Board of Directors Finance & Investment Committee 5/5/17 FY 2017/2018 Budget Review Board of Directors Finance & Investment Committee 5/5/17 FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Agenda Action Items General Assumptions/Key Drivers Financial Summary Budget Detail Operating Statements (Detailed Hand Out) Capital Expense and Funding (Hand out) Cash Flow & Long Term Liabilities Reserve Funding Issues/Recap FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Action Items Seeking Approval of: FY 2017/2018 Operating Budget Operating Contribution of $558,309 Reported Net Contribution of $1,008,309 Individual Corporate Donations in excess of $2,500 Capital Funding FY 2017/2018 Capital Request - $2,179,880 FY 2016/2017 Unbudgeted Expenditures -$30,000 $51,102 FY 2015/2016 Budgeted Carryover Reserve Funding Schedule See separate Donation Sheet. - Items included in G&A and some part of contracted donations. FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget General Assumptions Enrollment Flat per Campus Forecast General price increases in most areas Executing to contracts in place 96% occupancy rate for Housing All known rate increases accounted for 5-10% for Health Insurance, WC, insurance, etc. PERS Adjustment this year Campus/Product cost escalation Per EO-1000 Utilities? 1) Operating hours and volumes similar to current year but expanding for Housing 2) Housing peaked in 2014 and FY15/16. Fy16/17 at 2,560/2460 3) Student rate increases selective by department area 5) Cost/Price escalation of 5+%, EO-1000 6)PERS – Escalating payment profile for unfunded liability VEBA – off Balance Sheet Campus Utilities unknown but planned at FY16/17 campus plan. FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Key Activities/Drivers $300K Wage Impact New Residential Dining Plan Starbucks Contract renewal Papa John’s Pizza Concept Ongoing Activities Textbook Sales – Projected 4% increase Amazon Locker Campus Print Shop Management Textbooks down Year-over-Year. Optimism prevails. FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Key Activities – Labor Impact Estimated $200K Minimum Wage Impact Implementation date – January1, 2018 Annual Impact of $375K $125K Full Time/Part Time $250K Student Wages $25K California Exempt Minimum Impact 2X Minimum Wage - $45,760 13 Employees (Ave 4.8% increase) $80K - Staff Labor Pool Increase 2% - Employee Minimum Wage to $11.00 Escalation in future years. Jan 19 =$12.00 FLSA Pending next year. Key Staffing – IT tech but no Accounting Manager Replacement FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Minimum Wage Administration California Minimum Wage Increase $11.00/hour on January 1,2018 (period 7) City of Long Beach has adopted same rate Effects all Students, Hourly, and Temporary employees Tiered Increase for those between $10.50 - $12.50 Budget Guideline for hourly rate adjustments $10.50 - $10.99 $11.00 (up to 4.8% Escalation) $11.00 - $11.49 $11.55 (up to 4.9% Escalation) $11.51 - $11.99 $12.05 (up to 4.7% Escalation) $12.00 - $12.49 $12.55 (up to 4.6% Escalation) FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Key Activities – Other Financial $148,333 Interest Expense for Outpost Plus $95,000 Principal PERS Minimum Unfunded Liability Payment $286,399 – July 2017 $359,464 – July 2018 Estimated 5% Investment Return Incentive Comp placeholder in G&A Zero $ VEBA Funding – No O/S impact Off Balance Sheet - Year 7 of 7 year plan $450K investment $400K IC placeholder Post Retirement Liability projection will take its course FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Divisional Operating Statement Forecast based on March Actuals w/ PERS adjustments. Budget projection optimistic given Res Dining volume decline. Revised Division to match future reporting Separated C-Store from Bookstore – Moved to Retail Dining Director Combined Computer Store with Bookstore – Staffing synergy Reporting Retail Dining and Residential Dining separately FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Summary Operating Statement Forecast is based on March YTD Actuals and remaining budget w/adjustments Key activities include Min Wage increase Residential Dining Plan changes Flat enrollment Give/take investment differences Amazon Locker Program Physical Inventory slated for June Sales Forecast assumes consistent enrollment with ongoing business for Bookstore, C-Store/Cash