Samuel de Champlain “Father of New France” In 1608 - he established the 1st Permanent settlement in New France called Quebec. Champlain was an explorer, cartographer, and founder of New France. Promoted colonization!
Colonization When France (Mother Country) creates a smaller version of itself, in the form of the colony, New France (Mini Version). Mini Me = NEW FRANCE Dr. Evil = FRANCE
Colonization King Louis XIV and Jean Talon were very concerned with the low number of people settling in the colony (NF). The plan was to have a commercial company, such as the Company of 100 Associates (AKA The Company of France), bring settlers to New France in exchange for exclusive fur trading rights, but this did not work!! In order to colonize N.F. the King sent over the “filles de roi” to populate the colony.
Colonization BRITAIN - colonized the 13 colonies BRITAIN - colonized the 13 colonies FRANCE - colonized New France
The Economy of New France The Colony is not an independent entity, it belongs to another country, that has jurisdiction over it. Valued for the trade of raw materials (fish, fur, wood). Colonies Purpose: to supply the ‘Mother Country’ with raw materials & be a market for manufactured goods.
Mercantilism NEW FRANCE Manufactured Goods Fish, fur, lumber FRANCE Sugar Rum Molasses Coffee Fish, fur, lumber Sugar Molasses Rum Coffee Manufactured Goods WEST INDIES
Mercantilism Formed the trade relationship between a colony (NF) and the mother country(FR). Helped the colony grow, to some extent, making the mother country lots of $ . Mercantilism provided profit to France, and exploited the colony. Also know as the Mercantile System.
The Hudson Bay Company Fur trading company was a BRITISH company, founded by Pierre Radisson and Sieur des Groseilliers. Source of economy for New France. It cut off French trade routes and trading convenient for the Aboriginals.
The Church in New France 3 Main Purposes: 1- Convert the Aboriginals 2- Ministered to the Spiritual Needs of the settlements 3- Provided leadership through Social Welfare.
François de Laval -The first bishop, a very influential and powerful figure in New France. -founded the Seminaire de Quebec, a college to train priests. -was the head of the Church. -opposed trading alcohol for furs with the Native populations. -instituted the tithe (a church tax to help pay for church expenses). -organized parishes wherever numbers warranted a parish priest.
The Seigneurial System SEIGNEUR = landlord Duty: to subdivide his land and to settle farmers on the land, and to provide habitants with a church & mill. HABITANT = farmer (“rented” land) Duty: to build a house, cultivate land, pay annual taxes (cens et rentes) by $, a portion of their crops or fish. Habitants were expected to pay a tithe to the Church.
The Seigneurial System Seigneur’s domain Mill Church ST. Lawrence River Farm Divided among several son
Royal Government KING- Louis XIV Government of France Seigneurial Council Intendant Governor Bishop France New France In 1663, King Louis the 14th of France took over control of New France by establishing Royal Government.
Royal Government King Louis XIV – “King of Divine Right” -Ruled New France & France. -Helped populate New France by sending the “filles de roi”. -Oversaw everything. -Made $ for France from New France
Royal Government Remy de Courcelle -The 1st Governor -Appointed by the King -Primary Government figure -In charge of the government in New France & military (external issues).
Royal Government Jean Talon- Intendant -In charge of the day to day activities within the colony: law courts, money, transportation, population expansion, and expansion of resources. -Was appointed by the King
The Treaty of Utrecht 1713 Was the act where the French ceded all of Rupert's Land (HBC), and Nova Scotia (Acadia) to the British. The French were forced to recognize the Hudson Bay Company as being British.
The Fall of Quebec 1759 British take over Quebec in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Battle between the French and the British. -lasted 15 minutes, 1,300 men died. General James Wolfe- British General during the battle for Quebec City.
The Fall of Quebec 1759 Marquis de Montcalm- Commander of the French forces. Died the next day due to battle wounds. British win the battle and gain all of New France. If the British never won perhaps we would have a stronger presence in Canada or maybe we would be a French speaking country.
The Treaty of Paris 1763 3 years after the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, the Treaty of Paris was signed. This treaty ceded/gave all French territory (New France) to the British. This treaty also ends the Seven Years War in Europe between France and England.
The End of New France May It Rest In Peace 1608-1763