Chairman of Road Infrastructure Agency Management board Projects under Operational programme “Transport and transport infrastructure” 2014-2020 Eng. Lazar Lazarov Chairman of Road Infrastructure Agency Management board 28 - 29 November 2016 Sofia
“Kalotina – Sofia” MW Lot 1 Western Arc of Sofia Ring Road, Phase 2 Activity Contractor Contract Value VAT included Construction “European roads“ ASD 101 999 866,65 BGN OVERPASS BLVD. “LOMSKO SHOSE"
Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.1 from Blagoevgrad to Krupnik Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.1 from Blagoevgrad to Krupnik from km 359+000 to km 366+000 and from km 370+460 to km 376+000 Activity Contractor Contract Value VAT excluded Design and Construction „АМ Струма 3.1“ ASD 154 999 999,92 BGN Supervision „SN АМ „Струма Лот 3.1“ ASD 1 695 249,00 BGN
Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.1 - “Jeleznitsa” tunnel Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.1 - “Jeleznitsa” tunnel Procedures are carried out under the PPA with the subject: - Design and construction of the motorway "Struma“ Lot 3.1 Jeleznitsa tunnel - Supervision of the design and construction of the motorway "Struma" Lot 3.1 Jeleznitsa tunnel
Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.3 from Kresna to Sandanski from km 397 +000 to km 420 + 624 = 420 + 628 478 km Overall length: 23.6 km Activity Contractor Contract Value VAT excluded Design and Construction Consortium “Struma” - Lot 3.3 234 123 012,00 BGN Supervision "Patinvest-engineering" JSC 2 998 161,28 BGN
Motorway “Struma” Lot 3.3
An archaeological site 16 km 419 + 670 to km 420 + 384 village Damyanitsa, municipality of Sandanski, Blagoevgrad
Finds of the preliminary exploring archaeological site 16 km 419 + 670 to km 420 + 384 VI – V century BC III-IV century
Application Form for Struma Motorway Project – Lot 3.1, Lot 3.3 and Zheleznitsa Tunnel Received comments and remarks from Jaspers - May 2016 Agreed with Jaspers updated traffic model and CBA Submission for Jaspers’ review of the updated Application form and supporting documents – 19 December 2016
Struma Motorway Lot 3.2 from Krupnik to Kresna Struma Motorway Lot 3.2 from Krupnik to Kresna Lot 3.2 falls in the environmentally sensitive and technically difficult construction area The intensive traffic on the road through the Kresna Gorge increases the risk of traffic accidents involving casualties. For Struma Motorway Lot 3.2 passage through the Kresna Gorge various technical alternatives were developed. Four alternatives (objects of the new EIA) had been currently prepared: 15.4 km long tunnel (2008-2014) Dual Carriageway (2014) Dual Carriageway (2015) Eastern Bypass (2016)
Long Tunnel Alternative (2008-2014) Long Tunnel Alternative (2008-2014)
Dual Carriageway Alternatives (2014-2015) Dual Carriageway Alternatives (2014-2015)
Eastern Bypass Alternative (2016) Eastern Bypass Alternative (2016) 2 lanes and with a total width of 10.5 m The new carriageway bypasses the Kresna Gorge from the east and the other carriageway uses the existing road E-79 (I-1). The existing road will be rehabilitate and mitigating measures to limit the risk of mortality of wild animals and fragmentation of their habitats will be implement
EIA Procedure Developed updated Terms of Reference for the scope and content of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the investment proposal - "Improved layout of Lot 3.2 of Struma Motorway“ will be issued. Consultations with the specialized administrations, stakeholders and public were performed The statements had been received and processed. The reference for consultations is under preparation as the ToR for EIA have been precised and supplemented The submission of the ToR for the EIA for consultation with the competent authorities (MoEW and Ministry of Health) will occur in December 2016 Expected preparation of the first draft of the EIA /AA Report - March 2017 Submission of the EIA/AA Report in the MoEW for assessment of their quality Public consultation on the EIA/AA Report after positive assessment of their quality by the MoEW.
Contract Value VAT included Preparation of project: Road I-1 (E-79) Vidin-Montana-Vratsa, approximate length: 126 km Activity Contractor Contract Value VAT included DESIGN І-st section – Vidin- Dimovo, from km 3+757 to km 39+480 ІІ-nd section – Dimovo-Bela-Ruzhintsi, from km 39+480 to km 61+750 „VIA PLAN–BURDA” ASD 1 045 081,28 BGN ІІІ-rd section – Ruzhintsi-Montana, from km 61+750 to km 102+060 ІV-th section – Montana-Vratsa, from km 111+305 to km 140+008 "Inzhkonsultproekt" Ltd. 1 092 986,16 BGN
Preparation of project: Road I-1 (E-79) Vidin-Montana-Vratsa, approximate length: 126 km Activity Contractor Contract Value VAT included Environmental Impact Assessment "Dango Project Consult" Ltd. 60 372,00 BGN Auditing road safety on phase preliminary project and technical project І-st section – Vidin- Dimovo, from km 3+757 to km 39+480 ІІ-nd section – Dimovo-Bela-Ruzhintsi, from km 39+480 to km 61+750 „Safe roads ” ASD 10 000,00 BGN ІІІ-rd section – Ruzhintsi-Montana, from km 61+750 to km 102+060 ІV-th section – Montana-Vratsa, from km 111+305 to km 140+008 „Road safety ” ASD 14 400,00 BGN Start of design activity – July 2013 Deadline for preparation of technical projects – July 2018