RDA & LC-PCC Updates April 2016-February 2017 Charlene Chou at 2017 CEAL Cataloging Workshop
Agenda 2016 RSC meeting outcomes and upcoming changes IFLA LRM RDA 3R project April 2017 release: highlights from the RSC Chair RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017 Excluding the updates on cartographic materials; a CEAL webinar to be held in two parts on May 1st and May 2nd. Excluding rules for music resources Excluding changes in series covered by the 2016 Cataloging Workshop already Including a follow-up topic from the 2016 workshop related to devised titles
2016 RSC meeting outcomes and upcoming changes
Outcomes of the 2016 RSC Meeting IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) adopted by RSC with the goal of developing the RDA text by the April 2018 release of a restructured RDA Toolkit Replacing the Functional Requirements family of models (FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD) RDA will add at least five new entities from the LRM: Agent, Collective Agent, Nomen, Place, and Time-span Major change: to remove fictitious characters and non-human entities from the scope of person; however, RDA will develop accommodation for these data as names within the context of the LRM Nomen entity The impact of the LRM on RDA--Kathy Glennan’s report to CC:DA: To support work on 3R project Modeling attributes & relationships: greater emphasis on relationships LRM-E1: RES (super-entity of any entity (internal or external to LRM); RDA will refine Res (inherent) LRM E-10: Place; LRM E-11: Time-span; LRM E-9: Nomen (refer to an entity; mandatory attribute: Nomen string; each string is the attribute of a separate Nomen; the name ≠ the thing); LRM-E8: Collective agent; LRM-E7: Person; LRM-E2: Work; LRM-E3: Expression; LRM-E4: Manifestation)
Outcomes of the 2016 RSC Meeting (2) IFLA LRM The impact of the LRM on RDA-- Kathy Glennan’s report to CC:DA: Impact on AAPs in RDA: ??? Works in RDA—agent + the preferred title: allow different approaches: each version of the AAP is a Nomen string for the Work Will likely move to create AAPs for manifestations; provide methods to compose AAPs & examples of different approaches Aggregates Questions to resolve: What is a work? What is a collaborative work vs. an aggregate work? How can RDA accommodate different communities’ approaches to describing the same source? RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project Providing greater flexibility in the display of instructions, better tracking of revision history, compliance with current accessibility standards and readability on mobile devices Toolkit synchronization with the Registry; updated rdatoolkit.org site; implementation of new translation software Redesigned Toolkit will include: responsive design (emphasis on tablets) & accessibility (AA rating by W3C standard) Allow for the creation of unique “views” of the RDA content; 3 views of RDA content: workflow view, element view and policy statement view Based on the report of the 3R Project by James Hennelly, Director of ALA Digital Refernce, at the ALA Midwinter conference.
Outcomes of the 2016 RSC Meeting (3) RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project Display of instructions: integrates the display of RDA instructions with related documents (examples, policy statements, etc.); ability to personalize the display Navigation: helps distinguish entities related to instructions and which are guidelines for actions to be taken; incorporate a graphic solution to related instructions; multiple browse options Summary: recent & upcoming RDA changes driven by (Glennan’s report): International adoption of RDA Linked data: relying on OMR (Open Metadata Registry) as source of RDA data IFLA LRM: accommodating new and revised entities Implementation of the 4-fold path (unstructured description, structured description which includes authorized access points, identifiers, and URI); challenges with transcribing vs. recording data Making the Toolkit more user-friendly Refocusing order of instructions: generalizing where possible Schedule for 2017 and 2018 No October 2017 and February 2018 releases; Three releases in 2018: April, August and October Based on the report of the 3R Project by James Hennelly, Director of ALA Digital Refernce, at the ALA Midwinter conference. The summary is quoted from the Glennan’s report to CC:DA at 2017 Midwinter.
An elegant & new look of RDA Toolkit!