food, 100%? Residential at 2,555 New contract with no price increase Declining Balance Plan eliminated: will pick back up some sales Limited Summer Residency programs Computer Store optimistic but minimum margin impact Textbooks in year-over-year decline Starbuck up for relicensing ID Card Pass Thru – No changes anticipated Margin Challenges Minimum wage impact on market Escalating wholesale Price Increase i.e. Food eroding margins Competition/Technology transition within Bookstore No pricing increase on Res Hall plan EXPENSE Minimum Wage Impact - Minimum/none Staffing replacement 2% labor pool increase - Beach on 2nd St continued Rent/Management reduction - Depreciation uptick due to major projects (Amazon, Accounting, Cameras). Pending Starbucks, Outpost Patio C&R Grad Merchandise Print Shop Management FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Division 2 - G&A Corporate Donations Flat Approval Action (See detail) Contains Employee/Retiree Related Expense $400,000 Incentive place holder $510,000 Medical Retiree Health Staffing Flat System Upgrades/Depreciation Equivalent 11.9% rate 10.8% Net of IC 9.4% Net of IC/Retiree Medical IT staffing tech No Accounting Manager replacement - Ongoing benefit cost increase - Includes Herff-Jones Pass thru EO-1000 Campus increase. $222 + $36K Rent $258K Includes Mary/Carmen costs and IT support plus email and new Switches. FY 2016/2017 Budget Review
Corporate Donations Over $2,500@ Approval Required All Other Donations in the $500-$1,500 Range Jewels of the night, HFHM, Athletics, Alumni, Relay for Life, etc. $97,500 Coke Sponsorship included in Athletics Contract $90,000 National Merit Scholar/Faculty in Residence Meal Plan donation part of Residential Dining Contract Added President Scholars – Approved for FY16/17 per BOD Increased Shops Student donations to $15K -Excludes Textbook Scholarship Pass Thru Funds Herrf-Jones, US Foods The Rest of monies raised is directly paid to Foundation FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Bookstore/Computer Store Sales Flat at $16.2M Textbook Projection up Year-Over-Year Textbook decline of 5% Steady Retail growth Commencement Computer Store opportunities with campus Campus Print Shop Management Amazon Locker Printshop EO-1000 , $145K Amazon 5 year plan Facilities cost/compliance eroding anticipated revenues $175K Guarantee, Depreciation $137K. Credit Card processing affiliated with specific POS Limited selection with who to go with FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Bookstore/Computer Store Sales Trend Combined Bookstore/Computer Store FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Convenience Stores C-Stores at Capacity/Sell Through Sales Flat at $3,260,029 Incremental pricing increase Declining Balance plan eliminated POS/PCI Costs/Depreciation New Hardware in place Inventory System Implementation FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Retail Dining - Division 491 4% Sales Growth Across the Board Campus Saturation of offerings Loosing Declining Balance meal plan $’s Offset by new Flex Offering Papa John’s concept at Outpost Starbucks Refresh Market Pricing/Cost Challenged Large percentage of Minimum wage employees High Credit Card fees and Facilities Cost Flat enrollment FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Residential Dining Planned Occupancy of 2,550 Residents New Meal Plan agreement in place No increase in base plans Elimination of Declining Balance Plan Additional offering of Flex Dollars Anticipated 96% full occupancy around 2,550 2016 Fall/2017 Spring 2,538/2,463? New Agreement - Declining Balance Eliminated - New Flex Offering - Large staffing of min wage employees - Shops Contributes Faculty (12) and NM (14) Scholar Plans (up to) FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Division 5-ID Card Office Pass-Through program to Campus No P&L Impact Blackboard Contract renewal with CO Off Campus Vendor program Minimal New Meal Plan Flex Offering administration FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Capital Summary FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget FY2016/2017 Capital Status Current Year Expenditures of $798K Anticipate $73K for the balance of the year Key Major Projects aborted/deferred $100K - Food Truck, Health dept. challenges $275K - Outpost Patio/Seating moved to FY17/18 Action Item – Approval Required Unbudgeted item(s) -$30,000 Carry Over - $51,102 (Reference only) - See memos FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Capital Funding Request ACTION ITEM Requesting Capital funds of $2,179,880 Approval Required* See Memo (detail) Key Projects planned Starbucks Renewal Outpost Patio Papa John’s Japanese Garden Server Room See Memo FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
