Creating a CNLA Chapter Developed by the North Texas CNLA Chapter Cory Franks, MSN, RN, CNL Michael Culver, MSN, RN, CNL Brunella Neely, MSN, RN, CMSRN, CNL
Before you begin…. Touch base with the national board of directors at Determine if there is already a chapter in your region or if others in your region have expressed similar interests in starting one. Ensure you have access to the most current version of the national association’s Bylaws.
Ground Work: Plan a Meeting Form a steering committee. Decide on a central location and meeting time. Send a copy of your invitation to and arrangements will be made to forward it to everyone in the CNC database in your region! Send additional invitations to other key stakeholders. Reach out beyond your own organization. Plan on having food at the meeting. . If there is food, people will come!
Ground Work: Chapter Bylaws Chapter Bylaws need to be in-line and subject-to the national association’s Bylaws. Chapter membership should drive national membership. Recommend a member of the steering committee prepare a draft ahead of time. Have copies available at the first meeting, or send e-copies out via the database you are sure to create during the first meeting. Examples of Chapter Bylaws “here”.
1st Meeting: Agenda HAVE FUN AND NETWORK! Get a database of attendees started. Briefly discuss the Bylaws draft. Briefly discuss the officers that will be elected if the Bylaws are accepted. Take suggestions for potential chapter names.... Name it if you can. Have attendees complete a survey to give shape to early follow-up structure.
1st Meeting: Survey Questions Day of the week & time preferences? Topics that would be of interest? Location availability/preferences? Frequency of meetings? Benefits of a local chapter? Nominations for officers? Are you willing to volunteer in any way? Know anyone who did not get invited?
2nd Meeting: Agenda Continue to HAVE FUN AND NETWORK! Add to/maintain the database. Discuss preferences favored by the survey. Discuss the Bylaws and propose amendments (if any). Collect nominations for officers if this is an acceptable section of the Bylaws. Contact Hour / Continuing Education offering.
Contact Hour / CE Offering Contact Hour offerings are a big draw for chapter meeting attendance. Perhaps start offering contact hours with the second or third meeting. Partner with someone in education who can write the contact hour document. Encourage one of the chapter faithfuls to become a nurse planner to write the documents.
Contact Hour / CE Offering (cont.) Be respectful of presenters’ time. Encourage presenters to modify the title of their presentation with language that specifically alludes to benefiting CNLs since this is what is included on certificates. “Applying the Science of Genomics to CNL Practice”
Expect Challenges: Examples How to grow membership and participation. Technology – Some desire to participate remotely. Speakers / Contact Hours. Validating national CNLA membership. Lack of any funding / Non-profit designation. Dependence on all volunteers. Meeting space / food donations.
Dues? CNLA is not structured to financially support chapters at this time nor does CNLA’s non-profit tax designation currently extend to chapters. Chapters can: Utilize gifts in the form of meeting space, food, money, etc. that do not constitute a tax deduction on the part of the giver or create a tax burden for the chapter -or- Seek their own non-profit tax designation Be prepared to assimilate into the national scheme when the time comes.
CNLA Logo The CNLA Logo is copyrighted. There is no language in the national bylaws pertaining to the use or licensing of the logo. The national board of directors is working on a solution. Unauthorized use or modification of the logo may imply a business/financial relationship between CNLA and a chapter which is not currently supported by CNLA’s designation with the IRS Be creative and professional when designing your logo.
Questions? CNLA Board of Directors - Cory Franks - Berni Neely -