April 2017 Release: Highlights No information announced yet! However, the RSC Chair replied to our email with the highlights in RDA Reference.
Open Metadata Registry updated with the changes to RDA Reference for the April 2017 release of RDA Toolkit; ahead of schedule for the RDA data maintenance procedures (for more information, see http://www.rdaregistry.info/rgAbout/rdaref/dataflow/ or the appendix to RSC/Chair/17). Some of the highlights in RDA Reference (These are visible in the OMR, but not in the RDA Registry (until the next release of RDA Vocabularies): The element and vocabulary encoding scheme for RDA Book Format are re-labelled as "RDA Bibliographic Format", and several new terms are added. New "description of/described in" designators are added to Appendix M for the Person, Family, and Corporate Body entities. The element for Place and date of capture is re-labelled "capture information" and accommodates data in addition to Date of capture and Place of capture. An element for "note on capture" is added. There are also minor changes to several element labels and definitions to complete the consistency changes made in the February 2017 release. These changes prepare RDA Reference and RDA Toolkit for the 3R Project. Translations of RDA Reference (not the whole Toolkit) are added as they become available. All languages and scripts are supported, and the processes are flexible enough for translators to set their own schedules. For further information, see the document.
New RSC Documents—2016 RSC Meeting Outcomes & Glennan’s report to CC:DA (12/21/2016) The impact of 3R project: for example: RSC/LC/1: Revision to instructions for Commentary, Etc. Added to a Previously Existing Work ( Outcome: Accepted, based on the wording presented in RSC/LC/1/rev Of note: Considered a short term solution; the entire instruction could disappear as a result of the 3R Project. Based on Kathy Glennan’s report to CC:DA on December 21, 2016. The following two examples without a note for disappearing but for being folded in to the 3R project, etc. An announcement of final document were announced on March 6th. Access to these "Sec final" documents is available via the new documents page (http://rda-rsc.org/newrscdocs).
1. RSC/Europe/3: Outcome: Accepted; will use ALA’s suggested wording. Of note: Additional concerns raised during the discussion, such as making a clear distinction between internal and external sources of information, will be folded in to the 3R Project. This Sec final was just released on March 6, 2017.
1. Outcome: Accepted in principle, based on RSC/ALA/2/rev 1. Outcome: Accepted in principle, based on RSC/ALA/2/rev. ALA Representative to rework and based on RSC discussion. 2. An example added to Ancient Laws, Certain Medieval Laws, Customary Laws, Etc.: Le coustumier d'Aniou et du Maine Resource described: Le coustumier d'Aniou et du Maine. A coutume (codified French customary law) that governed the provinces of Anjou and Maine
Recording Attributes of Manifestations & Item RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017
1.7.5 Symbols & its Alternative and LC-PCC PS (2016/04-2017/02)
LC-PCC PS for 1. 7. 5: Signs and Symbols LC-PCC PS for 1. 7 LC-PCC PS for 1.7.5: Signs and Symbols LC-PCC PS for 1.7.5 Alternative: See PS for 1.7.5 for additional guidance on omitting some symbols even though they are reproducible.
The first “star” example is quoted from the CJK RDA Examples. Recording Devised Titles: new categories for devising titles added: opening words of text, a characterizing phrase, and title of related resource (April 2016) LC summaries: New categories for devising titles added: opening words of text, a characterizing phrase, and title of related resource. The language notes are for group discussion on questions, but they are not “new”! For group discussion Alternative
Discussion for CJK special materials Related rules for devised title:,, Can I devise a Korean title for a Korean painting by applying “use the language and script appropriate to the content of the resource being described, except where instructed to use specific terminology (see— music, cartographic resources, moving image & archival resources)? Can I devise an English title for a Japanese photograph by applying LC-PCC PS for
Discussion for CJK special materials (2) Manifestation with No Title: Either a) a title taken from another source (2.2.4) or b) a devised title ( Make a note to indicate the source of a title proper ( When should I input the brackets in 245? If no bracket, do I have to input a note in 500 Title devised by cataloger? (RDA; RDA 2.2.4)
The following transcribed elements: title, SOR, edition, numbering of serials, production, publication, distribution, manufacture, and series.
