Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council March 22, 2017 Information Technology for Minnesota Government | mn.gov/mnit
Welcome Introductions Approve agenda Approve December minutes
Agenda Time Topic 11:15 Accept committee summaries; approve EPC charter 11:25 Discuss committee and GAC work plans and accomplishments 11:55 Sunset committees and workgroup 12:05 Break, networking 12:35 Geospatial community calendar and discussion forum 12:45 Sector report 12:55 Legislative update 1:05 1:25 MN GAC priority projects Boundary Update Project 1:35 Commendation awards 1:40 GAC appointments process 1:45 Announcements
Agenda Item 2 Review and discuss and accept committee summaries Approve updated EPC charter
Agenda Item 3 Review and approve committee work plans and accomplishment reports Review, discuss and approve GAC work plan and accomplishments report (Kotz)
Agenda Item 4 Reports on sunsetting committees and workgroup Digital Elevation Committee Hydrography Committee Metadata Workgroup
Break - Networking
Agenda Item 6 Geospatial community calendar and discussion forum – GIS/LIS board feedback (Sjerven)
Agenda Item 7 Sector report (Slaats/Geurts)
Legislative Update Agenda Item 8 Clean Water Fund Language Approved to move forward in House, not yet heard in Senate Similar language in Legacy Fund Parks and Trails statute Minnesota Statutes 2016 - 114D.50 Subd. 5. Data availability. Data collected by the projects funded with money from the clean water fund that have value for planning and management of natural resources, emergency preparedness, and infrastructure investments must conform to the enterprise information architecture developed by the Office of MN.IT Services. Spatial data must conform to geographic information system guidelines and standards outlined in that architecture and adopted by the Minnesota Geospatial Commons at the Minnesota Geospatial Information Office. A description and a copy of these data that adheres to the Office of MN.IT Services geographic metadata standards must be submitted to the Minnesota Geospatial Information Office to be made available online through the Minnesota Geospatial Commons and the data must be accessible and free to the public unless made private under chapter 13. To the extent practicable, summary data and results of projects funded with money from the clean water fund should be readily accessible on the Internet and identified as a clean water fund project.
Agenda Item 9 Updates on MN GAC priority projects and initiatives GAC Rank GAC Focus in 2017 Project or Initiative Description Status Project Owner Champ 1 Y All Data Free and Open Active Len Kne Ross 2 Image Service - Sustain Mike Dolbow 3 LiDAR Committee - Move Forward Proposed Sean Vaughn? 4 Image Service - HTTPS, Tiling, Etc. 5 Parcel Data George Meyer 6 Address Points Data Adam Iten 7 Street Centerline Data 8 EM Damage Assess Data Standard Idea 9 Basemap Services Sonia Dickerson 10 Geocoding Service 11 Parks and Trails Data Standard Jim Bunning
Agenda Item 10 Boundary Update Project (Wakefield) Background – MN boundary data layers are out of date and need to be updated. More current and accurate authoritative information is available. MnGeo will lead an effort to identify stakeholders, authoritative data stewards, and resources required to develop, document and evaluate a process for updating, aligning and maintaining statewide geospatial boundary data layers going forward. Outcomes – stakeholders and authoritative data identified, process, updated PLSS, process for other related layers Discussion, questions and concerns Committee or Workgroup?
Agenda Item 11 Nominations for Governor’s Geospatial Commendation awards Awards from the Governor’s office for activities that exemplify the use of GIS to improve services within Minnesota.
Governor’s Commendation Award Criteria (same as the council’s guiding principles): Promote effective investments in geospatial information Promote geospatial information as a shared public resource Support the establishment and use of geospatial standards and guidelines Champion collaboration among geospatial practitioners and related stakeholders Educate and inform policymakers related to the value and use of geospatial technology Provide a forum for ideas and issues to be shared and acted upon by the geospatial community Encourage geospatial education at all levels
Governor’s Commendation Award Standards are high; award is not always given Deadline for nominations: May 31 Council awards committee evaluates the nominations and makes recommendations to advise the CGIO, CIO, and Governor’s Office Work done in June, mostly by email Volunteers needed for this year’s committee More info: www.mngeo.state.mn.us/awards/gov_commendations/ How to nominate a project Past winners
Council Appointment Process Agenda Item 12 Member terms end June 30 Next two-year term: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2019 Initial deadline to apply for next 2-year term is May 5 (we can accept applications after that date until positions are filled) Website: https://commissionsandappointments.sos.state.mn.us/Agency/Details/144
Agenda Item 13 Announcements or other business
Thank you! Next meeting is May 31, 2017