Homeostatic Imbalance of the Skin The skin can develop over 1000 ailments Most disorders result from allergies or bacterial, viral, or fungal infections Burns and cancer are less common, but more damaging
Infections The following are the most common skin infections These infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungus
Athlete’s Foot Itchy, red, peeling of skin between toes Fungal
Boils and Carbuncles Inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands Bacterial
Cold Sores Small, fluid-filled blisters that itch and sting Herpes simplex infection (viral)
Impetigo Water-filled lesions that develop yellow crust and eventually rupture Bacterial
Psoriasis Red lesions covered with dry, silvery scales Bacterial and viral infections
Allergies Contact dermatitis: Itching, redness, and swelling of the skin; leads to blistering Caused by exposure of skin to chemicals that provoke allergic reactions
Burns A burn is tissue damage and cell death caused by intense heat, electricity, UV radiation (sunburn), or certain chemicals (such as acids)
Burn degrees Classified according to severity
1st degree burns 1st degree: only epidermis is damaged. Skin becomes red and swollen. Healing in 2-3 days by regeneration
1st degree burn
2nd degree burns 2nd degree: damage to epidermis and upper layer of dermis. Skin blisters. Regeneration usually occurs if infection is prevented
2nd Degree burn
2nd Degree Burns
3rd degree burns 3rd degree: entire thickness of skin is destroyed. Since nerves are also destroyed, victim doesn’t feel the pain. Regeneration impossible, skin must be grafted from unaffected tissue
3rd degree burn
3rd Degree Burn
Why are face, hands, and feet burns so dangerous? Facial burns are dangerous because the respiratory passages may become swollen and lead to suffocation Joint injuries are troublesome because scar tissue limits joint mobility