Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Helyar, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Durrant Year 3 Autumn Term Should you have any questions about this half term or year ahead please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Helyar, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Durrant
Useful websites to help your child: Literacy Fiction and Poetry Poems based on observation and the senses. Calligrams and shape poems. Narrative setting – stories with familiar settings. Narrative dialogue – use of dialogue within a story setting. Plays – oral and written plays Non-Fiction Understanding the difference between fact and fiction. Reports – Non- Chronological reports – making a simple record of info. from texts read. Place Value, ordering, rounding. Understanding x and ÷. Money and ‘real life’ problems. Fractions, Multiplication and Division Handling Data. Shape and space. Reasoning about shapes. Measures. Position, movement and Scales. Mental and paper strategies for + and -. Number patterns and sequences. Numeracy Useful websites to help your child: Science Earth Sciences Investigations
I.C.T. RE Art Music Topic PSHE P.E. Cut and paste Research Word and Powerpoint Programming (Scratch) Data collection and representation RE Hinduism Understanding Hindu stories and symbols Art Music Painting in the style of .... Tone and texture Describing Art Sculptures Listening skills Playing instruments Styles of Music Topic Why do some people go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? Why has Greece always been in the news? What do rocks tell us about the way Earth was formed? What makes the Earth Angry? PSHE Healthy Lifestyles (Health and Hygiene) Bullying Discussion P.E. Indoor and Outdoor Hockey Netball Dance Football
Homework Clubs P.E. Kit Good luck in Year 3!!! Homework is given out on Friday and is to be handed in on Wednesday. Daily reading of at least six pages per night – please could you ask your child questions about what they have read e.g. what do you think will happen next?, why did that character do that? etc.. There will be a homework club on a Tuesday lunch time beginning soon. Please see separate letter from Mrs. Walsh. A set of coloured spellings will be sent home. Children learn these and then, when they are ready for testing, they will write their name in the spelling book and they will be tested. Times tables test is every fortnight, please help your child to learn their relevant times table. Clubs P.E. Kit Children will be informed of any lunchtime/early morning or after school clubs when they begin. P.E. kit should be in school at all times. (red/white t-shirt/polo shirt and black shorts/skirt and trainers or black pumps. A dark track suit for the colder months. P.E. kits will be sent home for washing at the end of every half term. Good luck in Year 3!!!