Jerzy Cieslik, Dynamic Entrepreneurship Applying the entrepreneurship theory and good practices to identifying a viable PhD concept Prof. Jerzy Cieślik Kozminski University
Jerzy Cieslik, Dynamic Entrepreneurship Objectives Identify differences and similarities in the process of: launching a new business writing a PhD thesis Apply the key concepts and practices of entrepreneurship to writing a PhD thesis Testing tools designed for enhancing PhD process Promote entrepreneurial attitudes among PhD students (proactiveness, innovativeness, risk acceptance) To powinno się pokazywac w sekwencji
New business venture as a process Each business is different, but .. There is a defined set of core gestation activities leading to formation of a viable business There are obvious sequences of certain gestation activities There are certain rules and good practices for efficient formation of a viable business Learning from successful businessmen Learning from business failures (others and own)
PhD as a process Can we use accumulated body of knowledge in the new business formation process for writing and defending PhD thesis? Do we need PhD candidates with entrepreneurial orientation? proactiveness innovativeness risk-taking attitude
Launching new business Writing PhD thesis Risk of failure Launching new business Writing PhD thesis Out of new businesses established in 2009 in Poland only 31% survived until 2014 employer firms - 59%, solo entities – 26% legal entities 50%, sole proprietorships – 30% Survival rates of franchised businesses much higher than de novo independent firms Limited number of Kozminski PhD students have defended their PhD during or immediately after study Success rate greatly improved in recent years The ratio is much higher among those who have formalized PhD process in the course of study Survival rates of „franchised PhDs” much higher than freelance ones
Business vs PHD: Why do they fail? Launching new business Writing PhD thesis Liability of newness Initial business idea not viable Lack of skills and experiences Shortage of financing Detailed business plan not elaborated properly Inability to overcome mounting problems during start-up phase Academic perspective business perspective Non-viable PHD subject Lack of analytical and PhD process management skills 0- 30 K PLN - manageable Delayed process of identifying viable PhD subject Lack of well-defined timetable, with milestones, etc.
Consequences of failure Launching new business Writing PhD thesis Financial Stress for the family Feeling of being a loser Negative perceptions by family and friends Grief, depression, nervous breakdown Entrepreneurs do not have failures but valuable business experiences Appr. 30 K PLN manageable, alternative costs much higher Stress for the family From candidate to PHD loser Bad image of „certified participant” of PhD Program Consequences less serious, but .. Consecutive attempts to write PhD thesis very seldom
Writing a PhD thesis: Key bottlenecks Jerzy Cieslik, Dynamic Entrepreneurship Writing a PhD thesis: Key bottlenecks Inefficient and delayed search for viable PhD subject Lack of academic skills for assessing the „state of the art” in a given sub-discipline Problems with data – availability, reliability, delayed collection process but Timely and efficient identification of a viable concept of PhD thesis – critical success factor To powinno się pokazywac w sekwencji
Our focus
PHD Readiness Check - 8 Steps Area Date: 25 February 2014 PHD Readiness Check - 8 Steps Level Area Description of the preparatory activities Close to 0 Initial Inter mediate Mature 1. PHD field selected Position your planned subject on the Discipline Research Map. Identify the Core and Immediate Upper Levels. Identify your PHD subject. 2. Getting PHD Supervisor Establish contact with the PHD Supervisor. Discuss with him the concept of your PHD theseis and obtain his/her consent. 3. Initial discipline research review Perform the 5X5 framework excercise - Global and Polish Perspective. Identify and study most relevant (review) papers on your Core and Upper level subject. 4. Initial literature review Collect 30-50 papers most relevant to the Core level and perform the analysis of their content using tabular format. 5. Initial empirical research review From initial literature review identify research methods mostly used in a given field, variables, and their operationalization as well as sampling techniques. 6. Checking data availability Identify source of data for your PHD, check whethrer variables from the global research can be adopted, operationalized and tested. Obtain the initial approval for releasing data for research purposes. 7. Drafting journal article for submission Elaborate the timetable for writing PHD thesis and PHD Business Plan. Confirm availability of your time vis-a-vis your professional, family and social obligations. 8. Confirming (human) resources availability
Key message Going through 8 steps with supporting tools during first year, radically enhancess chances for success
Practical tools – what they are and are not? Jerzy Cieslik, Dynamic Entrepreneurship Practical tools – what they are and are not? Focusing on the identification of the VIABLE PhD subject Making the PHD preparation process more efficient Speeding up the PhD process Identifying smart ways and efficient practices But not substitutes for: Regular contacts with your PhD supervisor Accumulating knowledge in the particular research field Mastering the research methods relevant for your subject Participating in the PhD study program To powinno się pokazywac w sekwencji