Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-2027 Peter Hutchinson Dept of Education
Introduction Background to the Strategy The key aim What does it say Emerging issues and themes from Consultation Overarching issues Responses by outcome area Next Steps Final Strategy Delivery and implementation
CYP Strategy
Aim of the Strategy Working together to improve the well-being of children and young people, delivering positive long-lasting outcomes. Three key elements: Working together: How can we improve co-operation? Improving well-being: What are the issues impacting on well-being? Delivering positive long-lasting outcomes: How do we ensure effective delivery? Background Previous Strategy (2006-2016) Children’s Services Co-operation Act Programme for Government Outcomes Based Approach Development of the Strategy Cross-Departmental Stakeholder Engagement Voice of Children and Young People Engagement with Parents / Guardians
Outcomes Children and young people are physically and mentally healthy Children and young people enjoy play and leisure Children and young people learn and achieve Children and young people live in safety and stability Children and young people experience economic and environmental well-being Children and young people make a positive contribution to society Children and young people live in a society which respects their rights Children and young people live in a society in which equality of opportunity and good relations are promoted Outcome Based Approach Population outcomes – the high level conditions we want to achieve for our children and young people, stated in simple language. Headline indicators – the key measurements which will quantify progress against these outcomes.
Indicators Childhood obesity Youth homelessness Self-efficacy Low birth weight First time entrants into criminal justice system Understanding of the UNCRC Mental health and emotional well-being Victims of crime Respect for views Enjoyment of play and leisure Child contact orders Negative stereotyping Child development Child poverty Attitudes towards others Educational attainment Number of young people in need of education, employment or training Engagement between young people of different community backgrounds Educational inequality Participation Shared spaces
Example Outcome CYP are physically and mentally healthy Why it matters Article 24 of UNCRC Importance of healthy habits in early life Impact of health inequalities Issues Health in expectant mothers and babies Childhood obesity Sexual health Drug and alcohol abuse Deprivation gap Suicide and self-harm Mental health Access to services Greatest effort Infants CYP with mental health problems CYP with a disability CYP living in areas of deprivation Indicators Low birth weight Mental health and emotional well-being Data Development Mental health for u16s Actions Prioritise healthcare Tailor services Promote healthy habits Ensure CYP can access support Why does this outcome matter? Context What are the issues? Evidence / current position Based on evidence, where is the greatest effort needed? Focus on particular CYP How do we know if we are achieving the outcome? Headline indicators (including data development areas) What needs to be done? Actions
Working Together and Better Delivery Duties under the Children’s Services Co-operation Act (CSCA) Establishment of new structures Reporting and Monitoring First report within 18 months and then at periods of 3 years, to consider; What actions have been taken Progress against outcomes Impact of co-operation Improvement in the lives of children and young people New actions to be taken
Establishment of New Structures Senior Management / Ministers / Assembly Oversight and Accountability Outcomes, Delivery, Co-operation Strategy Group Children and Young People Strategic Partnership Reporting Stakeholder Forum Scrutiny Research Academia Advisory Parents Children and Young People Participatory
Stakeholder views
Consultation Process Engagement with children and young people through Participation NI and Network for Youth Engagement with parents / guardians through Parenting NI 7 open consultation events across NI 200+ responses from stakeholders, CYP, parents and guardians.
Emerging overarching themes Need to consider support for families Importance of joined up action Importance of joined up funding Need to address the root causes of different issues Importance of flexibility in approach Protect the most vulnerable at most vulnerable times Greater clarity on indicators and actions Challenges facing CYP are considerable
Issues raised by Outcome Physical and mental health Mental health issue key Drug and alcohol abuse (legal highs) Healthy habits in home and school Play and leisure Importance of play often lost – electronic play CYP with disabilities at significant disadvantage Importance of youth work
Issues raised by Outcome Learning and achieving Significant pressure on young people Need to focus on those not attaining the GCSE standard Importance of pastoral care / enjoyment of skill and other skills importance Safety and stability Defining and capturing homelessness Paramilitarism Internet safety and social media – support for parents
Issues raised by Outcome Economic and environmental Child poverty – unseen costs of education Increase in NEETs – CYP who have experienced care particularly vulnerable YP views on natural environment Contribution to society Important YP are seen as active citizens and given opportunity to contribute Youth work vital in developing range of skills Importance of participation fora
Issues raised by Outcome Respect for rights Knowledge needs to be improved – but action more important Adult awareness and respect key Equality and good relations Traditional element of good relations often not seen as major issue for YP. Other equality issues raised YP often discriminated against because of age and identity
What’s next?
Next Steps Analysis of Consultation Responses Finalise, agree and lay Strategy New structures for co-operation Delivery of actions Implementation Continual engagement with stakeholders Review, Revise, Report Monitoring
Moving Forward Analysis of responses Report Cards and Implementation Plan Development of Structures How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is any child or young person better off?
Thanks Strategy queries to; Tel 028 9185 8024