Call to Order Call to Order


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Presentation transcript:

Call to Order Call to Order Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Monday, March 30, 2009 Call to Order John Sztykiel, President Call to Order John Sztykiel, President

Call to Order Salute to USA and Canada Opening remarks Invocation Honorarium Introduction of corporate sponsor Introduction of Board, guests and honorary members, new members, first-time attendees

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Roll Call Greg Kozey, Secretary

Proof of Notice of Meeting Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Proof of Notice of Meeting Greg Kozey, Secretary

Review and Enter Minutes Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Review and Enter Minutes Greg Kozey, Secretary

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Official Welcome John Sztykiel

Why FAMA – WIFM? Increased industry wisdom Networking Ability to affect positive change within government or other associations that may impact us Enjoyment 7 John Sztykiel

Official Welcome St. Augustine Fire Chief Mike Arnold John Sztykiel

Peter Darley, Vice President Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Self-Introduction Of Members Peter Darley, Vice President

Anti-Trust Guidelines / Non-Discrimination Policy Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Anti-Trust Guidelines / Non-Discrimination Policy Jim Juneau, Legal Counsel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Treasurer’s Report Grady North, Treasurer

Treasurer’s Report Change in Net Worth 3% Decrease for 2008 However, spending increased by 29% over 2007

The budget for 2009 expense is approximately the same as for 2008. Treasurer’s Report The budget for 2009 expense is approximately the same as for 2008.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report Financial / Performance-to-Budget Report Review of 2009 adopted budget

Board of Directors Report Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Board of Directors Report John Sztykiel

Change is Now the Only Constant Society, markets, and business models are changing, as tomorrow will be different from today 18 John Sztykiel

ER Data Drivers – Market Evolution Pumps are now used less than 5% of the time NFPA is committed to ambulance inclusion Global…86% of the world population will live in emerging markets by 2050 Green…$104 billion dollars are expected to be spent by U.S. consumers on Green goods and services in 2008 Attractive exchange rate vs Euro There are substantial state and federal programs that encourage alternative fuel use 19 John Sztykiel

ER Data Drivers – Market Evolution More than 900 mayors have signed the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, in which cities pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 7% below 1990 levels by 2012. The agreement now represents more than 81 million Americans Fire departments respond to a call for help every 1.4 seconds “There are 120,000 fewer volunteer firefighters under the age of 40 today than 20 years ago.” (Source: National Volunteer Fire Council) 20 John Sztykiel

ER Data Drivers – Market Evolution Every 5 minutes in the United States, 23 adults are turning 65 and by 2030 that number will double. Within 10 years, almost 50 million Americans will be over 65, and for the first time in our history, the elderly will outnumber children under age 5. Federal funding “President Bush’s fiscal year 2009 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) represents $50.5 billion in funding, which is an increase of 6.8% over the 2008 fiscal year level – excluding funds provided in emergency supplemental funding.” (Source: Department of Homeland Security) Approximately 54% (or 67,000) of all fire trucks are greater than 15 years old 21 John Sztykiel

ER Data Drivers – Market Evolution 25,400 fire departments (82% of 31,000) do not have an aerial waterway device 16,000 ER accidents per year or 44 per day Wildfires 9.3 million acres burned in 2007 4.5 million acres have burned in 2008 YTD Reduction in state and local budgets “States ended fiscal year 2007 with $66.8 billion in their coffers—down from the $81.0 billion the previous year. Balances are expected to drop again in fiscal 2008 to $51.2 billion, a drop of 37% vs fiscal 2006.” (Source: State of the States 2008) 22 John Sztykiel

Product / Market Evolution NFPA 1901, 2010 emission – avg cost increase $10,000 to $25,000/ vehicle Note: As the price of trucks go up, the number of units purchased goes down. What will happen with 2010 emissions? 23 John Sztykiel

2009 Major Initiatives All standing committees Provide clear vision Provide tools for accountability Board liaisons to committees Identify Top 3 priorities Alignment with other committees to ensure execution 24 John Sztykiel

2009 Major Initiatives Key Committees – 2009 GAC Long-range planning Marketing Membership Technical 25 John Sztykiel

2009 Major Initiatives White Paper / 1901 Cycle – Tech Committee Membership growth and retention (WIFM) Increased industry wisdom Networking Ability to affect positive change within government or other associations that may impact us Enjoyment 26 John Sztykiel

Why FAMA? Increased industry wisdom Mr. Ben May – Speaker, Consultant and Writer on the dynamics of marketing the fire service to the public. 27 John Sztykiel

