Overview Rental Quote Overview Users have the ability to quote both rentals and sales from a Rental Quote as it contains both Rental Lines and Sales Lines. The Sales information already included in Dynamics 365 for Financials Support has not been included here. Please review the Dynamics 365 for Financials Support, Sales documentation for details. For information on the individual fields on the General, Shipping and Invoice Details tabs, point to the field name.
Ribbon Tabs Rental Quote Overview The ribbon tabs at the top of the Rental Quote Card provide the options for verifying the amounts that would be billed should the customer agree to the quote, converting the Rental Quote into a Rental Contract, marking the Rental Quote as completed and printing the Rental Quote document. Home Tab - Make Contract This option is used to convert the Rental Quote to a Rental Contract once rental lines and if applicable, sales lines are completed and the customer has agreed to the quote. When this option is selected the rental quote is as well flagged as completed. - Mark as Completed This option is used in essence to close the Rental Quote should the customer decide they do not wish to move forward with the rental. When selected the quote is flagged as completed. If you are using the Business Manager Role Center, the Completed Rental Quotes can be accessed by selecting Home, then the Rental Activity button in the Navigation Pane. If you are using the Sales Order Processor Role Center, the Completed Rental Quotes are available in the Posted Documents Activity button in the Navigation Pane. Rental Lines Tab - Manage sub-tab The Manage sub-tab provides the options related to the Rentals Lines. - New Line for creating a new Rental Line - Delete Line for deleting a selected Rental Line NOTE: When using Rental Unit groups, the child unit lines cannot be deleted individually. The group line must be deleted, in order to delete the child unit lines. Rental Lines Tab - Line sub-tab - Rental Amount Lines Provides the ability to view the rental amount line records that will be billed for the selected rental line when the invoice is posted. It is recommended that the Rental Amount lines be reviewed to verify that the amounts that would be billable to a customer are correct.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview General Fast tab Rental Specific fields: - No. The document No. is linked to the No. Series through the Rental Quote Nos. field found in Rental Management Setup for the assignment of document Nos. - Rental Terms Code If the Rental Term is entered on the Customer card it will default to the rental header on selection of the Customer. If not specified on the Customer card and is entered on the rental header, the rental term will automatically populate all Rental Lines as Rental Units are entered. This will occur when on Rental Management Setup the field, Use Unit Rental Terms, is not checked.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview Rental Line fields information for fields displayed by default: For a brief description of the individual fields on the Rental Lines you can click on the column caption and select “What’s this?” - Rental Unit No. The No. field provides a list of Rental Unit Groups and Rental Units to select from. When a Rental Unit Group is entered on a Rental Line, once you move off this line, then additional rental lines will be created based on the Rental Quantity entered. These child lines are for the selection of the individual units linked to the rental group. The selection of the individual units is not required on a Rental Quote as the rental may be for a future date and the units may not be known at the time of providing the quote. If on the child lines, the Rental Unit No. field is left blank and the quote is converted to a Rental Contract, then these must be selected on the Rental Contract. - Description Specifies the description of the rental unit. This can be overridden if desired. - Rental Terms Code A value may be automatically added to this field either from the Customer Card or the Rental Unit card, if defined on the respective cards. The term on the Rental Unit card will only default to the line if on Rental Management Setup the field, Use Unit Rental Terms, is checked. This setting takes priority over the Customer Card, Rental Term setup and the entry of a Rental Terms Code on the rental header. If the field is blank or you wish to change the defaulted rental term drill-down to select the appropriate code to complete the transaction. You can also change it to another value if a Rental Terms Code is present. This new code, however, will only be used on the current document. - Rental Quantity Specified the number of rental units be rented.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview - Rental Terms Code Alt1 Specifies a rental term code that is used in the optimized pricing calculation when the return date of the rental is either greater than or less than the period code specified on the rental term. The Rental Term Alt1 Code defaults from the Rental Term Code entered here if setup on the term when the term is enter on the line. - Rental Terms Code Alt2 Specifies a rental term code that will be used in the optimized pricing calculation when the return date of the rental is either greater than or less than the period code specified on the rental term. The Rental Term Alt1 Code defaults from the Rental Term Code entered here if setup on the term when the term is enter on the line.