WSHP Systems 1
WSHP Systems BACnet® System Phase 1 - WSHP Systems Factory Engineered: Water Source Heat Pump Tower/Boiler System Factory Engineered: WSHP Control Carrier room sensors Universal Controller with loop control Optional i-Vu Standard and Plus Competitive Advantages: System is true DDC Factory engineer loop control in UC Tiered Space Sensors Unparalleled i-Vu feature set WSHP Open Phase 1 release schedule for WSHP will consist of: WSHP (factory installed) Carrier Room Sensors (Tiered communicating room sensors) (Optional) Universal Controllers with factory engineered loop, boiler and cooling tower control. (Optional)i-Vu Open Standard and Plus UC Open
Low Installed Cost Advantage Hang Unit when Tenants Arrive Small Duct Size Supply and Return Uninsulated Piping Loop Unit Above Ceiling Requires No Mechanical Room Low Installation costs with WSHP are a big advantage than with other types of products. They can be mounted in the ceiling which requires no mechanical room and smaller duct work. These units are can be hung when the tenant arrives or mounted and shut off if that part of the building is not in use. Ceiling Plenum Return System
Redundancy Advantage (1) Chiller = Multiple WSHP Units Unlike a VVT system with WSHP Redundancy is a big advantage for these products. With VVT one unit with multiple zones is the ideal type of system. With WSHP it is better to have multiple WSHP for the redundancy advantage.
Cooling Mode 4-Way Compressor Refrigerant-to-Water Reversing Valve Heat Exchanger 4-Way Reversing Valve Compressor Metering Device Blower To give you a little detail on what happens inside a WSHP. This shows that in cooling mode we have chilled water coming into the loop with refrigerant that is warm coming into the other side of the loop. The water passes over the refrigerant and cools it. Then air is blown over the cool refrigerant to cool the space. The reversing valve will reverse the flow of the refrigerant when we are in heating mode Refrigerant to Air Coil Water In Water Out Liquid Line Hot Gas Line Suction Line
Heating Mode 4-Way Compressor Refrigerant-to-Water Reversing Valve Heat Exchanger 4-Way Reversing Valve Compressor Metering Device Blower In Heating mode the water and refrigerant are reversed by the reversing valve so that hot water comes in and warms the refrigerant. Which will have air blown over it to warm the air Refrigerant to Air Coil Water In Water Out Liquid Line Hot Gas Line Suction Line
WSHP Systems Cooling Tower System Water Loop WSHP Units Pumps Boiler This is a typical loop system for a building as you can see the WSHP units are throughout the building. On the roof there is a cooling tower and in the basement a Boiler. With the UCXP we can control and monitor the loop system, boiler and cooling tower. The UCXP is an optional piece of equipment but since we have waterside linkage the UCXP talks to the WSHPs and controls according to what they need for scheduling, overrides. Pumps Boiler
WSHP Loop Control Factory designed loop controls Cooling Tower (Heat Rejecter) Factory designed loop controls Maintains Temperature of Loop Water Turns Loop Pumps On/Off Can be tied in with a Tower and Boiler Vent Spray Pump Tower Bypass Expansion Tank Pumps This is the WSHP Loop control as you can see the UCXP control the loop water temperature and turns the loop pumps on/off according to what the WSHP needs. We can tie the Loop control into the Tower and Boiler. Boiler (Adds Heat) Air Separator
Integrated System Features and Benefits WSHP Systems Integrated System Features and Benefits Condenser Water Linkage provides optimized Water Loop operation using UCXP Open Loop Controller. Loop pump operation is automatically controlled by WSHP equipment occupancy schedules, unoccupied demand and tenant override conditions. Positive pump status feedback prevents nuisance fault trips. This Integrated system optimizes your Water loop operation to control your loop pumps according to occupancy schedules, unoccupied demand and tenant override conditions. The UCXP loop controller gives pump status feedbacks to prevent faults.
Integrated System Features and Benefits VVT with WSHP Systems Integrated System Features and Benefits Airside Linkage enables complete integration with VVT® Open as system The WSHP Open responds to individual zone demands rather than average temperature conditions to provide individual temperature control in each zone WSHP Bypass Duct and Damper Typical Zone Sensor Zone Controller and Damper This new WSHP system has airside linkage which can be fully integrated into a VVT Open System. The WSHP are factory programmed to work with the VVT system. There is no additional controller that you have to buy it will work the the VVT System out of the box.
WSHP System