A Tool for Community Development Prepared by: Laurie Cook Community Hubs A Tool for Community Development Prepared by: Laurie Cook
What are the most important components of Community Development? Introduce yourself, and Chat with person next to you for couple minutes.
Recent United Way Study to take a snapshot in time of the 12 neighbourhood hubs UWH currently supports to develop a baseline to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of different supports for future to determine what kinds of additional supports could help hubs already supported by UWH to be even more effective at helping to build strong, vibrant neighbourhoods to share UWH’s new hubs plan
Common Challenges kitchen improvements to enable more food related more space more support for hosting, navigation / referrals more drop in time & more hours open in general kitchen improvements to enable more food related programming and community meals more programming for youth
More Common Challenges greater awareness of what hubs have to offer their neighbourhoods more time and resources for evaluation; both in terms of what’s happening on the front lines daily, but also in relation to the contributions they are making at a neighbourhood level reducing poverty and building more inclusive communities
Core Learning Interest Areas fund development evaluation financial sustainability communications Others increasing diversity general financial management teambuilding volunteer management risk management facility management bridging the gap between newcomers and people born in Canada
Community Hubs Working Group Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership Group on Facebook where people can share ideas about hubs. Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership Connecting the Power of People to the Power of Place CommunityHubsOntario.ca HalifaxHubs.com