Spring Meeting 28 John Sztykiel

Spring Meeting Since 1993 Great performance Number of members attending is up 64% Cost per meeting fee is down 36% Cost per hotel room is up 69% Great performance Bob Grimaldi Past/current FAMA Boards Meeting Planning Committee 29 John Sztykiel

2009 Major Initiatives Long-range plan (years) Objectives Initiatives Organizational chart Revenue stream Improve strategic relationships with other associations Ambulances – FAMA’s position – clarify 30 John Sztykiel

Why a Long-Range Plan? Today, the FAMA president works an extra 3 to 7 hrs/wk Board member – 1 to 5 hrs/wk Committee chairs – 1 to 3 hrs/wk President, Board members, committee chairs all utilize people within their own firms Federal governments (Canada and U.S.) greater involvement and opportunity State/provincial process just starting Markets are changing now, global vs just U.S. and Canada in the past Membership has higher expectations 31 John Sztykiel

John Sztykiel’s Conclusion Long term, an all-volunteer process is unsustainable Long term, the current revenue process will not sustain the association Society evolves and markets evolve FAMA has and must continue to evolve 32 John Sztykiel

Ambulance Companies & NTEA Members 33 *FAMA member John Sztykiel

Ambulance Companies & NTEA Members 34 *FAMA member John Sztykiel

FAMA / NFPA / Ambulances Hooray – FAMA has a seat on the NFPA Technical Committee on Ambulances Jack McLoughlin is FAMA’s principal representative! 35 John Sztykiel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Break

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Bylaws Committee Bill Bruns, Chair

Mission Statement To maintain the Association’s Bylaws in an efficient, effective, and updated condition for the use of the Association’s members. Bylaws

Committee Members William Bruns – Chair George Goros – Vice Chair Jim Currin Tom Garrity Mike Grimes Jeff Hunke Tim Thuemling Rob Wertz Bylaws

Reporting Requirements 2009 budget – none Mission statement – no change 2009 goals Update Bylaws with two known amendments at Spring Meeting Review and update Bylaws as necessary Provide support the Board Bylaws

Bylaws Amendment Process Committee prepares amendment Legal reviews Board reviews Mailed to membership NLT 30 days prior to meeting Approval by 2/3 of members present, if there is a quorum Bylaws

First Proposed Amendment Section 3.5 currently reads: “Termination of membership in FAMA for any reason whatsoever, including resignation, suspension or expulsion shall operate as a release of all the terminating member’s right, title, equity, and interest in the property and other assets of FAMA, including any and all dues paid by that member.” Bylaws

First Proposed Amendment (cont’d) Section 3.5 amendment in italics: “Termination of membership in FAMA for any reason whatsoever, including resignation, suspension, expiration of membership or expulsion shall operate as a release of all the terminating member’s right, title, equity, and interest in the property and other assets of FAMA, including any and all dues paid by that member.” Bylaws 43

Second Proposed Amendment Section 4.3 currently reads: “A member whose membership in FAMA is terminated for any reason (including but not limited to resignation, suspension or expulsion) shall not be entitled to a refund of any amounts paid as dues or assessments and shall not be relieved of any obligation to pay its share of debts or liabilities…” Bylaws

Second Proposed Amendment (cont’d) Section 4.3 currently reads italics: “A member whose membership in FAMA is terminated for any reason (including but not limited to resignation, suspension, expiration of membership or expulsion) shall not be entitled to a refund of any amounts paid as dues or assessments and shall not be relieved of any obligation to pay its share of debts or liabilities…” Bylaws


Governmental Affairs Committee Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Governmental Affairs Committee Mike Power, Chair

Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC)

GAC Mission The Governmental Affairs Committee is to be the primary vehicle through which FAMA and FEMSA will establish and maintain the reputation as a leader and strategic partner at the federal government level as it relates to Emergency Rescue, Fire Apparatus, and Homeland Security. GAC

GAC Members FAMA FEMSA Mike Power (Co-Chair) George Goros (Treasurer) Oshkosh/Pierce George Goros (Treasurer) United Plastic Fabricating Ken Creese Sutphen David Reid Spartan Motors Stephan Thibault CET Fire Pumps Canadian Chair FEMSA John Granby (Co-Chair) Lion Apparel Doug Bonney Kochek Co., Inc. Bill Latta RESQTEC Steve Lawrence Safety Outfitters, LLC John McNulty Municipal Emergency Svcs. Mike Natchipolsky GAC

