GEO - Global Water Sustainability International Business Meeting May 16 – 19 Tuscaloosa, AL Angélica Gutiérrez-Magness
GEO Global Water Sustainability (GEOGLoWS) OBJECTIVES Strengthen capacity to understand water data needs and develop user-driven applications products from EO data and applications Engage end users and boundary organizations to understand needs and decision making process by region, and to prioritize activities based on vulnerability analyses Coordinate and leverage GEOGLOWS partners to more effectively provide information and expertise to stakeholder and end-user communities Strengthen capacity to use science and water EO effectively across spatial and temporal scales Contribute to the assessments of population and economic growth impacts on water resources availability and climate change, to inform planning and adaptation activities
GEOGLOWS Framework includes activities focusing on: Enhancing Global Water Sustainability; Minimizing Basin and Regional Risk; Essential Water Variable (EWV) Understanding (water quality and use; water cycle Variables); Earth Observations, Integrated Data Products and Applications, and Tool Development; Data Sharing, Dissemination of Data, Information, Products, and Knowledge. User Engagement, Capacity Building. Talking points: These are the activities in which GEOGLOWS will focus Under #2 for example we have the hydrological activities at the NOAA/National Water Center related to hydrological forecasts. In the Americas for example, the AmeriGEOSS platform will serve as a capacity building resource for these activities
AmeriGEOSS Initiative & Regional Coordination Is a cooperative effort of the 16 GEO member countries in the Americas that: Reflects local, national, and regional interests of the GEO country-members for short and long-term planning, development, and implementation aligned with GEO activities. Is entrenched in the institutional and technical capabilities of its country members and in the resources of other global initiatives available for the benefit of the region. Seeks to increase institutional and personal capacity and engage experts, stakeholders, and decision makers in the process of decision making. Talking points: One of our key partners in GEOGLOWS is AmeriGEOSS. This is the first step in implementing GEOGLOWS. This is an adaptable framework that can be leveraged in other GEO-regions for capacity building. Through the AmeriGEOSS Water Working Group, we will coordinate and leverage GEOGLOWS partners to more effectively provide information: Argentina Bahamas Belize Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Honduras Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru United States Uruguay
GEOGLOWS Partners in the Americas US Government: (NOAA, NASA, USGS) : NASA Earth Science released a solicitation for proposals to support nine specific elements within the GEO Work Programme 2017-2019; NOAA’s Integrated Water Prediction (IWP) is establishing a framework to deliver next generation water prediction science and services. BYU (Brigham Young University) : Capacity building - hydroinformatics GEONETCast community in the Americas (Br, US, CR, MX, SL, Col, Ch) : dissemination, application, and exploitation of environmental data and products European Union (JRC - Joint Research Centre) : global forecast and reanalysis products Colombia (IDEAM - Instituto de Desarrollo del Ambiente), CIRMAG (Centro de Investigación Científica del Rio Magdalena), ENAP (Escuela Naval Almirante Padilla), UNAL (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) : Capacity Building activities such as AmeriGEOSS week 2016 Costa Rica - IMN -Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, SENARA (Costa Rica’s National Service of Underground Water, Irrigation and Drainage), University of Costa Rica : GNC-A, Capacity Building AmeriGEOSS week 2017 El Salvador -Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales: GNC-A Argentina
US- ARGENTINA (2017) Partner organizations: Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Ministerio de medio ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible - (MAyDS) autoridad de aplicación del Gobierno de La Pampa Waterlex Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras (IHLLA) Instituto de Clima y Agua – INTA GEOGLAM National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) U.S. State Department U.S Geological Survey Brigham Young University, University of Maryland, Morgan State University
Surface Water Mission Concept (SWOT) Stream Discharge and Surface Water Height Motivation: critical water cycle component essential for water resource planning stream discharge and water height data are difficult to obtain outside US find the missing continental discharge component Mission Concepts: Laser Altimetry Concept e.g. ICESat (GSFC) Radar Altimetry Concept e.g. Topex/Poseidon over Amazon R. Interferometer Concept (JPL) Targeted path Coincident w/ river reach Source: M. Jasinski/614.3
Instruments: L-band Radar and Radiometer Launch: January 31, 2015 SMOS and SMAP Based Soil Moisture Used by USDA/FAS for Improved Agricultural Forecasting Model Model + satellite observations 04/11/2014 - 04/20/2014 04/11/2014 - 04/20/2014 SMAP Facts Resolution: 10 km Instruments: L-band Radar and Radiometer Launch: January 31, 2015 Mission Duration: 3 years Credit: John Bolten, NASA/GSFC Satellite-based soil moisture observations are improving USDA’s ability to globally monitor agricultural drought and predict its short-term impact on vegetation health and agricultural yield.
