Significant Canadian Battles in WWI
Trench Warfare Canada’s Role in WWI Fill in the information on the sheet provided. Canada’s Role in WWI
Significant Canadian Battles Canada’s involvement in the First World War was significant. Canadians gained the reputation of being a “crack” fighting force and earned the nickname “Storm Troopers” from their German enemies. The German’s knew when the Canadians were fighting they were in for the worst.
P7: Significant Canadian Battles Complete the P7 worksheet using the information found in these slides (posted on the website as well). Label WHERE each battle happened on the map at the top of the page. Continue working on your propaganda posters DUE NEXT DAY.
Second Battle of Ypres Dates: April 22 – May 15, 1915 Location: Ypres, Belgium Participants: Entente – British, French, Canadian Alliance – Germany Purpose: German army trying to eliminate Entente advance Outcome: Entente defended against German counter-attack Historical Significance: First major use of poison gas Canadian Significance: “Baptism of Fire” First major action for CEF. Canadians held the line while everyone else retreated! #CEFstrong
The Somme Dates: July 1 – November 18 1916 Location: The Somme River, France Participants: Entente – British, Canadian Alliance – Germany Purpose: Break through German defenses Outcome: Entente advanced 6 miles into German territory Historical Significance: Classic trench battle. Frustrated commanders use attrition to wear down enemy. Huge cost of life for almost no gain. First use of tanks and creeping barrage Canadian Significance: 24,000 causalities
Vimy Ridge Dates: April 9, 1917 Location: Vimy, France Participants: Entente – Canada Alliance – Germany Purpose: Take strategic high ground of Vimy Ridge from Germany Outcome: Canada successfully took the ridge Historical Significance: Entente gain control of strategic location. Canadian Significance: First time Canadians fought as a single group under Canadian command. Canadians succeeded where British and French failed. Sappers built tunnels up to line. Each Canadian had a map and knew all commands ahead of time. General Arthur Currie established himself as a brilliant commander and a Canadian hero. Proved world that “Canadians” were separate from Britain.
Passchendaele Dates: July 31 – November 6 1917 Location: Ypres, Belgium Participants: Entente – British, ANZAC, Canadian Allies – Germany Purpose: Break German line, capture German sea ports Outcome: Canadians take Passchendaele. No major breakthrough Historical Significance: Classic trench battle. Canadian Significance: Canadians again prove themselves on the battlefield. 9 Canadians awarded Victoria Cross during battle.