GAC Support Grady North, FAMA Board Liaison Dave Gatton, Development Initiatives, Inc. Karen Burnham, FAMA & FEMSA Gabe Steinbach, Windmill Hill Consulting Dave Gatton Newsletter and document development Issue monitoring & research Registered lobbyist Administrative support GAC 51 51

2009 GAC Principles Do a few things well Engage membership Improve Washington profile Provide value to membership GAC

Major 2009 Initiatives Washington Hill Day – October 2009 Host Home Days in your area Improve GAC communications Strengthen alliance partnerships Federal agenda and relationships Canadian GAC activities Washington Hill Day – October 2009 Host Home Days in Your Area Improve GAC Value to Members Federal Agenda and Relationships Strengthen Alliance Partners GAC 53 53

2009 Federal Agenda DHS Grants for fiscal year 2009 Fire Act reauthorization DHS appropriations for fiscal year 2010 New leadership at federal agencies Federal stimulus implementation Miscellaneous GAC

Hot Topic: FEMA “Procurement Integrity” Guidance to Fire Depts Background and federal regulations Expected FEMA AFG guidance Competition Conflicts of interest Open questions and outlook *See GAC Fact Sheet distributed 3/18 GAC

Requests and Questions Respond to GAC Survey – coming soon Host Home Day in your area Participate in Washington, DC Hill Day – October 8 – FAMA/FEMSA Fall Meeting Send feedback Questions? GAC

Meeting Planning Committee Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Meeting Planning Committee John Swanson, Chair Bob Grimaldi, Travel Agent

Mission Statement The mission of the Meeting Planning Committee shall be to strengthen the FAMA organization, enhance FAMA's service to its membership and the industry and further the goals and objectives of FAMA through coordinating the planning and implementation of the Spring and Fall Annual Meetings. Meeting Planning

Objectives Budget and plan for the General Membership Meetings Determine topics and speakers of interest for General Membership Meetings Work with Marketing Committee to publicize, promote and e-mail meeting notifications Coordinate awards and acknowledgements at General Membership Meetings Develop a schedule and budget for group and optional social activities in conjunction with the General Membership Meetings Prepare questionnaire for meeting evaluation Coordinate sites and facilities for General Membership Meetings Meeting Planning

Members John Swanson – Chairman Mark Albright – Vice Chair Peter Darley – Board VP Samantha McGowan Rick Singer Ed Dobbs Steve Briggs Bob Grimaldi – Consultant Meeting Planning

Meeting Site Criteria Rate within the FAMA/FEMSA budget Prefer to be largest group at hotel during stay (more attention from hotel staff) Minimum 100 room property (FAMA requires average approx. 85 rooms Four-star property Business hotel rather than leisure hotel property Major hotel chain (National representatives are available) Meeting Planning

Meeting Site Criteria (cont’d) Located within 1 hour drive from nearest airport Direct flights from major cities such as NY, Chicago, Atlanta Hotel features including internet access, restaurant and meeting rooms Hospitality suite on ground floor with pool access Hotel inspection/site survey prior to reserving Meeting Planning

Corporate Sponsors Fire Engineering Magazine – reduced meeting fees Spartan Motors, Inc – Monday banquet open bar United Plastic Fabricating – Monday coffee break and cups for the Hospitality Suite Havis-Shields – Tuesday coffee break Meeting Planning

Spring Meeting Attendance Year Location Room Rate Total Attendance Member Companies Nights Members Guests 2001 Key West $219 131 47 362 73 58 2002 Palm Springs $240 102 45 277 62 40 2003 San Juan $250 151 41 365 70 81 2004 $269 152 49 388 75 77 2005 Naples Beach $270 136 74 2006 Maui $220 149 42 409 65 84 2007 $280 164 52 398 82 2008 Orlando $249 133 50 327 60 2009 St Augustine 145 322 92 53 Meeting Planning

FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2009 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: Washington DC Date: Oct. 7-10, 2009 Hotel: Crystal City Marriott Meeting Planning

Fall 2009 Marriott Washington Meeting Planning

Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Location: Key West, Florida Date: March 19-24, 2010 (Sunday Arrival) Hotel: The Westin Resort Meeting Planning

Spring 2010 Westin Key West Meeting Planning

FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2010 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: San Antonio, Texas Date: October 6-9, 2010 Hotel: San Antonio Plaza Marriott Meeting Planning