Follow-up discussion from the 2016 workshop I have a Chinese translation from a Tibetan book, but could not find any information of original title. What shall I do for 130 or 240? Related rules: Works created after 1500 If: the title proper of the original edition is not available or the original edition does not have a title proper and reference sources do not contain a title in the original language then: apply the instructions at Titles in the Original Language Not Found or Not Applicable (2015/04) Apply this instruction when a preferred title in the original language cannot be found either in manifestations embodying the work or in reference sources. Choose or LC-PCC PS for manuscripts and manuscript groups Notes: Charlene will send a proposal to the PCC SCS for a PS on translations without original title.
2. 4. 2 Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper 2. 4. 2 2.4.2 Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper Sources of Information & Recording SOR (Apr. 2016) Reworded to clarify that the order of preference for sources should be followed even if a fuller form of the same statement of responsibility appears on another source (e.g., if the title page says “John Smith and Jane Doe” and the cover says “written by John Smith and Jane Doe,” record the statement on the title page).
LC-PCC PS for 2.4.2. SOR Related to the Title Proper (Aug. 2016) The 2nd paragraph is for rare materials.
2.7.2 Place of Production: new for rare materials in unpublished form new for supplying a place of production
2. 8. 2. 6: new for supplying the name of a place of publication 2. 9 new for supplying the name of a place of publication new for supplying the name of a place of distribution new for supplying the name of a place of manufacture Other Information Relating to Numbering of Serials (2016/04) Example–a serial record: 362 1_ Began with: No. 1; ceased with no. 6. Began over with [2nd series], no. 1. 500 “2nd series” supplied for identification; phrase does not appear on serials.
3. Describing Carriers Recording Extent (2016/08) Recording Extent: merged the separate sub-vocabularies for these resources into a single list (2016/08)
3. 4. 4. Extent of Still Image—3. 4. 4. 5 Albums, Portfolios, Etc 3.4.4. Extent of Still Image— Albums, Portfolios, Etc. Example: 300 $a 1 portfolio
Recording Attributes of Work & Expression RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017 Recording the Preferred Title for a Part or Parts of a Work One Part: the use of general terms and numbering for the preferred title of a part of a work Recording the Preferred Title for a Part or Parts of a Work One Part: general terms and numbering for the preferred title of a part of a work Recording the Preferred Title for a Part or Parts of a Work Recording Form of Work (Aug. 2016)
6. 19. 2. 5. 1 Compilations of laws, etc Compilations of laws, etc. (preferred title for legal works): Laws, etc. should no longer be used as a preferred title. Instead, there is now an order of preference for choosing the preferred title that is modeled on instructions for single laws.
6. 27 Constructing Access Points to Represent Works and Expression 6 6.27 Constructing Access Points to Represent Works and Expression—Adaptations and Revisions: revised to clarify that 1) the same creator may adapt one’s own work to create a new work, and 2) adaptations that are new works follow general instructions at and for construction of AAP. (2016/04)—Adaptations and Revisions (2) (2016/04) LC proposal on got approved with option A-C. RSC: Considered a short term solution; the entire instruction could disappear as a result of the 3R project.
Same instructions and example also for LC-PCC PS for 19. 3. 2 Same instructions and example also for LC-PCC PS for Jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc.
