Effective Website Marketing Create Your Website Gold
Golden Insight # 1 Use Website Marketing Principals
Quote By: Claudia H. Christian President of www.OpenGrove.com “ Basic marketing practices & practical business sense are the true keys to website success. Bells and whistles don’t matter as much as simply and carefully applying the basic principles of marketing.” “Bells and whistles don’t matter as much as simply and carefully applying the basic principles of marketing."
Golden Insight # 2 First Impressions Are Crucial
Golden Insight # 3 Gain Their Interest and Excitement
Google + Date = Love
Golden Insight # 4 Is Your Website Ready for a BLIND DATE?
Golden Insight # 5 Loyal Clients Are Gold
Online Shopping Sales Grow http://money.CNN.com/2005/08/19/technology/ecommerce.reut/index.htm Online Shopping Sales Grow Retail sales over the Internet post their largest rise in three years. 7.2 % rise in 2005. 19th August, 2005
The Internet is constantly improving Think About This… The Internet is constantly improving Access is getting cheaper and faster The Internet is getting easier to use Massive growth of new Internet users The number of online buyers is growing People research online before buying 35% of Australian Internet use in NSW
Golden Insight # 6 The Name of the Game is Marketing
Quote By: William Daley U.S. Secretary of Commerce “Be one of the victors and not one of the victims of the new digital economy.” There are so many entrepreneurs out there that are disappointed with their website prospecting. Because they didn’t find GOLD. They didn’t understand the name of the game that they were playing. When there is no planning, no strategy, and bad implementation, the results are predictable.
Golden Insight # 7 You Are Responsible For the Success of Your Website
Quote By: Sophie Constanti Owner: Need To Escape.com.au “After wasting a quarter of a million dollars relying on other people, I took charge of my own website. The results have been awesome.”
Golden Insight # 8 Planning Is Crucial
Planning Planning Planning “Start with the end In mind” Quote by Steven Covey “Success is the celebration of preparation” Quote by Laurie Lawrence “You can tell how high a building will be built, by the size of the hole they dig in the ground” Quote by Zig Ziglar
Golden Insight # 9 What is the GOLD For Your Website ?
Quote By: William Moulton Marsden Determine your true goals. Realise what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies, and puts you to work digging GOLD.
Golden Insight # 10 Evolve Your Website
“The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step” Quote By: Confucius “The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step”
Service and Information eCommerce Four Phases to GOLD Brochureware Service and Information eCommerce
Based on 1800 interviews with Australian SME’s that have a website SOURCE: Sensis eBusiness Index Sweeney Research 2005 Receiving Orders Online 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Small Bus. 1-19 employees 14% 19% 29% 32% 39% 41% Medium Bus. 20+ employees 23% 35% 47% 49% 50% 51% Based on 1800 interviews with Australian SME’s that have a website
Service and Information eCommerce eBusiness Integration Four Phases to GOLD Brochureware Service and Information eCommerce eBusiness Integration
7 Rules of Million $ Leaders They are absolutely committed to Website Success. They truly care about satisfying their clients. They take responsibility for website success. They prepare and plan for success. They find a way to achieve their goals. They don’t place mediocre limits on their potential. They are optimistic and future orientated.
Quote By: Mark Twain Twenty years from now, you will be disappointed by the things you didn't do, rather than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Demonstrate a Phase 4 Web Site Answer your critical question You deserve a break! After the break: Demonstrate a Phase 4 Web Site Answer your critical question Give away a Phase 4 Web Site
No programming skills needed! Live Demonstration. No programming skills needed! Keep your site up-to-date Send email Newsletters Provide secure ecommerce transactions Capture and manage Sales Prospects securely
Break down the barriers SME’s have had to battle with Lack of expertise Lack of personal contact Cost Time frame to achieve a Return On Investment The Barriers have been broken down
Q&A Questions & Answers
How do I promote my web site? Q&A Question 1: How do I promote my web site?
How can I do the web site updates myself? Q&A Question 2: How can I do the web site updates myself?
How do I know how many ‘hits’ my website is getting? Q&A Question 3: How do I know how many ‘hits’ my website is getting?
Q&A Open Question Time
Who is going to win the Phase 4 Web Site? Q&A Who is going to win the Phase 4 Web Site?
Million Dollar Potential 3 Hours one-on-one with Luke Hayes $ 1,185. Phase 4 website (total Business solution) $ 20,000. Full Day Workshop - Content Management $ 675. Full Day Workshop - Website Marketing $ 3,500. TOTAL $ 25,360.
Million Dollar Potential 3 Hours one-on-one with Luke Hayes $ 1,185. Phase 4 website (total web solution) $ 20,000. Full Day Workshop - Content Management $ 675. Full Day Workshop - Website Marketing $ 3,500. TOTAL $ 25,360. Let Us Reward You!!! TOTAL $ 2,995.
Inchcape Automotive Retail Pty. Ltd. Customer Testimonial Rob McKeon Inchcape Automotive Retail Pty. Ltd. Uses Business Catalyst for Content Management Customer Prospecting eMail Marketing Case Management “Business Catalyst … has provided us with greater flexibility and responsiveness and thus better meet the communication and information needs of our customers. Business Catalyst has delivered a solution for our business that places the control and flexibility with us.”
Networking and Discussion Effective Website Marketing Thank You Networking and Discussion