Fall 2010 Marriott San Antonio Meeting Planning

Spring 2011 FAMA Meeting Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico Date: March 18-23, 2011 Hotel: El San Juan Meeting Planning

Spring 2011 El San Jan Meeting Planning

FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2011 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: Washington DC Date: Oct. 5-8, 2011 Hotel: Crystal City Marriott Meeting Planning

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting NFPA Presentation Bill Ballantyne Jim Juneau

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Break

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Business Speaker Ben May

John Sztykiel, President Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Call to Order John Sztykiel, President Call to Order John Sztykiel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Housekeeping Bob Grimaldi

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting NFPA 1500 and 18/18A Dominic Colletti

NFPA 1500 & 18 Committees FAMA representatives: NFPA 1500 – Leroy Coffman (A) and Dominic Colletti (P) NFPA 18 – Jerry Halpin [Pending NFPA appointment] (A) and Dominic Colletti (P) Mission Statement: The mission of both committees is to represent the best interests of the FAMA group regarding providing input into proposed standard changes, with the end result of making conditions safer for firefighters and the public; and to provide feedback and report to the FAMA board and membership on items that may significantly impact the members of the association. Regarding significant issues, the FAMA board will review and direct committee voting activity. NFPA 1500 & 18/18A

NFPA 18 Committee NFPA 18 – Standard on Wetting Agents Technical Committee is responsible for two separate documents: NFPA 18 – Standard on Wetting Agents ROP meeting in Rhode Island last fall No red flag issues for the FAMA membership at this time. NFPA 18A –Standard on Water Additives For Fire Control and Vapor Mitigation This document just entered its revision cycle with a meeting in Albuquerque, NM, in January. No red flag issues for the FAMA membership at this time. NFPA 1500 & 18/18A

NFPA 1500 Committee NFPA 1500: Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program The 1500 Technical Committee met in Washington, DC, last August. The members began formulating committee proposals for the revision of the 1500 document, which is just entering cycle. FAMA is on two NFPA 1500 document ‘work groups’: Accountability – including new technology – electronic tracking and locating systems Vehicle Operations – reducing vehicle crashes and apparatus incidents We have begun to position the intent of the “Annex D” language in the main body of the 1500 standard, specifically language to cover technological obsolescence of fire apparatus. First step toward this goal is to prevent tankers/tenders without Anti-Lock brakes from using “emergency speed.” Please note that, currently, the Technical Committee is in the very early phases of document revision. NFPA 1500 & 18/18A

2009 Objectives Year 2009 FAMA Committee NFPA 1500 and 18 Objectives: Remain active with both NFPA technical committees and identify any areas of the proposed 1500 and 18 series of standards that could affect FAMA member companies. Regarding the 1500 document, stay active with the NFPA technical committee and continually educate members on the safety impacts regarding changes in fire apparatus. Position the intent of existing “Annex D” language, now in the Annex of the existing 1500 document, to move up into the main body of the standard during the next 1500 revision cycle, or draft new language on technological obsolescence of fire apparatus. NFPA 1500 & 18/18A

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Trade Shows Committee Rick Fix, Chair

Trade Show Committee The Trade Show Committee will be working with FDIC & FRI to ensure that all the requirements our members have at shows are handled in a acceptable way to both parties. We will also be taking direction from the board on any help/support that they might need in investigating FAMA show opportunities/partnerships in the future. Budget requirements at this time are $0. Fire Research will cover any travel expenses that I might incur. I will be seeking input from the members on any other items that they might like addressed in the trade show surveys in the future. I met with the FAMA Board at FDSOA and reviewed some ideas on what the board is looking for. Trade Shows

Trade Show Report Cards Trade show report cards show: What direction FAMA needs to address with each show Issues that members are having Ideas for change Please fill out these important reports and submit them Trade Shows

Trade Show Direction Needs your input and direction on what this committee can do for FAMA Email your input to: Trade Shows

Trade Show Committee Met with Courtney Bulger, Assistant Director Development & Corporate Relations, International Association Of Fire Chiefs at Fire Rescue East Trade Shows

Trade Show Committee IAFC has asked what the next step would be in moving forward with FAMA. Trade Shows

Trade Show Committee Has been tasked to do the following items in 2009 Work closely with major trade shows in the interest of the membership of FAMA Seek a seat on the committees of the trade shows, including site selection for FRI Review the 2007 and 2008 FEMSA Trade Show Report Card summaries prepared by Peter Nielsen Share reports going forward with FAMA and FEMSA Trade Shows

