KINGSTON NETWORK NUMERACY TEAM AGENDA Welcome/ questions Report on Julie Kerr meeting Timetable of activities Format for 1st seminar Survey results Delegation of responsibilities roles for professional learning activities volunteers to present or co-present catering? evaluation/feedback other? Implementation strategies - How do we ensure transfer to schools? How can we support schools to implement? Other Start Time: 4.00 Finish Time: 5.00 Purpose: Preparation for May 5th Awareness of PL dates for 2010 List of Professional Learning presenters To ensure info is passed on throughout schools -Put all resources on wiki from PL sessions, more than one person from each school invited to attend, make people aware of agenda a long time in advance of the sessions offered, Booklets where possible?? Next session for steering committee – Thursday 20th May Possible focus areas for 1st session What to do with ODT tests and their results? SNMY- Testing tools and strategies Shared resources on wiki- teachers to bring assessment resources to first PL session Presented in e5 framework Common misconceptions – look at upper levels ODT-Drilling down into what test means, setting up for PL sessions, evaluation tools for each session, collation of information Amanda –Maths On-line Interview- Common misunderstandings being focus for this session 20mins on ODT testing for first PL session, 50 mins on SNMY and 10 mins on other things
Professional Learning Dates May 5th June 2nd July 21st Sep 1st Oct 13th Oct 20th
Minutes To ensure all Professional Learning is passed on from PD to their schools: - all resources made available on wiki - more than one person from each school invited to attend – starts professional dialogue - Make people aware of the agenda a long time before the PD is offered Participants come away from PD with something – booklet or resources?? Next meeting for steering committee – Thursday 20th May Possible focus areas for 1st session - 20mins on ODT testing for first PL session, 50 mins on SNMY and 10 mins on other things - What to do with ODT tests and their results? - SNMY- Testing tools and strategies - Shared resources on wiki- teachers to bring assessment resources to first PL session - Presented in e5 framework? - Common misconceptions – look at upper levels ODT-Drilling down into what test means, setting up for PL sessions, evaluation tools for each session, collation of information Next session (5th June) – Early Years focus Amanda –Maths On-line Interview- Common misunderstandings being focus for this session Bryony to put sign up sheets on wiki for steering committee members to sign up to present PD or to offer their school as a venue for PD sessions, volunteers from steering committee to help with first session set up Bryony to put Numeracy links document on wiki