E-mail: eavci@marmara.edu.tr E-mail: belagha@ucas.edu.ps The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Bassam Al-Agha University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza, Palestine E-mail: belagha@ucas.edu.ps Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emin Avci Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey E-mail: eavci@marmara.edu.tr Bassam Al-Agha Department of Administration and Financial Sciences, University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza, Palestine E-mail: belagha@ucas.edu.ps
Outline Introduction Object of the study Important of study Literature review Data and methodology Analysis Results Conclusion The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Introduction It is recognized that global stock markets relationships play an important role in the decisions of the international investors all over the world. The correlations among the stock markets become an object of an interest for the policymakers because they indicate for the stability of the global financial system. To design a good portfolio, the investors should understand how the stock markets returns are related each to other. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha 3
Introduction Islamic stock market becomes an important part of the international stock markets; it has now evolved to become an integral part of the international financial system. While the process of the international financial integration gets more intensified, the question, what is the degree of co-movement between the Islamic stock markets and their conventional counterparts, still remains open. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
The object of study The purpose of this study is to examine the short- term and the long-term co-movement relationship among conventional stock markets and Islamic stock markets. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Research Question What is the degree of co-movement relationship between the Islamic stock market and conventional stock market? The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Significant of study This study is significant because it will help decision-makers, especially in the case of diversification. Will give more knowledge about Islamic and conventional stock market performance. And as regards for Islamic performance studies, limited studies had been found. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Literature Review: The previous studies, which deal with the relationship and co-movement between financial stock markets, can be classified into three categories namely: studies that investigates and compares the relationships between Islamic stock markets and conventional stock markets, the second one focus on the linkage between the Islamic markets across countries, and the last category addresses the relationships between the conventional markets among themselves. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Previous studies Park & Masih (2015) Study Findings Park & Masih (2015) the co-integration between the DJIM index and three conventional indexes such as DAX, Hang Seng, and KL is not exist at all. Nonetheless, S&P and DJIM are co-integrated, and that co-integration explains the long-term theoretical relations amongst the indexes. Saiti & Masih (2014) there is a theoretical long-run co-movement in the Shariah China Index with the Islamic and conventional markets that the Shariah China Index is Granger-caused by all the conventional and Islamic markets. Dewandaru et al., (2014) weakness in the stock market integration amongst the equity markets of GCC equity and other international Islamic indices. Achsani et al., (2007) whereas there are significant correlations between the Islamic stock indices of US and Canada, Indonesia and Malaysia, and Japan and Asia Pacific. On the other hand, USA Islamic stock market has strong effect on the other Islamic stock markets. Conversely, the Canadian, Malaysian, Indonesian and Asia Pacific stock markets have a weak influence on the Islamic stock market of USA.
Previous studies Hussin et al., (2013) Study Findings Hussin et al., (2013) absence of the integration between the Islamic stock market of Malaysia and Indonesia as well as the world markets. Albaity & Mudor (2012) results of the study which is conducted in the USA and Malaysia showed the absence of difference in returns between the Islamic indices and conventional ones. Kassim & Kamil (2012) there is no co-integration among the Islamic stock markets in both pre and during crisis. Therefore, the long-run co-movements among the Islamic stock markets were immune to the 2007 crisis. Kassim (2013) The results of the research point that the integration level of the Islamic stock market was exposed to many changes due to the global financial crisis. The level of development and the geographical factors have affected on the Islamic stock markets integration. