March 26, 2012 Monday
March 26, 2012 Film Appreciation No Entry We wrote a synopsis of Gone With The Wind , but students were to rewrite the ending of the story. The assignment was turned in during class. We began watching Little Women by Louisa Mae Alcott.
March 26, 2012 – Drama No Entry I will rehearse the songs of Beauty and the Beast. Wednesday we will be meeting in the theater.
March 26, 2012 Today we will continue work on the positive attitude drawings based on the sayings from Devin Wyman’s visit. This should be personal and should be a saying that you can apply to your life.
March 26, 2012 – Art 1 What kind of dream did you wake up with this morning? A poor man is not a man without money, but a man without a dream. The bars that imprison people: ATTITUDE, DEPRESSION, BROKENESS : Hope and choices break down bars. 2 Kinds of friends: dream makers, dream takers. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Hold on to your dream. U choose who you become Have fun! Work hard! Pays off! Respect starts with me. Friends can’t see what you see. What is worse than being blind? Having sight and no vision Ladies: I am a queen. I am valuable. I will not give myself away. Gentlemen: Respect yourself. I will pull up my pants. I am a champion.
March 26, 2012 – 3D Art No entry Work on book sculpture or Disney sculpture.