Saltwater Fish Diseases Mrs. Salvati
Ich or White Spot Caused by parasites Looks like white spots
Slime Disease Caused by parasite Large amount of mucus is produced and dulls color of fish
Hole –in-the-Head Caused by parasites Cause skin to break open leaving “holes”
Velvet Disease/ Coral Disease Caused by parasites Appears like velvet-like gold coating of dust on sides of fish
White Fungus Growth Caused by fungus Looks like cotton spots
Flukes Caused by worm-like parasites
Anchor Worms Parasitic worms Looks like worms attached to fish body
Fish Lice Crustaceans that attach themselves to fish Look like flat oval like spots
Finrot Caused by bacteria Edges of fins break down and look ragged
Mouth Fungus Caused by bacteria Looks like cotton around mouth
Neon Disease Caused by bacteria Looks like discoloration Mostly neon tetras can affect other species
Tuberculosis Caused by bacteria Fish are slow have deformities of spinal cord
Pseudomonas and Aeromaonas Bacterial Infection Skin lesions and bellies may be swollen
Environmental Control Lack of oxygen All fish swim near surface
Name: _____________ List the fish diseases that are caused by parasites List the fish disease that is caused by a fungus.
List the diseases that are caused by bacteria. List 3 fish diseases with its symptoms.