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Data and Methodology Five countries are selected based on the availability of both the conventional indices and Islamic indices (Table 1). The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Table1: Selected indices for the study Country Name of the index Symbol Type USA Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Index DJIMUS Islamic S&P 500 Composite Index S&PCOMP Conventional UK Dow Jones Islamic Market U.K. Index DJIMUK FTSE 100 Index FTSE100 Canada Dow Jones Islamic Market Canada Index DJIMCN S&P/TSX Composite Index S&P/TSX Japan Dow Jones Islamic Market Japan Index DJIMJAP Nikkei 225 stock average index JAPDOWA Indonesia Jakarta Islamic Index JAKISLM Jakarta Composite Index JAKCOMP The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
The co-movement between conventional stock index and Islamic stock indices Unit Root test The results of ADF are shown in Table 2. The null hypothesis of a unit root is not rejected for all indices in log level, whereas it is rejected when it is taken in their log first differences. So the results support the stationary of series at 0.05 level, then we can say that it satisfy the necessary conditions for co-integration test. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Data and Methodology Applying tests to monthly data from January 2000 to December 2014 Methodology of this study relies on the Vector Autoregression (VAR), Granger Causality test and Engle- Granger co-integration test. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Analysis Unit root: before appling of time series analysis, the time series to be analyzed should be stationary. For this, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test was utilized. This is very important to avoid spurious regression. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test- ADF Table2: Unit Root test Results for series of study Country Variables Augmented Dickey-Fuller test- ADF Level 1st Diff. Statistic P-value Canada Log(DJIMCN) -1.97 0.2992 -13.29 0.0000 Log(S&P/TSX) -1.11 0.7104 -11.29 UK Log(DJIMUK) -1.78 0.3904 -15.27 Log(FTSE100) -1.89 0.3348 -13.64 USA Log(DJIMUS) -0.65 0.8550 -13.16 Log(S&PCOMP) -0.79 0.8200 -12.52 Japan Log(DJIMJAP) -3.17 0.0233 -12.08 Log(JAPDOWA) -2.13 0.2328 -11.45 Indonesia Log(JAKISLM) -0.90 0.7857 -10.68 Log(JAKCOMP) -0.35 0.9138 -10.20 Average Log (Islamic) -1.47 0.5448 -12.82 Log (conventional) -1.36 0.6026 -10.72 Note: All monthly returns were calculated as log using monthly closing prices.
VAR Prior to carrying out the co-integration test, we applied VAR analysis to know the number of the lags needed for co-integration test. Table 3 shows the results of the selected length of lags for each VAR model in each country according to Final Prediction Error (FPE) and Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). . The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
VAR country Canada UK USA Japan Indonesia Average criteria FPE AIC Optimal length 6 2 3 Table 3: Optimal length of lags The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
VAR Lag Exclusion Wald Test Wald test is used to examine the lags that should be excluded from the analysis. According to the Wald test if the p-value is greater than 0.05 level then this lag must be excluded and vice versa. Table 4: Lag Exclusion Wald Tests results Canada UK USA DJIMCN S&P/TSX DJIMUK FTSE100 DJIMUS S&PCOMP Lag Excluded 2,4,5 2,3,4,5 2 1,2 Japan Indonesia Average DJIMJAP JAPDOWA JAKISLM JAKCOMP Islamic Conventional 2,3
VAR Model Estimation Table 5 shows the relationship between Islamic and conventional indices for each country and the average of all countries. So the results of VAR model as follow: For Canada and Indonesia, we notice that there is a two-way relationship, which means that Islamic and conventional stock markets affect each other, while the effect of conventional stock markets on Islamic index is stronger. For UK, USA and Japan there is only a one-way relationship, which means that only conventional stock markets affect the Islamic stock markets. Regarding to the average of the stock markets, a two-way relationship is found between the Islamic and conventional markets, which means that the two kinds of stock markets affect each other. Moreover, we notice that this effect is approximately equal. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
VAR Model Estimation Canada UK USA lags DJIMCN S&P/TSX DJIMUK FTSE100 DJIMUS S&PCOMP DJIMCN(-1) -0.572 -0.218* DJIMUK(-1) -0.441 - DJIMUS(-2) 0.499 DJIMCN(-3) 0.333 -- FTSE100(-1) 0.389* S&PCOMP(-2) -0.589* DJIMCN(-6) 0.652 0.385* S&P/TSX(-1) 1.113* 0.513 S&P/TSX(-3) -0.697* S&P/TSX(-6) -1.045* -0.685 Constant 0.000 0.003 0.002 F-Statistic 6.565 7.176 4.925 2.966 R-square 0.192 0.146 0.053 0.033 Japan Indonesia Average DJIMJAP JAPDOWA JAKISLM JAKCOMP Islamic Conventional DJIMJAP(-1) -0.161 JAKISLM(-1) 0.213 0.261* Islamic(-1) -0.578 -0.436* JAPDOWA(-1) 0.264* JAKCOMP(-1) 0.312* 0.257 Conventional(-1) 0.804* 0.654 Islamic(-3) 0.222* Conventional(-3) -0.110 -0.002 0.006 0.005 -0.001 4.029 12.597 14.949 9.183 6.023 0.044 0.126 0.095 0.124
