SOCIAL MEDIA in the Work Place Arteasia Rhodes ENG 315 05/14/17
Social Media Use in General This graph shows social media use in general. However, it is important to note that this growing usage is also reflected in businesses. For instance, some sites such as LinkedIn are being used for recruiting and selecting purposes (Leornardi, Huysman & Steinfield, 2013). Essentially, when it comes to businesses, use of social media is not about sharing views and opinions but a medium through which advertising, brand promotion and interaction with the customers among others are attained. 10/22/2017
What is Social Media in the Work Place Social media entails use of internet- enabled applications to share views and opinions as well as socializing. Most used social media platforms are; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Google+ among others. However, can these sites be used for the advantage of an organization? It has already been established that over 66% of Americans are already active users of social media platforms (Leornardi et al., 2013).. This number includes millions of employees who may be using to the advantage or disadvantage of the business. For instance, an employee may spend more time on social media and hence fail to offer enough time carrying out the assigned responsibilities. 10/22/2017
Social Media in the Work place Social media has engaged individuals regardless of age, gender, religion and race. Employees are also active users of social media who need to be taught on how to use the platforms without causing any harms (Leornardi et al., 2013).. For instance, use of social media should not take away physical interactions of the employees. On the other hand, use of social media should not result to wastefulness of time allocated for certain duties. 10/22/2017
Cont’d Social networking has become important in running of business functions It can provide easier and more engaging interactions between employees. Through social networking it becomes possible to appreciate benefits of diversification among other benefits. In addition social media use has seen growing importance in other applications as shown in the graph. It may be asked whether social media can actually help employees attain effective social networking. There are organizations which have already been putting in place social media policies which aim at controlling employees’ involvement especially when performing their duties (Majchrzak, Faraj, Kane & Azad, 2013). However, it has been established that guiding employees into how to use social media platforms objectively is the best feat. In this light, what specifically needs to be done so that employees can use social media objectively? 10/22/2017
Growing Importance of Social Media Use As it can be seen in the graph, social media is also taking new dimensions with regard to how it is used by employees. For instance, it has become usable in employing. Specifically, LinkedIn has been helpful in learning about individuals competence and skills (Majchrzak et al., 2013) This indicates that use of social media will continue to grow and hence attain applicability in other aspects and hence attract more users. 10/22/2017
How To Guide Employees in Use of Social Media in the Workplace It is not plausible for the employer to completely suspend use of social media in the work place. Employees should be introduced to benefits of using social media while in the work place. They should also be introduced to harms that may be caused by excessive use of social media. It is not a good idea to shun use of social media in the work place as employees will always struggle to use it. To ensure that social media is used effectively it could be better for an organization to ensure that employees are aware of benefits and harms that may come from use of social media (Majchrzak et al., 2013). In doing so, employers are likely to avoid ways and approaches that may bring about harms while using the social media. 10/22/2017
Benefits of Using Social Media in the Work Place The following benefits accrue from social media use in the workplace. INFORMATION sharing EMPLOYEES’ socialization BRAND promotion COMPANY representation CUSTOMER interactions Social media enables information sharing which can equip employees with information and skills that may positively impact an organization. Employees are also able to socialize among themselves and hence they can effectively interact (Majchrzak et al., 2013). Employees can also promote an organization’s brand through representing it. Additionally, employees can also enhance customer interactions on behalf of the organization. 10/22/2017
Negative Effects of Social Media Use in the Work Place The following negative effects may be realized due to excessive use of social media COMPANY misrepresentation TIME wastage NEGATIVE branding ONLINE scams ERRONEOUS posting of confidential information While employees may be involved in excessive use of social media, there are negative impacts that may be experienced. First negative branding and company misrepresentation may be experienced where an organization may suffer tarnished public image (Bucher, Fieseler & Suphan, 2012). Also, employees are likely to waste useful time on social media where that may affect their productivity. Online scams may also be availed in the name of an organization. Finally, there may be erroneous posting of information which may be used against an organization. 10/22/2017
Policies on Social Media Use in an organization Policy formulation on use of social media helps may be implemented to avoid negative impacts. The policies should aim at promoting purposeful use of social media platforms. However, there are considerations that need to be made when policies are being formulated as will be shown herein. It is important to implement policies that will bring about positive use of social media in the work place. As earlier pointed out, it is not plausible for an organization to completely shun use of social media in the work place (Bucher et al., 2012). This is due to the fact that employees will still find a way of being on social media (Bucher et al., 2012). Hence, implementation of working policies proves to be an applicable approach. In addition, the policies implemented should be formulated while involving both the management and the employees. 10/22/2017
Factors to consider when formulating policies Don’t ban access completely The policy should create a win-win situation for employees and the company. Keep the policies simple. Encourage training on effective social media use. Policies should not shun important aspects such as employee socializing and information sharing. The above factors should be duly considered when a policy to attain effective use of social media is being formulated. The above factors will help create a win-win situation where both parties will have to benefit. The central core is that policy put in place should not completely shun use of social media platforms in the work place (Bucher et al., 2012). This is due to the fact that more harm may be suffered than can be anticipated. 10/22/2017
References Bucher, E., Fieseler, C., & Suphan, A. (2012). The Stress Potential Of Social Media In The Workplace. The Journal of Information, Communication & Society, 1639-1667. Leornardi, P., Huysman, M., & Steinfield, C. (2013). Enterprise Social Media: Definition, History, and Prospects for the Study of Social Technologies in Organizations. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication, 3-19. Majchrzak, A., Faraj, S., Kane, G., & Azad, B. (2013). The Contradictory Influence of Social Media Affordances on Online Communal Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication, 38-57. 10/22/2017