AeroMACS Status SESAR Project Airbus update February 2014 Presented by Claude Pichavant AeroMACS Status SESAR Project Airbus update
EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 AGENDA Overview and scope of SESAR AeroMACS projects Current status of AeroMACS technology Next steps – Coordination with AEEC
AEROMACS IN FEW WORDS Specifications: TDD OFDMA QPSK, QAM16, QAM64 EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 AEROMACS IN FEW WORDS Specifications: TDD OFDMA QPSK, QAM16, QAM64 Channel bandwidth: 5Mhz Frequency: C-Band (5091-5150MHz) in ITU regulated spectrum AM(R)S for aeronautical use Benefits: Broadband mobile datalink Coverage up to ~3km Fast and easy to deploy and maintain High data rate and adaptive modulation Potential support of wide range of applications (data, voice, video…) Standardization at ICAO Robust, efficient, secure, safe, support to mobility, flexible, expandable…
POTENTIAL USES OF AEROMACS EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 POTENTIAL USES OF AEROMACS From the technical perspective, AeroMACS is capable to support any service demanding high performance, offering QoS, Security, Broadcast, Multicast and Mobility capabilities among other, including Safety and Regularity of Flight related services Potential operational uses could be: Fixed services Video surveillance on airport surface Data collection and share (sensor data, radar data, etc) Wireless backhaul Mobile services: ATS services AOC services Service vehicles on airport surface and aircraft
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS GENERALITIES Projects scope Define, validate and demonstrate a new airport surface communication system (AeroMACS) based on WiMAX 802.16 standard to support ATC/AOC communications: Project 15.2.7 covers overall system aspects and ground component Project 9.16 covers airborne component Include the development of prototype AeroMACS MS and BS and testing in Lab, on Cars, and on Aircraft at Toulouse Airport Partners Duration: March 2010 up to Q4 2014 P9.16 AIRBUS (lead) EUROCONTROL SELEX THALES P15.02.07 AIRBUS INDRA (Lead) NATMIG DSNA AENA
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS MAIN ACTIVITIES Common studies on the overall AeroMACS System AeroMACS system functional and performance definition Definition of a new IEEE 802.16-2009 (AeroMACS) profile Simulations and performance analysis Security and safety analysis Coordination with standardization bodies (RTCA/EUROCAE/ICAO) Specification and development of MS and BS prototypes V&V activities Development of V&V plans, test benches, test objectives and procedures Test in laboratory environments, including interoperability (multiple manufacturers) Tests in real airport environment – first static, then on Cars, and later on Aircraft, at Toulouse Airport P.15.02.07 P.9.16
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF SESAR AEROMACS SIMPLIFIED SCHEDULE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Common Studies and Specification of the AeroMACS Prototypes Coordination with standardization bodies (RTCA/EUROCAE/ICAO/WiMAX Forum/AEEC) Development of the BS and MS prototypes Tests Preparation/Definition Tests and Reports TODAY SELEX and Thales prototypes are deployed on Toulouse airport, ready to support airport tests (on car, on aircraft and in Airbus laboratory)
STATUS OF AEROMACS TECHNOLOGY EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 STATUS OF AEROMACS TECHNOLOGY SESAR TESTS Car pathway Check of performances : Handover and Doppler Data rate QoS Range Evaluation on the Taxiway …. Movements on the Taxiway for low-speed tests
DEPLOYMENT AT AIRPORT ENVIRONMENT - TOULOUSE EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 DEPLOYMENT AT AIRPORT ENVIRONMENT - TOULOUSE SESAR TESTS Aircraft static tests Line Of Site test location (with 360°rotation) Aircraft mobile tests Movements on the Taxiway For low-speed tests (up to 30knots) Movements on the runway In both directions Speed up to 65knots during an aborted take-off
THALES AEROMACS PROTOTYPE EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 THALES AEROMACS PROTOTYPE Thales BS All outdoor, compact architecture easy to deploy at the airport all-in-one packaging of base-band and RF components Integrated dual slant (+/- 45°) sector antenna (15 dBi) GPS for synchronization GPS antenna PoE Eth. Dimensions: ~ 400 mm x 375 mm x 130 mm Weight : ~ 12 Kg
THALES AEROMACS PROTOTYPE EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 THALES AEROMACS PROTOTYPE Thales MS Small form factor mobile station for vehicle integration all-in-one packaging of base-band and RF components External collinear antenna (6 dBi) Colinear antenna MS Ethernet RF Base - Band RF module + PoE Module Power Supply Dimensions: ~ 300 x 300 x 90 mm Weight : < 3 kg
SELEX MS & BS AEROMACS PROTOTYPES EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 SELEX MS & BS AEROMACS PROTOTYPES Tx/RX Antenna DSP Board Power Supply Base-Band Unit GbETH RTU RFCU RF Unit TX - RX I/Q CPRI PA Processor Board MCH Controller ETH + Cots antenna
Main Technical Characteristics EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 Main Technical Characteristics AeroMACS Selex MS Prototype: TX Output Power: Class 1 : 20 <PTx,max <= 23dBm 5 MHz channel Bandwidth Prototype modulation scheme is OFDMA and the Duplex scheme is TDD.
EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 AEROMACS STANDARDS SESAR contributions supports global interoperability and Standardization AeroMACS Profile EUROCAE/ RTCA / WMF PICS, CRSL WMF MOPS RTCA MASPS EUROCAE SARPS ICAO Technical Manual FFF standards AEEC MOPS = Minimum Operational Performance Specification MASPS = Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification CRSL = Certification Requirement Status List PICS = Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement SARPS = Standards and Recommended Practices FFF= Fit, Form & Function
NEXT STEPS – COORDINATION WITH AEEC EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 NEXT STEPS – COORDINATION WITH AEEC AEEC During the last AEEC SAI meeting, there were five presentations notably covering the RTCA SC223 status, AeroMACS US activities and FAA deployment planning, EUROCAE WG82 status and SESAR projects status. These ones were well received and the group, including several Airlines (TAP Portugal, American Airlines, Southwest, UPS, UNITED, FedEx) supported to go forward with the APIM on AeroMacs and to have it presented for approval in the April AEEC General Session. The APIM will propose a 2-steps approach for standardisation of the AeroMACS system at AEEC, with : step 1 to address the overall architecture issues and scope the required standardisation activity step 2 to develop the standard.
Thank you for your attention, EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 Thank you for your attention, SESAR tests results performed in Toulouse area will be available last Q 2014, so probably presented during the next ICAO WG-F meeting .
Acronyms AEEC: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee EYAC - AeroMacs Status February 2014 Acronyms AEEC: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee AMS(R)S: Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite (Route) Service ANSP: Air Navigation Service Provider APIM: ARINC Project Initiation/Modification AOC: Airlines Operational Communications ATC: Air Traffic Control BS: Base Station CEPT: Conférence Européenne des Postes et Télécommunications DSP: Digital Signal Processor FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array GPS: Global Positioning System ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization ITU: The International Telecommunication Union MS: Mobile Station OFDMA: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access PoE: Power over Ethernet QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QoS: Quality of Service QPSK: Quadrature Phase-shift keying RTCA:Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics SAI: Systems Architecture and Interfaces SESAR: Single European Sky ATM Research TDD: Time Division Duplex WMF : WiMAX Forum
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