Recording Attributes of Agents RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017 Recording Other Designation Associated with Person (August 2016) LC-PCC PS for Recording Professions or Occupations Some recommendations from the LCDGT group, we may use $2 lcdgt since it’s more specific for professions Sometime, $2 aat could be better or more specific than lcsh. For example: 374 Publishers $2 aat 374/372 Publishers and publishing $2 lcsh Recording Other Designation Associated with Person (August 2016) LC-PCC PS for Recording Professions or Occupations Recording Other Designation Associated with Person (August 2016) LC-PCC PS for Recording Professions or Occupations
11. 3. 2. 3 Recording Location of Conference, etc Recording Location of Conference, etc.: new 1st alternative—a larger place or a host city for multiple places; new 2nd alternative within expansions
Example: using a host city in $c for multiple locations
11. 3. 2. 3 Recording Location of Conference, etc Recording Location of Conference, etc.: new 1st alternative—a larger place or a host city for multiple places; new 2nd alternative within expansions (2)
Examples: using multiple locations and online 111 2_ Foro Virtual "Cambio Climático y Gestión del Riesgo Agropecuario" ǂd (2011 : ǂc Online) 111 2_ Cyber Law Conference ǂd (2016 : ǂc Auckland, N.Z.; Wellington, N.Z.; Online) Implementation of repeatable $c: TBA. Robert Bremer from OCLC: “Just a clarification-- The reason that OCLC’s validation routines does not include repeatability for subfield $c in authority x11 fields is because LC has not yet implemented it along with several other pending authority format changes. When we implement authority format changes ahead of LC, it only results in rejected records when records are contributed to LC requiring OCLC staff to manually follow-up on each case. If I remember correctly, we did have x11 $c implemented as repeatable in the past and then took it back out due to the number of rejected records. So, we will get it implemented in the future close to the time that LC plans on its eventual implementation.”
Recording Attributes of Concept, Object, Event & Place RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017
16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for 16. 2. 2 16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for Choosing a Preferred Name: foreign places outside Australia, Canada, UK & New Zealand (Aug. 2016/Feb. 2017)
16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for 16. 2. 2 16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for Choosing a Preferred Name: foreign places outside Australia, Canada, UK & New Zealand (Aug. 2016/Feb. 2017—removing Mexico City from the list) Notes: 3 Japanese cities in this table, which are NOT new, but are CJK-related examples.
16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for 16. 2. 2 16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for Choosing a Preferred Name: foreign places outside Australia, Canada, UK & New Zealand (Aug. 2016/Feb. 2017)
16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for 16. 2. 2 16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for Choosing a Preferred Name: foreign places outside Australia, Canada, GB & New Zealand (Aug. 2016/Feb. 2017) Only approved form: transliterated (, e.g. Hangzhou Shi from mainland China Use conventional form if available in BGN, e.g. certain Taiwanese place names. Otherwise, use approved form.
16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for 16. 2. 2 16. Identifying Places: LC-PCC PS for Names Found in a Non-preferred Script--Transliteration (Aug. 2016) Only for approved names in BGN Summary: order: Conventional (longer form) in BGN ALA/LC Romanization complaint—Approved form in BGN Approved form in BGN Not in BGN: transliterate it in ALA/LC Romanization table
Recording Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, & Items RDA & LC-PCC PS updates: highlights from April 2016 to February 2017
LC-PCC PS for Recording Relationships to Related Works (2016/04) AAP for component Parts of Compilations of Laws (Comprehensive description): updated examples using the preferred title “Laws, etc.” due to changes to RDA
Appendix I.2.2 Relationship designators for other agent associated with work: new terms added: both of these associated with serials, integrating resources and multipart monographs (2016/04) editorial director: An agent having legal and/or intellectual responsibility other than creation for the content of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monographic work. Revision, content clarification, etc., in an expression of a work is excluded. Reciprocal relationship: editorial director of. Notes: This is not the same as an editor or a creator. founder of work: An agent responsible for establishing a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monograph. Reciprocal relationship: founder of work of. 2016/08 release: I.2.1: remix artist I.2.2: casting director, audio producer under producer I.3.1: DJ, dubbing director, music programmer; under audio engineer: mixing engineer, recording engineer
Q & A THANKS to CEAL CTP/ RDA Subcommittee members and Adam Schiff for their comments!