I decided to send care packages to our United States Marines I decided to send care packages to our United States Marines. I had read that the people in Washington DC had forgotten about how much our Marines do for us and that meals and supplies had been cut back on. This must severely decrease efficiency and lead to mistakes and possibly lost lives. In addition, studies have shown that receiving care packages can significantly reduce the chances of PTSD in returning veterans.
There were a couple of factors that influenced my decision on what to do for my Senior Project. Probably the biggest was my dad and some of his friends being Marines. Also big in my decision was everything that I had been reading about how difficult life is for Marines serving in the Middle East and how the smallest everyday comforts of home are missed and could make a big difference.
The problem I saw and that I wanted to do whatever I could to help was that Marines weren’t being treated properly and this was contributing to an increase in PTSD. PTSD FACTS: Over 20% of all Iraq veterans will suffer from PTSD/ 50% of those effected will not seek any form of treatment for their symptoms. At 13%,. the Marine Corps has the second highest amount of veterans diagnosed with PTSD. Something as simple as a care package is a leading way to combat PTSD.
It didn’t take long for the box to begin filling up. I was inspired by seeing donation boxes outside of stores and at festivals and concerts. I planned to ask local business if they would allow me to leave my box either inside or just outside of their doors. I went to my gym, Snap Fitness, Walgreen’s, Frye's Supermarket, Albertson’s and the drycleaners that my parents use. This seemed like the most effective way to collect items. Along with my parents and sister, we also posted on social media and were able to collect cash donations which were used to purchase additional items. It didn’t take long for the box to begin filling up.
USMC CARE PACKAGE ACTION PLAN: 1 – Get donation boxes that will be placed outside of various stores and businesses. Clearly mark and decorate boxes so as to catch people’s attention. 2 – Contact store managers and get permission to place boxes inside/outside of stores. 3 – Some boxes were placed and left in businesses like gym and barber. Others were manned outside of supermarkets and other stores. 4 – Contact American Legion and arrange to deliver all donations for shipment overseas. 5 – Package all donations and deliver to American Legion Hall for shipment.
For documentation of my project I have used pictures of our donation boxes placed in various locations, our visit to the Marine Corps Recruit Station in Mesa, pictures of donations being made at various locations and pictures of us packaging up our donations for delivery to the American Legion Hall for them to deliver. I will also have a guest speaker. I have arranged for a member of the United States Marine Corps to join me in my final presentation.
The most important artifact that I will be using during my presentation will be my guest speaker. I will be having a United States Marine and Iraqi war veteran speaking about first hand experiences about serving in battlefield conditions and telling what it means to receive care packages from home and how even the smallest of things makes a huge difference.
The impact that I am hoping my project will have is that when it is completed, I will have shown some of the sacrifices that our men and women in our military make for all of us. The sacrifices that they and their families make everyday for people that they don’t even know and they never ask or expect a “thank you”. I hope that others in our community will feel inspired to join this cause and contribute in some way to an active duty Marine, a veteran or their families. The evidence I have that the community has gotten involved is based on the amount of donations I have received and the online response I have gotten for my project. But this is only part of it. The true evidence, that I may never see, is the smile on the face of a Marine when he or she opens that care package. And that’s all that really matters.
My Senior Project represents our school mission perfectly. Benevolence - My project is an act of kindness and goodwill for others. Honor – In every sense of the word, my project defines honor. It was an honor to do this for men and women that sacrifice for all of us. Scholarship – I have learned a great deal during the time I have been working on my project. I have researched and studied about what Marines go through, how they live while deployed, what they need and how to acquire and send these goods.
While working on my Senior Project over these past three years, I have learned how much the members of our Armed Forces and their families sacrifice for the good of all of us. I am honored to able to give back in this very small way with the hope that if can make someone's day a little easier. If each of us just give a small amount of time every now and then it can make a tremendous difference in the lives of these men and women.
WORKS CITED Starr, Barbara. "US Cutting Back On Hot Chow For Troops." CNN Security Clearance. CNN, 21 June 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. N/A. "Veterans Statistics: PTSD, Depression, TBI, Suicide." Veterans PTSD Statistics. N.P., 20 Sept. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.