Cash flow
FY 2017/2018 Budget Cash Flow Projecting Negative Cash flow - $413K Considers entire Capital budget $400K-$600K subject to delay Capital Investment exceeds Depreciation 5% Investment return factored in VEBA Trust Funding complete per plan Current Balance at $4,849K Projected FY17/18 holdings of $5,129K Initial Plan assumed $5.3M balance after 7 Years Ongoing PERS Unfunded Liability Payments FAS 106 Audit in process for year-end FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget FYE Cash Flow Projection Negative Cash flow Anticipated subject to Capital Spending FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Cash/Investment Balance Trend Cash/Investments benefited from FY2016/2017 Investments - Added $1.5M since 2008. Gains from investment - Excludes VEBA – Off Balance sheet FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
Long term liabilities
FY 2017/2018 Budget Long Term Liabilities Liabilities spiked this year PERS Unfunded Liability YE estimate - $4,753,987 $783,494 Increase based on Actuarial and 7% discount rate $286,399 Payment required in July - Annual increase Ongoing 30 year Term Other Term Options available (See PERS report) SRB Principal ($3.5M) pay down<$95K/year near term 2016 Refunding saves $500K over the remaining term (2039) Medical Post Retirement liability past its peak Currently at $3,861,913 VEBA Funding Plan mitigating long term exposure Bond is $3.3M plus $200K unamortized deferred refinancing. FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY2017/2018 Budget Long Term Liabilities Post Retirement Liability will be abated by VEBA long term PERS is at a 30 year pay down schedule with an assumed 7% rate FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY2017/2018 Budget Long Term Liabilities FY 2017/20187 Budget Review
FY2017/2018 Budget VEBA Trend 7 Year-$4M Investment/$5.3M Target Post Retirement Liability will be abated by VEBA long term Dollar Cost Ave but offset by lower returns FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY2017/2018 Budget Long Term Assets\Liabilities Comparison Addressed Key Liabilities but still treading water Operating in leveraged mode Need to set aside reserves for rebuilding FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
Cash Designation & Liquidity Reserves
FY2017/2018 Budget Reserve Planning Per Policy accommodations made for: Working Capital Annual Capital Replacement /Major Maintenance Adequate funds on hand for Midterm Support Planned negative Cash Flow in FY2017/18 Assumes large Capital investment plan VEBA funding (Off Balance Sheet) Assumes no additional investment Completed Year 7 of 7 year plan See Policy for Controller reporting requirements and thresholds. Working Capital targeted at 8% of expenses = $2.7M Reserve Funding Opportunities are: VEBA – 1 year or so funding continuum, turn over to TPA Alumni Center/Catering Kitchen Designate/Grow funds for early Bond payoff – 2 year assessment Pay down PERS Unfunded Liability Develop long term plan for UDP Renovation FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY2017/2018 Budget Reserve Planning (Cont’d) PERS Unfunded Liability largest debt/risk Charged Interest exceeding Operating ROI No Future set aside funding in place Need to start reserving and/or Designate Funds for long term rebuild PERS assumes 7% earnings. Net Contribution and Investment policy much lower. Reserve Funding Opportunities are: VEBA – 1 year or so funding continuum, turn over to TPA Alumni Center/Catering Kitchen Designate/Grow funds for early Bond payoff – 2 year assessment Pay down PERS Unfunded Liability Develop long term plan for UDP Renovation FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Reserve Matrix Per Reserve Policy definitions/Requirements we’ve satisfied the need for Operating Statement items. -FY2016/2017 is done hence zero WC. $2.7M estimated for FY2017/18 Beach Club Deposits $460K$250K. Increased due to Flex $’s Paying as we go for all: Facilities/Capital