FHT & T _ 2017 Forms
FHC Required Forms A required forms list is on the FHC Website Securities _ Procedures _ New Account Requirements
Customer Profile Form A current FHC Customer Profile Form (CPF) Part 1 is required for all clients. The CPF can be completed on a household level meaning you can list both husband and wife on the same form with both of their signatures. Compliance suggests that the CPF be updated at least every 3 years and/or any time the client has a significant change in their financial situation, such as a death, divorce, inheritance etc…
CPF Part 1 – NIGO missing Information
Customer Profile Form (CPF)_why key information is important Missing CIP info on customer –this information is vital to our CIP program – provides proof of identity. Missing employer information – needed to give us a complete picture of the client’s household situation and for suitability standards. Missing Bank Information – to verify that the client has a banking relationship and that they are using a US Bank (not a foreign bank).
CPF_ Financials Missing items: Total Liabilities Total Net Worth Annual Income Tax Bracket Financials are important – they help us and the rep to determine suitability based on the client’s financial situation
NIGO: CPF Financials
Customer Profile Form for a Trust The Trust is Customer #1 Trustee(s) is Customer #2 - #3 Financial information are trust assets Note if CPF is being used for individual client and trust, trust financial assets should be broken out on the financial profile page. And signature page should be signed by client as both trustee(s) and individual.
FHC Forms Updates Variable Annuity Disclosure Form -added Commission & Trail disclosure Customer Recommendation Form Moving Your Qualified Retirement Plan Disclosure and Guide Employer-Sponsored Retirement Account Rollover Recommendation Form
Customer Recommendation Form discussion _ see The Art of the CRF
CRF _ page 2 Complete the applicable section for new product being recommended, VA, Fixed, Mutual Fund or other. All applicable fees and commissions must be disclosed for both the previous and the new investment.
CRF- page 3 Why was this product/platform recommended? Based on the need and recommendation to make a change, why was this particular product/platform recommended? Reason for Recommendation: This is more ‘big-picture’. Why is there a reason/need to the make the change? After having assessed that need and the client’s current product and/or financial circumstance, why did you make the recommendation for a change?
Moving Your Qualified Retirement Plan Disclosure and Guide In addition to a disclosure this form is intended to be used as a guide/tool for discussion with the client. NOTE: The statement in bold on bottom of page one. “You should place your initials beside any statement that is true or with which you agree. If untrue, or you disagree, or the statement is inapplicable, please leave the space blank”. client only initials statements that are applicable, we expect there will be blank spaces. Please send all pages even if nothing was completed on the page.
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Rollover Recommendation Form Page 1 “Investments” Available under Employers Current Plan compared to Rollover IRA (select all that apply). “Services” Available under Employers Current Plan compared to Rollover IRA (select all that apply). Page 2 Disclosure of all applicable fees and expenses associated with the existing & recommended product Why product/platform was recommended and reason for recommendation.
New FHC Forms Re-allocation/Hold Recommendation Form Fixed Product (FA/FIA) Suitability Form Fixed Annuity Disclosure Fixed Indexed Annuity Disclosure
Fixed Product (FA/FIA) Suitability Form
Fixed Annuity Disclosure Page 1 Choose Product Type – Immediate or Deferred Income (SPIA/DIA), Multi-Year Guaranteed (MYGA) or Declared Interest Rate Client must initial all applicable disclosure lines Commission and/or Trail Commission must be completed Page 2 Complete applicable disclosures for the particular product chosen
Fixed Indexed Annuity Disclosure Client must initial all applicable disclosure lines Page 1 Complete applicable rates, Market Index Selected, Anticipated Cap, Spread, Participation Complete Commission and/or Trail Commission Page 2 Complete optional rider fees if applicable Complete Surrender Charges Complete partial surrenders or withdrawals
Forms Overview_ Tips Always, always obtain forms from the FHC website or Laser app to ensure you are completing the most up to date version. Always, always be sure all forms are complete, leave no blank spaces, if not applicable indicate as such. Changes/updates on forms will require that you go back to the client for initials and dates.
FHC can assist! Our job is to assist you and the rep with the proper forms, proper procedures, etc. – never hesitate to call FHC ahead of a client meeting! Visit our website for procedural information and FHC forms Paperwork requirements for different account types – note there is a specific grid for Pershing accounts Procedures for death of client or clients going through divorce Signature Guarantee processing.