Louis XIV The Sun King
Background Henry IV (Navarre) Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIV and Cardinal Mazarin La Fronde (1648-1653)
L’etat, c’est moi!
Absolute Power Believed in divine right Weakened nobility Bishop Bossuet Weakened nobility Utilized middle class as advisors Divided power among advisors Centralized all administrative activities Increased number and strength of intendants
Absolute Power Commanded army Enforced religious unity (Edict of Fontainebleau) Controlled and strengthened economy under mercantilism! Jean Baptiste Colbert Gave financial support to arts and education
Struggles with Absolutism Inefficient tax system – Could only tax peasants because taxing nobility would mean giving up power! French parlements Moderns and salons
Versailles Statistics 11 miles from Paris Main building was over 500 yards long 30,000 laborers and 6,000 working to build it in 1685 10,000 nobles lived there 2,153 windows 2,000 rooms 67 staircases 6,000 paintings 1,500 drawings and 15,000 engravings 2,100 sculptures 5,000 items of furniture and objects d'art 2,000 acres of grounds 12 miles of roads 12 miles of enclosing walls 200,000 trees 80 miles of rows of trees 210,000 flowers planted every year 1400 fountains
The Orangery
Fountains, Fountains, and More Fountains!
Hall of Mirrors
Louis XIV’s Chapel
Louis XIV’s Carriage
French Society Strongest nation in Europe Largest population in Europe Self-sufficient, successful economy Large middle class Center of culture, art and education Baroque Emulated by others across Europe!
Wars of Louis XIV Louis XIV wanted to expand his territory and other nations wanted to keep the balance of power Chambres de reunion Invasion of Spanish Netherlands (1667) Dutch War (1672) War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713) France and Austrian Habsburgs in line for inheritance after Charles II Left to grandson of Louis XIV Too much French power! William of Orange forms Grand Alliance (Dutch, England, Austria, Brandenburg) against France and Spain
Wars of Louis XIV Treaty of Utrecht (1713) French domestically weakened and lose territory in Canada, but remain strong power within Europe Dutch remain secure, but will never be major power again Spain greatly weakened – lose land in Europe and Mediterranean Sea! Italy and Germany remain divided and weak Britain becomes even more wealthy and powerful!