Lundi le 25 mars En 2013, la fête de Pâques est fixée au 31 mars pour les Catholiques et les Protestants. Pour les Orthodoxes, c'est le dimanche 5 mai. Cette fête est tout à la fois une célébration religieuse et une fête du printemps et du renouveau. C'est aussi une belle occasion de festoyer en famille et d'organiser pour les enfants des chasses aux oeufs !
French language week:Poster contest! La Semaine de la Langue Française et de la Francophonie est célébrée tous les ans partout dans le monde le 18 au 24 mars. Poster contest! Create a poster celebrating French or Foreign Languages! +5 on a double quiz grade and there Will be prizes for top 3! Due April 8 th !
French club-this Wednesday! Cheese & drinks tasting! Games! 2:30-3:30 in room 405!
Le mars (3 rd week of 6 weeks) Lundi le 25Mardi le 26Mercredi le 27Jeudi le 28Vendredi le 29 F 1 Oral grade review, ER verb review. Work on Bor Words & scrapbooks F 1 Bor.Words-early +5 Over school words Oral grade today F 1 Bor. Words E due Finish oral grade Games: School supplies, if time F 1 OFF F 1 OFF F 2 Work on verbchart Be working on 5 Famous Frenchmen project due 4/1 F 2 Grade verbchart & Open book test Work on 5 famous Frenchmen Bor. Words for bonus F 2 Per. 1 Finish Les Choristes Per. 4 Finish La vie en Rose Last day for Bonus F 2 R OFF F 2 R OFF F 2 PreAP Work on verbchart Work on Bor Words Be working on 5 Famous Frenchmen project due 4/1 F 2 PreAP Grade verbchart & Open book test Work on 5 famous Frenchmen Bor. Words due Wed F 2 PreAP Bor. Words due Finish Joyeux Noel F 2 PreAP OFF F 2 PreAP OFF F 3 La Parure chps 1 & 2 See: 150 phrases F 3 La Parure 150 phrases-know first 50 for oral grade F 3 Finish Les Miserables F 3 OFF F 3 OFF
F 2 R-NO Passes until last 3 min. 1.Make-up quizzes? (Bao, JD) 2.Book test (pg ) due now---ONLY if you were absent. 3.Recipe/list of 20 foods- due today for 80% unless absent on Friday. 4.Work on verbchart: Tu parles –You speak Tu as parlé- You have spoken Tu vas parler-You are going to speak H/W: Work on your 5 famous Frenchies-due 4/1
F 2 R & PreAP due dates Wed. 3/27 Borrowed words K for bonus (PreAP-required) Mon.4/1-Five famous Frenchies on LMS. Thurs. 4/11-Test 4A April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP May STARR 9,10 AP Wed. 3/27 Borrowed words K for bonus (PreAP-required) Mon.4/1-Five famous Frenchies on LMS. Thurs. 4/11-Test 4A April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP May STARR 9,10 AP 10-12
F 2-Quiz (make-up) VERBS: CONJUGATE, THEN TRANSLATE (10) 1.Voir (Nous) 2.Prendre (Ils) 3.Mettre (Tu) 4.Envoyer (Je) 5.Vouloir (Elle) VOCABULARY: WRITE THE FRENCH, THEN TRANSLATE: (10) 1.Le lait 2.La pomme 3.Le beurre 4.Le sucre 5.Le poulet 6.La glace 7.Leau 8.Le fromage 9.La fraise 10.Le pain
F 2 PreAP 1.Verbchart-finish in class, grading tomorrow! 2.Borrowed words due Wed.
F 3 Due dates & test dates 3/7 Test 3A 3/18 Poems 4/1 Essay-final copy due 4/8 Skit and also know 50 of the 150 phrases video! 4/11 Test 4A-possibly April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP May STARR 9,10 AP 10-12
F 3 1.Boi Han & Roman: Présentation (les poèmes). 2.La Parure- dans les groupes-traduisez page phrases-une note orale: OQzw&feature=player_embedded OQzw&feature=player_embedded
F 1 Dates F 1-Tues. 3/26 & Wed. 3/27=ORAL GRADE-THIS has been moved to April 8 th week! Wed. 3/27 Borrowed words E Mon. 4/8-Scrapbook & oral grades all week Mon. 4/15 Test 4A April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP May STARR 9,10 AP 10-12
F 1-No passes until last 3 min. of class! 1.ER verb review- W2BE W2BE 2. Topics ORAL GRADE review on LMS. ORAL TEST: Tues. and Wed. Open it in LMS, work on your answers, use book unit Borrowed words due Wed. can turn in on Tues. for 105! You can work on them today. ***Work on your scrapbook-due 4/8!
LAST WEEKMarch nd week: 2 nd week- McCage Mon 3/18Tues. 3/19Wed. 3/20Thurs. 3/21Fri. 3/22 F 1 Days, seasons,Dates PP, Late collages, Video unit 2, 3 Show Topix (Majors are t S/b, topix & test 4 A. F 1-see scrapbook specs on LMS. Show song. Tues. Notes 140, body review, atch?v=vWqdJ97Oxt8 atch?v=vWqdJ97Oxt8 body songs, Do A votre tour 77, F 1-Wed. Notes 142 Over class terms-PP, text, body game (hangman, jacques, swat, twister) A votre tour orally Thurs. Notes 144, 147. A votre tour Time? More games for body and classroom words F 1 –Over Topix oral grade (next week!) Finish unit videoss, over oral topics, and text we missed. If time, play games, see unit videos or finish last Fri. DVD. Mon: ER review and over subject w/s, book test pg. 115 F 2 R Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs- Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m. F 2 R See recipe pg Mini project: recipe & list. Do book test pg See FFF project specs and song.. Test 4 is 3 rd major grade. 5__famous_french_people_ who_changed_the_world_2. docm 5__famous_french_people_ who_changed_the_world_2. docm F 2 R Grade book test Over past tense packet. Finish up recipes/list –due on LMS tomorrow! F 2 R Recipes/list due today! VERBCHART out F 2R Recipes/list for 50% Finish films we started last Fri. La Vie en Rose. or see Sam video. Verbcharts due Monday. F 2 PreAP Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs- Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m. F 2 PreAP Notes pg. 208 unit 4 Read together Show: Song, FFF project. Pick people. Test 4 is 3 rd major grade F 2 PreAP Notes Review new words 208 Verbchart practice F 2 PreAP VERBCHART out Review new words and do oral prac in text. Bor. Words K out-due next Wed. H/W: Verbchart F 2 PreAP Verbchart-completion grade. Finish film Joyeux Noel or see Sam Verbcharts graded Monday. Connaitre, Dire, Lire, Ecrire, Savoir, then DOPS & IDOPS. Voki & Voicethread projects F 3 Online F/C due only if absent. Make up tests in class today. Poems due today for 100%. Start presenting. F 3 Start Essay: Les vacances du printemps-20 min. and collect. Present poems F 3 Finish essay in class. Present poems-in class. F 3 Write final copy of essay Finish presenting poems. If time: In groups: re- translate La Parure…posted on LMS F 3 Last of poems to see. Finish translating La Parure. Finish seeing Les Miserables