Line Symmetry Year 3
One line of symmetry Shapes and pictures have one line of symmetry if you can fold them in half one way.
These shapes have one line of symmetry
Shapes can have more than one line of symmetry These shapes have two lines of symmetry.
How many lines of symmetry does this shape have? What do you think? Click here to go on.
Did you say 2? Click here to go on.
Well done!
How many lines of symmetry does this flag have? What do you think? Click here to go on.
Did you say 2? This flag has only one line of symmetry. Click here to go on.
Flags Look at the three flags that make up the Union Flag. Do they have line symmetry?
Flags Does St George’s flag have No lines of symmetry? 1 line of symmetry? 2 lines of symmetry?
Flags St George’s flag has 2 lines of symmetry
Flags Does St Andrew’s flag have No lines of symmetry? 1 line of symmetry? 2 lines of symmetry?
Flags St Andrew’s flag has 2 lines of symmetry
Flags Does St Patrick’s flag have No lines of symmetry? 1 line of symmetry? 2 lines of symmetry?
Flags St Patrick’s flag has 2 lines of symmetry
The Union Flag Find a picture of the Union flag. How many lines of symmetry does it have? Look very carefully!