RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Matthew 22:39/Hosea 3:1-5
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE “And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 ESV
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE “And the Lord said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins."
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. And I said to her, "You must dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you." For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or household gods.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and they shall come in fear to the Lord and to his goodness in the latter days.” Hosea 3:1-5 ESV
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE THE BIG IDEA: I would rather be known for unconditionally loving people verses condemning people. -Jay Hazlip
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE “When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, "Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord." So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.” Hosea 1:2-3 ESV
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE God is never concerned about if He looks good or not. He is more concerned about your obedience to Him. Are you willing to risk your reputation to love the unlovable? Are you willing to see the significance of others even when they are not living according to what God designed them for? Are you willing to love people where they are at and help them reach their destiny?
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Love of people sees people as significant and pursues them in their mess to help them out of it. Love of people is not afraid to go into the dysfunction, the chaos, the darkness and bring light. Love of people is the most courageous and boldest action the church can do in today's world.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Love of people will jack up your plans. It will cause you to live a life that allows God to put you in uncomfortable situations where only love can get you out of it.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Love was defined in the following 3 ways: You can buy it It's about being satisfied personally It's about possessions and stuff
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Sometimes loving people can leave us abandoned, feeling rejected. We are left with the baggage and the issues but we must not stop loving people. No matter what may happen, we must continue to love people.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE “And the Lord said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins."” Hosea 3:1 ESV
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE A love for people will risk reputation in order to restore people to salvation.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Love of people will pay the price in order for healing to occur in their life.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE We see what this healing looks like in verse 3: “And I said to her, "You must dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you."” Hosea 3:3 ESV
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Love of people helps to renew their vows to God so they have a right relationship with God.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Hosea means salvation Gomer means completion When love of people is at work, then salvation is at work and this work helps to bring completion into His plan for the world. (restore, heal, and renew people back into right relationship with God)
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE THE BIG IDEA: I would rather be known for unconditionally loving people verses condemning people. -Jay Hazlip
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE PRAYER: Father, Thank you for loving me with a love like Hosea. Thank you that you loved me even when I was living like Gomer. Help me to love like Hosea and to love those who live like Gomer. Open my eyes to see when and where you give me opportunities to show love to others.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Help me to give love even when it is difficult because I believe as I give love, I will receive more love. Lord, show me how to love even the random people I pass each day. Allow me to find way to express Your love for them even in small ways.
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE I desire to be a Hosea in today's culture so that salvation can be complete in people who don't know you. Use me to love others. In your name. Amen!
RESET MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE Matthew 22:39/Hosea 3:1-5