Trade Show Committee Is here to support member companies with Trade Show issues impacting FAMA Feedback from all companies attending Trade Shows is important in helping work with these shows Trade Shows

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Education Committee Paul Carpenter, Chair

Education Committee Scholarships and Grants postponed for 2009 Revised role for 2009 Enhance education of FAMA members Establish communication with other committees on what education issues are important to FAMA members 93 Education

Industry Information Topics Method of Delivery Survey Responses: 16 out of 115 members = 14% Industry Information Topics Info Rating Website Fall/Spring Mtgs Technical Mtgs FAMA Magazine Newsletter Other Email Other NFPA 414 Cycle Updates 2.2 2.4 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.0 2.5 5  NFPA 1901 Cycle Updates 2.9 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.4 5 NFPA 1906 Cycle Updates 2.8 1.9 2.3 1.2 NFPA 1911 Cycle Updates Grant Fund Source of Information 1.1 1.7 Grant Fund Budgets Passed by Congress City Budget Information Sources/Changes Source Information for Research Important to Our Industry 3.0 0  Info to provide to Members about the future of our industry (Example: Information on the aging population and how it effects increases in ambulance builds/runs. 3.1 Other Change at other stakeholders 2 3   Survey Results Education

Survey Results Survey Results (member preferences) Priorities ( in order): NFPA 1901, 1906, 1911, researching information of importance to members, NFPA 414, Grant funding and industry trends. Preferred method of delivery varies by topic but electronic means (website and e-mail) were generally ranked higher than other methods. A newsletter did not rate highly at all. 95 Education

Future Assign new committee chairman Review survey results and assign task Develop open communication with other committees on educational needs Revise mission and objective statements 96 Education

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Marketing Committee Phil Gerace, Chair

Committee Team Steve Cole Dave Durstine Phil Gerace John Lund Drew Sutphen John Weber Grey Kozey (Board Liaison) SPRING 2009 REPORT Marketing

Mission Goals Strengthen FAMA’s image and provide assistance in communicating FAMA’s mission, programs, policies, events and successes throughout the fire service. Marketing

Recent Activities Organize and establish committee membership Support Spring Meeting communications Create FAMA materials for FDIC—banner, show guide advertising, and membership display materials Marketing

Marketing Committee Marketing

Top Priorities for 2009 Create “Why FAMA?” internal and external marketing campaigns Internal—FAMA members and potential members External—Fire Service Marketing

Top Priorities for 2009 Develop a press release campaign and procedure to keep FAMA relevant and visible Create new brochures and media kits Marketing

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Technical Committee Sean Duffy, Chair

FAMA Technical Committee Chairs David Durstine Sean Duffy Aerial/Quint ARFF Jim Salmi Grady North TBD Marty Huffman Body Chassis Keith Purdy Roger Lackore Bill Proft Raff McDougall Low Voltage Electrical High Voltage Electrical John Doperalski Lisa Breu Peter Luhrs Will Leach Foam Pumps & Plumbing Jeff Darley Doug Miller Bill Ballantyne Chad Trinkner Technical 105 105

FAMA Technical Committee 2009 Success Weight & Cube Calculator NFPA 1901 has been updated NFPA 1906 has been created Both workbooks are available for download at in the resource library. Technical 106 106

FAMA Technical Committee 2009 Success NFPA 1901 White Paper 2009 White Paper article has been written describing the latest NFPA 1901 2009 edition changes. Fire Engineering is Printing & Publishing the article. Reprints available April, 2009 at FDIC Technical 107 107

FAMA Technical Committee 2009 Spring Tech Meeting April 24th, 2009 Hyatt, Indianapolis, Indiana Breakfast at 6:30am Meeting begins at 7:00am Technical 108 108

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Membership Committee Joe Bernert

2009 Membership Committee Joe Bernert – Chairman; Havis Shields Jim Simpson – Marion Body Greg Geske – Waterous Company Larry Dodson – Allison Transmissions Dennis Chamberlain – Spartan Chassis Tony Gonzalez – Eagle Compressors Rick Suche – Fort Garry Fire Trucks Membership

Maintainer Custom Bodies Inc. Michael Preston, General Manager 2009 New Members Maintainer Custom Bodies Inc. Michael Preston, General Manager Rescue Vehicles Membership

Southeastern Apparatus John E. Lovell, President 2009 New Members Southeastern Apparatus John E. Lovell, President Rescue Vehicles Membership

