Safeguarding Link Governors Forum 22nd March 2017 10/22/2017
Objectives of this session Understanding Safeguarding Arrangements in schools Clarification of the Safeguarding link governor role in line with current local and national expectations. Legislation update S11 audits outcomes Newham Safeguarding in Education priorities Review of the Safeguarding Lead Governor job description Networking and sharing the best practice 10/22/2017
Safeguarding in Education offer •Respond immediately and appropriately to all enquiries about policy, practice and procedures on child protection issues in Educational settings; and advise on the required action as outlined in the NSCB guidelines. •Liaise with the Police Safeguarding Team, Children Social Care Services, Health and the voluntary sector in order to address issues following correct procedures. •Advise schools of their responsibilities and the standards that are expected in order to protect children. •Disseminate information to schools on child protection issues. •Provide advice to schools and colleges on confidentiality and record keeping procedures to ensure that records are kept in strict and secure files. •Work closely with schools and colleges to evaluate their safeguarding policies in line with Ofsted expectations before and after inspection. 10/22/2017
Safeguarding Lead in Education Priorities Online Safety CSE - under-reporting of sexual assault in schools CME - Multi agency approach Radicalisation and extremism –prevent agenda Disseminating learning from serious case reviews and learning reviews Safeguarding in Education conference in October 2017 Lead governors for Safeguarding - evaluating their impact DSL forum and S11 Audits Fatmir Deda Safeguarding Lead in Education e: t: 020 3373 4535 10/22/2017
What your Section 11s have told us… Out of 108 schools in Newham we received 99 responses: 84 - confirmed that the DSL is a member of the school Leadership Team 72 - reported DSL trained within the previous two years. 94 - have an E-Safety Lead 90 - have a CSE Lead 91 - have a Prevent Lead There were 82 referrals made to the LADO from 59 schools. Of these 54 did not meet threshold and a further 28 went on for further investigation. 75 - confirmed a date in which the Governors signed off the Safeguarding Report. 92 - reported that there had been a meeting between DSL and safeguarding Governor 13 - left the question about external agencies using school premises blank? 10/22/2017
What your Section 11s have told us… 1147 children identified for Early Help (22per cent increase) 938 children identified for Early Help 319 Early Help Records across 28 schools (38 per cent increase) 231 Early Help Records across 31 schools Referrals to Triage and outcomes 2015 -2016 2014 -2015 195 families identified for support from Families First (47 per cent increase) 133 families identified for support from Families First 308 families identified for statutory assessment (39 per cent decrease) 505 families identified for statutory assessment 10/22/2017
Section 11 Audit next steps.. Analysis of the audits and report to LSCB Action Plan of the finding Peer-to-peer reviews 10/22/2017
SLG role and responsibility- Activity Expectations of yourself as a SLG Expectations of your school in relation to your role How do you know it is having an impact ? 10/22/2017
10 min Break Networking and sharing best practice 10/22/2017
Activity- Evaluation of your school!!! What works well in your school and why ? What could be improved ? What improvements are you going to make as a result of this session ? 10/22/2017
AOB Questions 10/22/2017