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview Most times the delivery will be immediate, however, sometimes the rental equipment is sent to the customer’s remote location. This often causes delay of use. Because of this delay, rentals allows you to specify different dates for the beginning and end of the rental contract. These dates affect equipment availability as well as the billing dates. To allow for this you can delay the rental start and rental end dates for the renting and the billing by overriding the defaulted dates on the rental line(s). If tracking rentals by date and time, where time is a factor, you can specify the actual expected times for renting and billing to commence and end as well. The Rental Start Time and Rental Return Time fields are used when tracking rentals based on the time out/time in. These fields are not automatically displayed on the Rental Line and if needed, will require adding the fields by using Choose Columns as outlined in the additional fields section. - Rental Start Date Specifies the date on which the rental will commence. This date is included in the pricing calculation. By default, this date matches Order Date on the General fast tab. You can change this date to when the rental is to begin, if the rental is to start at a different date. - Rental Return Date The Rental Terms Code specified will automatically populate the Rental Return Date based on the Rental Start Date and the assigned rental period length for the default Rental Terms Code on the line. This date can be modified to specify the expected return date of the rental. In the event of an unknown or indefinite return date, it is recommended to set the value with a reasonable estimation on entry.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview - Rental Unit Price Specifies the rental price for each rental unit for a single rental period. This price defaults from the Rental Price setup for the Rental Term setup on the Rental Unit. The price can be overridden directly on the line, if needed. Should the Rental Term entered not be setup in Rental Prices on the Rental Unit you can enter a Rental Unit Price on the directly on the line. - Alt1 Rental Unit Price Specifies the rental price for each rental unit for a single rental period of the Rental Terms Code Alt1 if defaulted to or entered on the Rental Line. - Alt2 Rental Unit Price Specifies the rental price for each rental unit for a single rental period of the Rental Terms Code Alt2 if defaulted to or entered on the Rental Line. - Qty. To Rent Specifies the number of rental units to be rented. The number defaults from the Rental Quantity field on the line. - Line Discount % Specifies the line discount percentage that is valid for the rental unit quantity on the line. A percentage based value that reduces the value of the Unit Rental Fixed Price on the line. If left blank no reduction will occur.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview - Rental Billing Start Date Specifies the date on which the rental billing will commence. As the billing usually commences at the time of the rental this date is defaulted to the same date as the Rental Start Date. This date can be overridden should the billing to commence at a different date than the rental. - Rental Billing Start Time Specifies the time at which the rental billing will commence. The time that defaults to this field is dependent on whether the rental term field, Rental Date Time Tracking, has Track Date Only or has Track Date and Time. When the field has Track Date Only the time will default to 12:00 AM and the field will not be editable. When the field has Track Date and Time the time will default to the time at which the rental line is created and be editable. - Rental Billing End Date Specifies the date on which the rental billing will finish. - Rental Billing End Time Specifies the time at which the rental billing will finish. The time that defaults to this field is dependent on whether the rental term field, Rental Date Time Tracking, has Track Date Only or has Track Date and Time. When the field has Track Date Only, the time will default to 11:59:59 PM and the field will not be editable. When the field has Track Date and Time, then the time will default the time based on the lapsed time less one second from the Rental Billing Start Time. The length of time is based on the Rental Period Code specified on the Rental Term Card. This field will be editable. - Return Day Billable Specifies whether the day the rental unit is returned will be billable to the customer. This field is automatically populated based on the setting on Rental Management Setup for this field, however, can be modified if needed.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview There are additional fields available to add to the rental line using Choose Columns. To review and if desired, add these fields to the Rental Lines, click on any column caption and select Choose Columns. Check the fields you wish to add and select OK. Should your organization track rentals based on date and time where billing is based on a starting time and return time in addition to date, then the fields Rental Start Time and Rental End Time will need to be added to the rental lines.
Rental Line Fields Rental Quote Overview - Rental Start Time Specifies the time at which the rental will commence. The time is defaulted to the time when the rental line is created. The time can be overridden to specify the time the rental is to commence if different than the defaulted time. The time that defaults to this field is dependent on whether the rental term field, Rental Date Time Tracking, has Track Date Only or has Track Date and Time. When the field has Track Date Only the time will default to 12:00:00 AM and the field will not be editable. When the field has Track Date and Time the time will default to the time at which the rental line is created and be editable. - Rental Return Time Specifies the time at which the rental unit is expected to be returned. The Rental Terms Code specified will automatically populate the Rental Return Time based on the Rental Start Date, Rental Start Time and the assigned rental period duration for the default Rental Terms Code on the line. This date can be modified to specify the expected return date of the rental. When the field has Track Date Only the time will default to 11:59:59 PM and the field will not be editable. When the field has Track Date and Time, then the time will default the time based on the lapsed time less one second from the Rental Start Time. The length of time is based on the Rental Period Code setup on the Rental Term. This field will be editable.