Miss Abby’s 5th grade class Author Study Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888
Born on: November 29, 1832 Place of birth: Germantown, Pennsylvania Was the second Of four children Born to Amos Bronson Alcott & Abigail Alcott Born on: November 29, 1832 Place of birth: Germantown, Pennsylvania
Louisa May Alcott was educated mainly by her father Amos Bronson Alcott along with notable authors such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Margaret Fuller.
Louisa May Alcott came from a poor family because of this Louisa was forced to work as a seamstress, teacher, governess, domestic helper, and writer to help support her family.
Louisa’s first book was published in 1854 at the age of 21 Louisa’s first book was published in 1854 at the age of 21. She wrote these collections of poems and fairytales at the age of 16. The title of these works is Flower Fables.
During the Civil War Louisa became a nurse During the Civil War Louisa became a nurse. She signed a 3 month contract to work at the Washington D.C. hospital , and it was here she contracted Typhoid fever. This would cause health problems for Louisa down the road.
During this time lady authors were rarely published During this time lady authors were rarely published. So due to this Louisa used the pen name A. M. Barnard. Works that were published under this pen name were Behind a Mask and A Long Fatal Love Chase. Behind a Mask was published in 1866. A long Fatal Love Chase was written in 1866, but was not published until 1995.
Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women published in 1868 was perhaps her most famous work. Little Women was based upon the life of her family. Little Women has been made into several movies and plays.
Other popular books by Louisa May Alcott are : Little Men – Published in 1871 Jo’s Boys – Published in 1886 Eight Cousins- Published in 1875 Rose in Bloom – Published in 1876 Louisa had various other novels, poems, and children’s short stories.
Louisa May Alcott died on March 6, 1888 at the age of 55. Place of death Boston, Massachusetts. Cause of death was a stroke. She is buried in Concord, Massachusetts next to Emerson, Hawthorne, and Thoreau.
AUTHOR QUIZ Where was Louisa born? What year was Louisa born? A. 1830 C. 1832 D. 1888 3) How many sisters did Louisa have? 4) Louisa was educated mainly by her mother? True or False 5) What was the title of Louisa May Alcott’s first book published? A. Aesop’s Fables B. Flower’s Fables C. Garden Fables D. Alcott’s Fables
6) How old was Louisa when her first book was published? C. 18 D. 21 7) During the Civil War Louisa was a ________ at a hospital in Washington D.C.? 8) What was Louisa May Alcott’s pen name? A. A.M. Barnard B. Joe March C. Meg March D. J.M. Barnard 9) What was perhaps Louisa May Alcott’s most famous work published? 10) The book that was perhaps her most famous was based upon her family? True of False 11) How old was Louisa May Alcott when she died? A. 100 B. 55 C. 58 D. 85 12) Her place of death was Concord, Massachusetts? True or False