Main Areas of cooperation: CORPORACIÓN CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA DEL RÍO MAGDALENA “ALFONSO PALACIO RUDAS” CIRMAG Starting in 2015, the Research Center began its cooperation with GEOGLOWS (water activities under AmeriGeoss), which has generated great contributions for the development of the research center, allowing it to create training spaces related to water resources and platforms that allow free access to the hydrometeorological information of the basin. Main Areas of cooperation: Implementation and capacity building for Hydroserver (2015) GEO-CIEHLYC Webinar: Consideraciones del Contexto Legal, Institucional y Técnico para los análisis integrados del Recurso Hídrico en Colombia. Participation in the Second GEO-CIEHLYC Water Cycle Capacity Building Workshop. (2015) AmeriGeoss Week (2016) Joint Research Centre - Italia (GloFAS) Acquisition of GEONETCast system (2015) Funes methodologies and test case for the AmeriGEOSS platform (2017)
CORPORACIÓN CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA DEL RÍO MAGDALENA “ALFONSO PALACIO RUDAS” Focal Point for Interinstitutional cooperation R & D : Aplied and Integrated Efective Comunication Is a government organization of a scientific nature, of common utility, defined by Law 161 of 1994 to develop a high technical and scientific capacity to place knowledge and research As the argumentative route in the decision making related to the Magdalena River, its environmental policies and actions for the management and integral management of the basin and its resources. MAGDALENA BASIN COMPLEXITY
Partnerships for Institutional Capacity: GEONETCast Talking Points: GEONETcast is the U.S. contribution to GEO and it is a broadcasting system that support many communities, including hydro-met services in the mobilization of remote sensing products. There are 50+ ground operational stations in the region receiving information. Data providers include Costa Rica, the U.S., Brazil, el Salvador and others in the region.
Partner > Mobilize > Implement Capacity Building - Developing Partnerships and Assessing User Needs Capacity Building National Regional Global Engaging Users Data Tools Products Services Delivering Solutions Share Curate Harmonize Visualize Mapping Modeling Publication Reports Acquisition Training Building Partnerships Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis Data Tools Products Services Cold Regions Engage Analyze Develop User-Driven Framework Partner > Mobilize > Implement Mobilizing Resources Deliver Community Platform Talking points: We have been strengthening current partnerships and creating new ones in the four thematic areas. We have been engaging users of flagships, initiatives and community activities to understand their needs and conducting a gap analysis to mobilize resources Community Platform
AmeriGEOSS Linking Capabilities Linking Local to Global GEO Capabilities Open Data Portals National Regional Global Talking points: Through the AmeriGEOSS we have been mobilizing water data and resources to provide the capacity to support GEOGLOWS. and other foundational tasks, initiatives etc. In mobilizing data, we are mobilizing social, economic and EO data. These are snapshots of the national portals. We also have regional portal like IOOS, Artic SDI, and GEOSUR and HDX (from the UN). *378,243 Datasets *31,812 Map Layers *413 Applications & Tools Share data, tools, applications, services *Current assessment of available resources
About AmeriGEOSS Initiatives | Data | Tools | Products | Services | Resources | Data Catalog Search Tools and Products Datasets Collections Map Viewer Talking Points: Using the platform we can now discover, access and use water related data and tools from national, regional and global data sources. Our community can access economic, social and environmental data on a variety of topics related to water use, availability, quality and indicators that will support the communities ability to develop products and services that support understanding and decision-making. The AmeriGEOSS Community Platform prototype provides a suite of resources and tools for integrating, synthesizing, analyzing, problem-solving and visualizing geographically enriched data to accelerate understanding and decision-making.
Next steps for GEOGLOWS Steering Committee provides strategy, policy, and technically related guidance and recommendations to the GEOGLOWS Working Groups and the GEO Secretariat as needed, and assesses progress on GEOGLOWS activities. Strengthening partnerships within other GEO Initiatives (AfriGEOSS, AOGEOSS, NextGEOSS, and other related activities.
Thank you! 17