Randy Willoughby, President Fire Apparatus, Rescue Vehicles 2009 New Members Southern Fire Service Randy Willoughby, President Fire Apparatus, Rescue Vehicles Membership

Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment 2009 New Members Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment Travis Rakestraw Rescue Vehicles Membership

2009 Initiatives Develop list of ambulance/rescue manufacturers for Board review Develop list of eligible members attending FDIC and IAFC Recruit the potential members before and at FDIC and IAFC Membership

2009 Initiatives Develop New Questions for Application Process: Applicant is a manufacturer of fire apparatus and rescue vehicles Location of manufacturing facility is within North America Manufacturing of products listed is the primary business function of the company The company's most recent delivery of product Membership

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Long-Range Planning Jerry Halpin / Tim Dean

Long Range Planning Committee Committee Members Tim Dean Peter Darley Jerry Halpin Bruce Whitehouse Long Range Planning

Primary Issues Facing FAMA Role of FAMA in NFPA FAMA INFLUENCE ON NEW NFPA (Ambulance Standard) Role of GAC to influence federal dollars for increased fire truck market. Should GAC be the vehicle for a “Truck Only” increase Long Range Planning

Role of FAMA in NFPA Establish Policy Guidelines for FAMA representative to clearly understand role FAMA plays at the NFPA table other than gathering information for FAMA members Long Range Planning

Growth of FAMA Decide on future role of other manufacturing bodies such as Ambulance and ask Member committee to reach out to key players in these bodies to join FAMA Long Range Planning

GAC Role Decide on next steps for GAC (lobbying role or informational role only) Continue to develop relationships with key DC players to foster federal dollars into fire industry for growth of new fire truck sales Long Range Planning

Other FAMA Action Items Have Great Meetings to foster opportunities for networking, supplier development and fun Market Annex D and other initiatives to make fire departments understand safety of new technology Develop measurement tools to ensure membership interests equal FAMA objectives Long Range Planning

Ambulances / Statistics Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Ambulances / Statistics Jack McLoughlin

Goal To collect and disseminate data to FAMA members in an accurate and timely manner. 125 Statistics 125

Mission As stated by the Board: “The mission of the Statistics Committee of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) is to further the collection of data.” 126 Statistics 126

Surprise! We collected and disseminated data to FAMA members in an accurate and timely manner. 127 Statistics 127

We have spent $1,050 year-to-date out of a budget of $4,500. Update We have spent $1,050 year-to-date out of a budget of $4,500. 128 Statistics 128

How Statistics Are Gathered Participants log into and report bookings and shipments for the quarter. The website is administered by an independent accounting firm. The totals are mailed to all firms that participated in the survey and made available to all FAMA members on the website. 129 Statistics 129

Benefits from Statistics Enable the Statistics Committee to provide more detailed marketing information. Regional analysis of truck sales by type Is your sales force effective in a given region? Are you losing or gaining market share? 130 Statistics 130

Objectives Encourage more OEMs to participate Encourage participation Reduce error in reporting through electronic gathering of statistics 131 Statistics 131

Note Please do not call to check on completed statistics if your company has not completed theirs. It is embarrassing for all of us. 132 Statistics 132

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Break

Sztykiel / McLoughlin / Bruns Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Open Mike Sztykiel / McLoughlin / Bruns

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Unfinished Business John Sztykiel

Issues Important to You 5 = high importance 1 = low importance 136 John Sztykiel

Top 5 Issues NFPA Industry statistics Interaction with fire industry Tech Committee Promote manufacturer / supplier networking 137 John Sztykiel

FAMA’s 5-Year Long-Range Plan What will FAMA look like 5 years out? What will be FAMA’s focus (objectives)? What will the structure of FAMA look like (organizational structure)? How will this be funded? Dues Trade show involvement Etc. 138 John Sztykiel

2009 Major Initiatives Key Committees – 2009 GAC Long-range planning Marketing Membership Technical 139 John Sztykiel

Thank You All the membership for coming New members Sponsors Maintainer Custom Bodies Inc. Southeastern Apparatus Southern Fire Service Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment Sponsors Fire Engineering Magazine Spartan Motors United Plastic Fabricating Havis-Shields Karen Burnham Bob Grimaldi Casa Monica Hotel 140 John Sztykiel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting New Business John Sztykiel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Closing Remarks John Sztykiel

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Next Meeting Notice Greg Kozey

Spring 2009 FAMA Meeting Adjournment John Sztykiel