Granger Causality In order to examine the direction of the relation between indexes, Granger Causality is tested at the first three lags (1, 2, and 3) for each country. Table 6 shows the results of Granger Causality; it can be note that there is a Granger Causality in two ways in Canada, which means Islamic and conventional stock markets affect each other. For UK, USA and Japan also there is only one-way Granger Causality toward Islamic markets, which means that conventional stock markets cause Islamic stock markets. For Indonesia, no Granger Causality exists between Islamic and conventional stock markets. Regarding the average of the stock markets, a two-way Granger Causality exists which means Islamic and conventional stock markets affect each other. These results significantly match with the results of the previous VAR analysis except for Indonesia. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Table 6: Granger Causality test results. Country Granger Causality Lag = 1 Lag = 2 Lag = 3 F P-Value Canada S&P/TSX does not Granger Cause DJIMCN 12.61 0.0005 6.57 0.0018 6.87 0.0002 DJIMCN does not Granger Cause S&P/TSX 5.39 0.0214 2.60 0.0769 2.88 0.0375 UK DJIMUK does not Granger Cause FTSE100 0.95 0.3300 1.08 0.3409 0.4170 FTSE100 does not Granger Cause DJIMUK 6.42 0.0122 3.07 0.0489 2.22 0.0881 USA DJIMUS does not Granger Cause S&PCOMP 0.03 0.8588 1.66 0.1926 1.20 0.3097 S&PCOMP does not Granger Cause DJIMUS 0.61 0.4374 3.05 0.0499 Japan DJIMJAP does not Granger Cause JAPDOWA 0.45 0.5029 0.20 0.8161 0.44 0.7245 JAPDOWA does not Granger Cause DJIMJAP 6.16 0.0140 2.21 0.1133 2.06 0.1071 Indonesia JAKISLM does not Granger Cause JAKCOMP 2.05 0.1539 1.68 0.1900 1.44 0.2329 JAKCOMP does not Granger Cause JAKISLM 0.90 0.3450 0.22 0.8066 0.43 0.7342 Average Islamic does not Granger Cause Conventional 9.90 0.0019 5.79 0.0037 4.76 0.0033 Conventional does not Granger Cause Islamic 18.13 0.0000 10.58 7.70
Engle- Granger Co-integration Test The co-integration test is one of the important tests, in studying the linkage among stock market, that it examine whether the indices are theoretically linked or not. If the indices are co-integrated each other, it means that there is a co-movement among these stock markets in the long term reaching the equilibrium, even they maybe move differently in the short term (Park & Masih, 2015). The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Engle- Granger Co-integration Test Table 7 shows the results of co-integration between closing share price series for Islamic indices and conventional indices in each country using Engle- Granger co-integration test. The results indicate that all of the test P-values are greater than 0.05. So we can accept the null hypotheses “Ho: series are not co-integrated”. This means that there is no co-integration between series in each country in long term. According to this result, the investors can utilize the portfolio diversification between the Islamic and conventional stock market to reduce the risk in long term. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Table 7 Engle- Granger co-integration test results. Country Dependent z-statistic P-Value.* Canada Log(DJIMCN) -9.28 0.3994 Log(S&P/TSX) -5.02 0.7282 UK Log(DJIMUK) -4.69 0.7540 Log(FTSE100) -11.26 0.2838 USA Log(DJIMUS) -4.61 0.7613 Log(S&PCOMP) -5.29 0.7057 Japan Log(DJIMJAP) -11.70 0.2621 Log(JAPDOWA) -7.16 0.5534 Indonesia Log(JAKISLM) -16.63 0.1002 Log(JAKCOMP) -15.73 0.1206 Average Log (Islamic) -7.53 0.5242 Log (Conventional) -5.84 0.6602 The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Conclusion This paper attempts to investigate the co-movement: between five Islamic indices and five conventional indices in UAS, UK, Canada, Japan and Indonesia. The results are as the following, in short-term, Canadian and Indonesian Islamic and conventional stock markets affect each other. In UK, USA and Japan, there is only a one-way relationship, which means that only conventional stock markets affect the Islamic stock markets. But for average of the stock markets, two types of stock markets affect by each other in short-term. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Conclusion The result from Engle- Granger Co-integration Test pointed out that, there is no co-integration between Islamic indices and conventional indices in long-term. In other words, it can be concluded the finding of this study showed that, there is a co-movement relationship between Islamic stock markets and conventional stock market in short-term, but this relationship disappears in long-term. The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha
Questions & Answerers The Co-Movement Relationship Between Islamic Stock Market and Conventional Stock Market Avci and Al-Agha