12x + 1 is a straight line. E The graph of the function y = –20 is not a straight line. F The graph of the function y = 7x2 + 4 is a straight line.

Characteristics Options / Variations Multiple Select Items Common Student Struggles Helping Students Find Success

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items Drop Downs Entering Text Entering Fractions Click & Drag Drag & Drop (MC) Tool Bar Options

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items

Let’s Focus On The Technology Enhanced Items As a table, come up with a list of resources that can be used to practice technology enhanced items. Practice using Illuminate Ed ( Practice using PARCC ( Practice using EAGLE (

Test Taking Strategies Evaluation