Black Student Association Prepared By: Jessica Childs Rachel Pachar Kamerin Ipock Samantha Galloway
Problems of BSA Membership numbers are low Membership attendance drops in the Spring Lacking diversity No motto No Symbol
Image Create a Symbol Update the Motto Create Meaningful Message Diversity
Promotion of Symbol and Motto Banners Signs Websites T-Shirts Flyers TTU BSA
Social Events and Activities
Social Events and Activities Basketball Night and Campus Intramurals Thanksgiving Dinner Movie Night Participating in TAB Events Dinner on the Town Coffee and a Guest Speaker Spring Formal
Fundraising Member Participation Inexpensive Quick Texas Tech Involvement
Fundraising Ideas Bake sales Magazine sales Coupon sales
Sponsorship Extra money and community involvement
Sponsorship Ideas The African American Chamber of Commerce of Lubbock
Fellowship Creates friendship
Fellowship Ideas Big 12 Conference on Black Student Government
Promoting Public Relations by… Re-Organizing Internal Structure & Functions! Instating NEW Recruitment Initiatives! Getting Involved w/ Volunteer Organizations!
Re-Organize Internal Structure and Functions The MEETING— -Facilitator -Agenda -Calendar Standard Templates— -Roster -New Members -Invitations
Recruitment Initiatives Create a Website! Revise Duties for Current Officers & Members! Freshmen Orientation Booth! ** What do you NEED? **What will it COST? Reach Incoming Freshmen 1st!
“Black Oasis Outreach Initiative!” ONE new person to ONE meeting a month! Use Recruitment History for New Officer Candidates! Meet @ local café/ officer residence with a ‘bring a snack’ policy! Make it a “Game/Movie Night!” Recruit ONE member from EACH black fraternity & sorority, & Black Engineering Society, Black Law Student Association!
Churches of the Community Volunteer Prospects CASA of Lubbock Hospice of Lubbock Women’s Protective Services Habitat for Humanity International Ronald McDonald House Charities Churches of the Community
In Conclusion…