Week 5 Empire, War, and Colonial Rebellion PSIR 205 Week 5 Empire, War, and Colonial Rebellion
Overseas Empires Four stages: 1) the age of exploration, conquest, and settlement 2) Colonial rivalries: Spain, France, and Great Britain (British colonies of North America and the Spanish colonies of Central and South America emancipated themselves). This period ended in 1820. 3) European nations built new empires in Africa and Asia during 19th century. Either elites or European settlers dominated 4) Decolonization during the 20th century
What are the legacies of European empire?
Eighteenth century empires Established for the purpose of trade Development of navies to protect overseas colonies Plantation economy and slavery
Mercantilism In 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht established the boundaries of empires Mercantalism: to accumulate bullions of gold. Excess of exports over imports The economic well-being of the home country Hierarchical relationship between the colony and the homeland Military security and public administration Trade to be made between colonies and the home country: navigation laws, tariffs, and regulations prohibiting trade French-British Rivalry: Competition in North America In India
The Spanish Colonial System Colonial Government: Council of the Indies; legislation for the colonies; nominated the viceroys of New Spain (Mexico) and Peru The system allowed patronage Trade regulation: Casa de Contratacion (House of Trade) in Seville regulated all trade with the New World Cadiz was the only port authorized to trade with America
Colonial Reform under the Spanish Bourbon Monarchs French Bourbon prince to Spain’s throne (1714): Phillip V Re-organizing the flota system Estabslihing a new viceroyalty, New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador) Charles III: He abolished monopolies of Seville and Cadiz He established a fourth viceroyalty, Rio de al Plata (modern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia) Increase the efficiency of tax collection He added the office of intendent Peninsulares versus creoles
African slavery, the Plantation system, and the Atlantic Economy Tobacco, cotton, indigo, coffee, and sugar (in West Indies) Plantation of these crops were by slaves Slave trade in particular of West Africans Slavery was never abandoned in the history, but it never became the centre of production in Northern Europe
The Plantation System The Spanish and Portugeese The need for manual labour The shortage of workers. Colonizers did not focus on the welfare of workers but replacing them the new ones Slaves soon surpassed Europeans Slavery spread to British colonies in North America Sugar led plantation system. All manufactured goods were produced by and imported from Europe
What are the consequences of slave experience? Around nine million black Africans to the New World Not humanely treated Converted to Christianity Use of racism to sustain slavery
Mid 18th century wars The War of Jenkin’s ear The War of the Austrian Succession The Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 The Seven Years’ War
The American Revolution and Europe Treaty of Paris in 1763 High rate of taxation to British colonies in North America Sugar Act and Stamp Act The Stamp Act crises
The Crisis and Indepence Boston Massacre Boston tea issue Intra-colony communication Thomas Paine’s Common Sense France and Spain supported colonies 1776 declaration of independence, 1783 recognition of independence
American Political Ideas Roots in English aristocratic ideas that resisted against Stuart monarchy Glorious Revolution (1688) set the ideas liberties for all British people The Whig political philosophy: John Locke Radical ideas from Puritan revolution of Britain: taxation as means of finacing corruption, and standing armies as tools of tyranny