Nutritional Information For the High Performance Athlete
Today’s Topics Tomorrow’s Topics What and When Your Body H20 to Go Supplements Your Body Calorie Intake Types of Food LoseIt!
Your Body Your body is a machine that requires specific things to function correctly As an athlete you need to make sure that your body is getting the correct amount of things that you need in order to perform at a high level
Your Body The following PowerPoint is a brief guide to what you should be eating and drinking in order to help your body get stronger and faster A good nutrition plan is essential to increasing athletic performance
Calorie Intake A single kCal is the amount of energy needed to raise one liter of water one degree The energy found in calories is obtained through food items and can used by the body Your body needs specific amounts of food energy to move, function and grow It is essential to get enough calories for your body to function
Calorie Intake Many people will base their diet on a 2000 calorie budget (135lb female) or 2600 calorie budget (165lb male) As a growing high school athlete your calorie budget needs to be higher to maintain energy levels on and off the field
Calorie Intake If you do not consume enough calories to fuel your body, your body will find fuel any way possible This means that your skeletal muscle tissue can be broken down to power the body You will be breaking down the muscle that you worked hard to build
Calorie Intake High school athletes should be consuming between 3800 and 4400 healthy calories on heavy work out days High school athletes should be consuming between 3600 – 4150 healthy calories on light workout days High school athletes should be consuming 3300 – 3800 healthy calories on rest days
Types of Food Each type of food that you eat contains three different types of molecules Proteins are used as building blocks for the body Carbohydrates are used for short term energy Lipids (fats) are long term energy storage for the body
Types of Food - Protein Lean proteins should be the center piece to any good diet Protein gets a lot of attention, however it is not the only thing you should focus on Proteins are essential for your body to build, repair and use the various muscle groups
Types of Food - Protein Great sources of protein are Casein Protein Egg Whites Fish Skim Milk, 1% Milk Lean Turkey Lean Chicken Shellfish Whey Protein Other good sources of protein are Almonds Grass Fed Lean Beef Greek Yogurt Lean Pork Low Fat Cheese Soy Beans
Types of Food - Protein You should be consuming lean protein throughout the day You should be consuming at least 1.5g/lb of body weight per day This should be spaced out into 6-8 medium sized meals per day The body can only absorb around 25g – 35g of protein an hour
Types of Food - Carbohydrates All carbohydrates are not created equal Some carbohydrates are shorter in length and provide short burst of energy Some carbohydrates are longer and a slower and steadier release of energy
Types of Food - Carbohydrates A consistent flow of carbohydrate energy allows your body to function throughout the day It will ensure that your body does not have to break down body tissues to get energy
Types of Food - Carbohydrates Short Chain Carbohydrates High fructose corn syrup Dextrose Sucrose Refined sugars Long Chain Carbohydrates Whole Grains Oats Multigrain breads Brown Rice Whole Wheat Pasta
Types of Food - Lipids Lipids (fats) often get a bad rap because they carry high amounts of calories per gram (9kCal/g) This is opposed to carbs 4-5kCal/g and protein 4kCal/g However healthy fats are part of any balanced diet
Types of Food - Lipids Healthier fats are unsaturated fats These are easier for your body to break down Unhealthier fats are saturated fats These are hard for the body to break down and can pile up in the blood when eaten in excess A general rule is that if the fat is liquid at room temperature, it is unsaturated. If it is solid at room temperature it is unsaturated
Types of Food - Lipids The most important and readily available healthy fat to be consumed are Omega 3s and Omega 6s These fats are easily broken down by the body and can take the place of less healthy fats These can be found in fish, nuts, seeds, healthy oils and more
Loseit! Understanding how many calories you have eaten throughout the day can be taxing However, tracking how many grams of protein you consume daily and your calorie intake is vital to building lean muscle
Loseit! The app Loseit! Is available on most smartphones and iPod devices It will track your daily intake of food and automatically update to show you a basic dietary analysis It will guide you on caloric intake, protein intake, carbohydrate intake and fat intake
Loseit! DO NOT USE THIS APP TO LOSE WEIGHT This app is generally designed to help people lose weight, however we are going to use it to track our food and increase muscle mass
What and When Understanding how to eat is only half of the battle Understanding when to eat is the other half of that battle Making decisions about when to supply your body with nutrients is vital to increasing muscle mass
What and When Increasing muscle mass is about keeping your metabolism up Metabolism – the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism For dietary nutrition it describes what you are doing with all the food that you eat
What and When Keeping your metabolism “up” You are processing more nutrients You supplying your body with more calories You are absorbing more protein during the course of a day
What and When Keeping your metabolism “up” is easy Keep food in your stomach at all times Liquids generally leave your stomach in under 45 minutes Food generally leave your stomach in under 3 hours
What and When Absorbing nutrients when your muscle cells need them plays a critical role in maintaining strength Muscle cells need lean protein and carbohydrates after a rigorous workout or a long period with no food After lifting After a good nights sleep
H2O to Go Around 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated This means they do not maintain proper fluid levels to perform all cell functions Cells require water to perform hydrolysis and create energy
H2O to Go You should be drinking at least 1-2 gallons a day Water should be drank throughout the day Drinking large quantities at once can lead to water intoxication
Supplements Whole foods are foods that you can pick or purchase Supplements are designed to augment the nutrients that are being supplied by whole foods Supplements are not designed to replace meals
Supplements The most important supplements that you can take are… Fish oil (2-3mg twice a day) Whey Protein + Simple Carbohydrates post workout (35g protein and 60g simple carb) Creatine (Monohydrate, CEE capsules or microionized)
Supplements Other supplements that can greatly help are… A time release protein blend taken before bed (Casein protein) Multivitamin (B6, Thiamine and Niacin) Vitamin D + Calcium supplements
Supplements There are some supplements to avoid… Any hormone supplement (testosterone, estrogen, HGH, etc) Preworkouts Many contain dangerous amounts of caffeine and do little before a workout
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Remember, all of these are generalized suggestions As a coaching staff we do not think there is only one way to get in shape Each and every person is different with different needs, backgrounds and medical restrictions You should proceed with the plan that works best for you