Replacement & Major Repair Funding accommodated through depreciation Vacation/Holiday payout - Unrestricted. Ongoing accrual/Pay-out Unemployment Insurance (UIT) held with CSURMA Post Medical current year premiums being paid through Operating Statement - Overall liability is being addressed through VEBA and future returns on investment. SMIF held at Wells Fargo already in a separate account – Not restricted or designated but isolated FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Reserve Funding Opportunities All but Facilities are recorded on the Balance Sheet Provisioning and recognized various liabilities. Paying down on some: - Facilities Infrastructure pending - Vacation/Holiday is partially designated on the asset side in name only SRB Funding Payments – Finite pay down schedule Refunding save $500K in interest over the remaining 22 years. 10 year Bond Call again. VEBA assumes funding to initial commitment only – Future unfunded liability paid from VEBA investment returns Beach Club is ongoing projected average with holding increasing due to Flex $’s Liability is being addressed regularly. Could designate percentage of funds if balance increased dramatically. SMIF – No liability unless we run out of cash and need to call in the account FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Issues and Concerns Ongoing Wage and Compliance Impact CA minimum wage trend to $15/hour by 2022 High Credit Card fees/PCI Compliance Aging Facilities/High Repair Costs Major Capital Projects Pending with little ROI Saturated Food Services Market Textbook Sales Trend Flat Escalating PERS unfunded liability Address Long Term Debt/Assumed rate PERS based on optimistic fund returns FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Summary Wrap-up Good Financial shape heading into FY2017/18 Adequate funding and reserves in place Realistic targets set towards optimism Accounted for Labor increases and Contract Rates No Growth opportunity in Retail Dining/C-Stores Market Saturation prevails without a Master Food Plan Net Operating Cash Flow Potentially Negative Debt Service Impacting Operations Reserve for Future Re-Build Focus on process/Systems FY 2016/2017 Budget Review
End Slide FY 2015/2016 Budget Review
Back Up Files Hidden Slides FY 2016/2017 Budget Review
FY 2017/2018 Budget Financial Details (Hand-outs) Financial Detail Back-up Hidden Slides for Audit Back-up See Hand Outs FY2017/2018 Annual OS Forecast by Division FY2016/2017 Additional Capital Expenditure Memo FY2017/2018 Capital Budget Request Enrollment History PERS Liability Extract Reserve Document Do FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
CSULB Enrollment FY 2017-2018 Review
PERS Unfunded Liability Funding (Excludes PEPRA) FY 2017/2018 Budget Review
PERS Unfunded Liability Alternate Amortization Schedule FY 2016/2017 Budget Review
Reserve Policy Extract Policy As part of the annual budget process the Forty-Niner Shops will evaluate the need for reserve funds and establish and/or revise funding levels as appropriate. The plan to build and maintain the recommended reserves will be integrated into and approved as part of the annual operating plan. At the end of each fiscal year, the Forty-Niner Shops Controller will prepare a financial report of the reserve contributions made during the fiscal year. The report will be included as part of the year-end financial statement approval process. All expenditures from the reserve accounts require the approval or ratification of the Forty-Niner Shops Board of Directors. Reserve accounts will consist of the following categories subject to change as approved by the Forty-Niner Shops Finance & Investment Committee: A. Working Capital B. Capital Replacement C. Major Maintenance and Repair/Capital Renovation and Upgrade D. New Projects and Planned Future Operations E. Designated Fund – Funds for specific purposes as directed by the Board F. Reserve for special projects as needed Items A thru D are required expenses under CSU Executive Order 994 while items E and F are funds designated under Legal guidelines and Company Board discretion respectively Adequacy of reserves does not require that funds be individually segregated for restricted use, but provides assurance that sufficient funds are available to accommodate routine as well as unexpected needs of the Forty-Niner Shops. FY 2017/2018 Budget Review