13Px, Ko te Rāhina, 10 Whiringa-ā-Nuku 2016 What we will do What we will learn Do Now: Qu 4 on P159 of the purple book How to embed new knowledge by revisiting it. Revisit the graphs of VR and VC on the same set of axes AND leave room on the LHS for the phasor diagram How to “chunk down” tough ideas into easier bites that help access the tough ones Revisit the phasor diagrams and the vector sum How to make complex ideas into simple bites Revisit impedance and use it to show that Voltage in Series IS really shared How to make great use of time. Revisit the HW ahead (and behind!) How to stay on track for the 15th of November (35 days) Examine the phase relationship between I (or VR) and VL in an RL circuit (& leave room) How to sketch the graphs of VL and VR AND the phasor diagram
HW item Skills practiced Elex: pp144 - 145 of workbook Due Thurs 16 Sept 2016 Lenz’s law Elex: pp146 - 147 of workbook Current growth in an inductor Elex: pp148 of workbook Due Fri 17 Sept 2016 Inductor Time Constant Elex: pp149 - 151 of workbook Faraday’s Law for Inductors Elex: pp152 - 156 of workbook Due Fri 23 Sept 2016 Transformers AC electricity intro Elex: pp157 of workbook Voltage across and Current “through” a capacitor Elex: pp158 - 160 of workbook Due Thurs 13th of October Capacitive reactance and the behaviour of R and C in AC Elex: pp161 - 163 of workbook Phasors in RC circuits Elex: pp164 of workbook Due Tues 18th of October AC V and I in LR circuits
Homework Marking No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches & FULL working for all Neat presentation and down-page format Answer underlined and units given Self marked and all correct – eventually In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports
Rāhina Rātū Rāapa Rāpare Rāmere Rāhoroi Rātapu